Source code for insights.core.remote_resource

import requests

import redis
import calendar
from cachecontrol.heuristics import BaseHeuristic
from cachecontrol.wrapper import CacheControl
from cachecontrol.caches.file_cache import FileCache

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.utils import parsedate, formatdate
from cachecontrol.caches.redis_cache import RedisCache

[docs]class RemoteResource(object): """ RemoteResource class for accessing external Web resources. Attributes: timeout(float): Time in seconds for the requests.get api call to wait before returning a timeout exception Examples: >>> from insights.core.remote_resource import RemoteResource >>> rr = RemoteResource() >>> rtn = rr.get("") >>> print (rtn.content) """ timeout = 10 def __init__(self, session=None): self.session = session or requests.Session()
[docs] def get(self, url, params={}, headers={}, auth=(), certificate_path=None): """ Returns the response payload from the request to the given URL. Args: url (str): The URL for the WEB API that the request is being made too. params (dict): Dictionary containing the query string parameters. headers (dict): HTTP Headers that may be needed for the request. auth (tuple): User ID and password for Basic Auth certificate_path (str): Path to the ssl certificate. Returns: response: (HttpResponse): Response object from requests.get api request """ certificate_path = certificate_path if certificate_path else False return self.session.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, verify=certificate_path, auth=auth, timeout=self.timeout)
[docs]class CachedRemoteResource(RemoteResource): """ RemoteResource subclass that sets up caching for subsequent Web resource requests. Attributes: expire_after (float): Amount of time in seconds that the cache will expire backend (str): Type of storage for cache `DictCache1`, `FileCache` or `RedisCache` redis_host (str): Hostname of redis instance if `RedisCache` backend is specified redis_port (int): Port used to contact the redis instance if `RedisCache` backend is specified file_cache_path (string): Path to where file cache will be stored if `FileCache` backend is specified Examples: >>> from insights.core.remote_resource import CachedRemoteResource >>> crr = CachedRemoteResource() >>> rtn = crr.get("") >>> print (rtn.content) """ expire_after = 180 backend = "DictCache" redis_port = 6379 redis_host = 'localhost' __heuristic = 'DefaultHeuristic' __cache = None file_cache_path = '.web_cache' def __init__(self): session = requests.Session() hclass = globals()[self.__heuristic] if not self.__class__.__cache: if self.backend == "RedisCache": pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=self.redis_host, port=self.redis_port, db=0) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) self.__class__.cache = RedisCache(r) elif self.backend == "FileCache": self.__class__.cache = FileCache(self.file_cache_path) else: self.__class__.cache = None session = CacheControl(session, heuristic=hclass(self.expire_after), cache=self.__class__.cache) super(CachedRemoteResource, self).__init__(session)
[docs]class DefaultHeuristic(BaseHeuristic): """ BaseHeuristic subclass that sets the default caching headers if not supplied by the remote service. Attributes: default_cache_vars (str): Message content warning that the response from the remote server did not return proper HTTP cache headers so we will use default cache settings server_cache_headers (str): Message content warning that we are using cache settings returned by the remote server. """ default_cache_vars = "Remote service caching headers not set correctly, using default caching" server_cache_headers = "Caching being done based on caching headers returned by remote service" def __init__(self, expire_after): self.expire_after = expire_after
[docs] def update_headers(self, response): """ Returns the updated caching headers. Args: response (HttpResponse): The response from the remote service Returns: response:(HttpResponse.Headers): Http caching headers """ if 'expires' in response.headers and 'cache-control' in response.headers: self.msg = self.server_cache_headers return response.headers else: self.msg = self.default_cache_vars date = parsedate(response.headers['date']) expires = datetime(*date[:6]) + timedelta(0, self.expire_after) response.headers.update({'expires': formatdate(calendar.timegm(expires.timetuple())), 'cache-control': 'public'}) return response.headers
[docs] def warning(self, response): return '110 - "%s"' % self.msg