Source code for


This combiner provides information about running processes based on the ``ps`` command.
More specifically this consolidates data from
:py:class:`` and
:py:class:`` parsers (in that specific order).

    The final dataset can vary depending on availability of the parsers for a given
    ``ExecutionContext`` and added filters. The underlying filterable datasources
    for this combiner can be filtered by passing :py:class:``
    to :py:func:`insights.core.filters.add_filter` function along with a filter pattern.
    Please see :py:mod:`insights.core.filters` for more information on filtering.


    >>> ps_combiner.pids
    [1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
    >>> '[kthreadd]' in ps_combiner.commands
    >>> '[kthreadd]' in ps_combiner
    >>> ps_combiner[2] == {
    ... 'PID': 2,
    ... 'USER': 'root',
    ... 'UID': 0,
    ... 'PPID': 0,
    ... '%CPU': 0.0,
    ... '%MEM': 0.0,
    ... 'VSZ': 0.0,
    ... 'RSS': 0.0,
    ... 'TTY': '?',
    ... 'STAT': 'S',
    ... 'START': '2019',
    ... 'TIME': '1:04',
    ... 'COMMAND': '[kthreadd]',
    ... 'COMMAND_NAME': '[kthreadd]',
    ... 'ARGS': '',
    ... 'F': '1',
    ... 'PRI': 20,
    ... 'NI': '0',
    ... 'WCHAN': 'kthrea'
    ... }

from insights.core.plugins import combiner
from insights.parsers import keyword_search
from import PsAlxwww, PsAuxww, PsAux, PsAuxcww, PsEo, PsEf

[docs]@combiner([PsAlxwww, PsAuxww, PsAux, PsEf, PsAuxcww, PsEo]) class Ps(object): """ ``Ps`` combiner consolidates data from the parsers in ```` module. """ # data attributes type conversion map __CONVERSION_MAP = { 'PID': int, 'UID': int, 'PPID': int, '%CPU': float, '%MEM': float, 'VSZ': float, 'RSS': float, 'PRI': int } # empty base row __EMPTY_ROW = { 'PID': None, 'USER': None, 'UID': None, 'PPID': None, '%CPU': None, '%MEM': None, 'VSZ': None, 'RSS': None, 'TTY': None, 'STAT': None, 'START': None, 'TIME': None, 'COMMAND': None, 'COMMAND_NAME': None, 'ARGS': None, 'F': None, 'PRI': None, 'NI': None, 'WCHAN': None } def __init__(self, ps_alxwww, ps_auxww, ps_aux, ps_ef, ps_auxcww, ps_eo): self._pid_data = {} # order of parsers is important here if ps_eo: self.__update_data(ps_eo) if ps_auxcww: self.__update_data(ps_auxcww) if ps_ef: # mapping configurations to combine PsEf data mapping = { 'UID': ('USER', True), # cpu value (integer value) from PsEf parser should not override an existing value 'C': ('%CPU', False), 'CMD': ('COMMAND', True), 'STIME': ('START', True) } self.__update_data(ps_ef, mapping) if ps_aux: self.__update_data(ps_aux) if ps_auxww: self.__update_data(ps_auxww) if ps_alxwww: self.__update_data(ps_alxwww) self.__convert_data_types() self._commands = set(row['COMMAND'] for row in self._pid_data.values()) @property def pids(self): """ Returns the list of running process IDs (integers). Returns: list: the PIDs from the PID column. """ return list(self._pid_data.keys()) @property def processes(self): """ Returns the list of dictionaries, where each item in the list represents a process and the keys in each dictionary are the column headers. Returns: list: the list of running processes. """ return list(self._pid_data.values()) @property def commands(self): """ Returns the set of full command strings for each command including optional path and arguments, unless underlying parser contains command names only. Returns: set: the set with command strings. """ return self._commands
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): """ Search the process list for matching rows based on key-value pairs. This uses the :py:func:`insights.parsers.keyword_search` function for searching; see its documentation for usage details. If no search parameters are given, no rows are returned. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries of processes that match the given search criteria. Examples: >>>'[rcu_bh]') == [ ... {'PID': 9, 'USER': 'root', 'UID': 0, 'PPID': 2, '%CPU': 0.1, '%MEM': 0.0, ... 'VSZ': 0.0, 'RSS': 0.0, 'TTY': '?', 'STAT': 'S', 'START': '2019', 'TIME': '0:00', ... 'COMMAND': '[rcu_bh]', 'COMMAND_NAME': '[rcu_bh]', 'ARGS': '', 'F': '1', 'PRI': 20, ... 'NI': '0', 'WCHAN': 'rcu_gp'} ... ] True >>>'root', COMMAND='[kthreadd]') == [ ... {'PID': 2, 'USER': 'root', 'UID': 0, 'PPID': 0, '%CPU': 0.0, '%MEM': 0.0, ... 'VSZ': 0.0, 'RSS': 0.0, 'TTY': '?', 'STAT': 'S', 'START': '2019', 'TIME': '1:04', ... 'COMMAND': '[kthreadd]', 'COMMAND_NAME': '[kthreadd]', 'ARGS': '', 'F': '1', 'PRI': 20, ... 'NI': '0', 'WCHAN': 'kthrea'} ... ] True """ return keyword_search(self._pid_data.values(), **kwargs)
def __contains__(self, command): """ Check if a specific command is running. Args: command (str): a command string. Returns: bool: True if command is running, otherwise False. """ return command in self._commands def __getitem__(self, pid): """ Retrieve a specific process by its PID. Args: pid (int): process ID integer value. Returns: dict: dictionary that represents a process with each key as the column header. """ return self._pid_data.get(pid) def __iter__(self): for row in self._pid_data.values(): yield row def __update_data(self, ps_parser, mapping=None): """ Updates internal dictionary with the processes data from the parser. New PIDs will be add added to the dictionary and existing ones will be updated. ``mapping`` needs to specify attribute mapping metadata for proper consolidation of data. Args: ps_parser ( Ps parser implementation instance. mapping (dict): parser data mapping configurations. Returns: None """ def update_row(input_row, mapping): pid = int(input_row['PID']) # if new PID then add base empty row to the dictionary using `setdefault` pid_row = self._pid_data.setdefault(pid, self.__EMPTY_ROW.copy()) temp_row = self.__map_row(pid, input_row, mapping) pid_row.update(temp_row) [update_row(row, mapping) for row in] def __convert_data_types(self): """ Convert types in the final dataset for attributes defined in ``__CONVERSION_MAP`` dictionary. Returns: None """ def convert_attr(attr_name, row): if row[attr_name] is not None: type_ctor = self.__CONVERSION_MAP[attr_name] row[attr_name] = type_ctor(row[attr_name]) [convert_attr(attr_name, row) for attr_name in self.__CONVERSION_MAP for row in self._pid_data.values() if attr_name in row] def __map_row(self, pid, row, mapping): """ Creates new data row based on provided mapping configurations in ``mapping`` dictionary. If no mappings provided, original data row will be copied without any changes. Args: pid (int): a process PID. row (dict): a data row dictionary from a Ps parser. mapping(dict): ps data mapping configurations, the format for this is: ``original_attribute_name: (destination_attiribute_name, override_value_if_populated_flag)`` Returns: dict: Modified data row that represents a process. """ r_row = {} if mapping: for attr_name in row: if attr_name in mapping: # `dest_name` is mapping destination attribute name # `override` is bool flag to identify if already populated # attribute value should be overridden/updated dest_name, override = mapping[attr_name] # don't map attribute if destination is None if dest_name is None: continue if not override: # don't update attribute value if already populated for this PID if self._pid_data.setdefault(pid, self.__EMPTY_ROW.copy)[dest_name] is not None: continue r_row[dest_name] = row[attr_name] else: r_row[attr_name] = row[attr_name] else: r_row = row.copy() return r_row