Source code for insights.combiners.uptime


Combiner for uptime information. It uses the results of the ``Uptime``
parser and the ``Facter`` parser to get the uptime information.  ``Uptime`` is
the preferred source of data.

    >>> ut = shared[uptime]
    >>> ut.updays
    >>> ht.uptime

from __future__ import division
from collections import namedtuple
from insights.core.plugins import combiner
from insights.parsers.uptime import Uptime as upt
from insights.parsers.facter import Facter

Uptime = namedtuple("Uptime",
                        "currtime", "updays", "uphhmm",
                        "users", "loadavg", "uptime"])
"""namedtuple: Type for storing the uptime information."""

[docs]@combiner([upt, Facter]) def uptime(ut, facter): """Check uptime and facts to get the uptime information. Prefer uptime to facts. Returns: insights.combiners.uptime.Uptime: A named tuple with `currtime`, `updays`, `uphhmm`, `users`, `loadavg` and `uptime` components. Raises: Exception: If no data is available from both of the parsers. """ ut = ut if ut and ut.loadavg: return Uptime(ut.currtime, ut.updays, ut.uphhmm, ut.users, ut.loadavg, ut.uptime) ft = facter if ft and hasattr(ft, 'uptime_seconds'): import datetime secs = int(ft.uptime_seconds) up_dd = secs // (3600 * 24) up_hh = (secs % (3600 * 24)) // 3600 up_mm = (secs % 3600) // 60 updays = str(up_dd) if up_dd > 0 else '' uphhmm = '%02d:%02d' % (up_hh, up_mm) up_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs) return Uptime(None, updays, uphhmm, None, None, up_time) raise Exception("Unable to get uptime information.")