Source code for insights.core.spec_factory

import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import six
import traceback
import codecs

from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
from subprocess import call

from insights.core import blacklist, dr
from insights.core.filters import _add_filter, get_filters
from insights.core.context import ExecutionContext, FSRoots, HostContext
from insights.core.plugins import component, datasource, ContentException, is_datasource
from insights.util import fs, streams, which
from insights.util.subproc import Pipeline
from insights.core.serde import deserializer, serializer
import shlex

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "PATH": os.path.pathsep.join([
    "LC_ALL": "C",
A minimal set of environment variables for use in subprocess calls
if "LANG" in os.environ:
    SAFE_ENV["LANG"] = os.environ["LANG"]

[docs]def enc(s): escape_encoding = "string_escape" if six.PY2 else "unicode_escape" return s.encode(escape_encoding)
[docs]def escape(s): return re.sub(r"([=\(\)|\-_!@*~\"&/\\\^\$\=])", r"\\\1", s)
[docs]def mangle_command(command, name_max=255): """ Mangle a command line string into something suitable for use as the basename of a filename. At minimum this function must remove slashes, but it also does other things to clean the basename: removing directory names from the command name, replacing many non- characters with undersores, in addition to replacing slashes with dots. By default, curly braces, '{' and '}', are replaced with underscore, set 'has_variables' to leave curly braces alone. This function was copied from the function that insights-client uses to create the name it to capture the output of the command. Here, server side, it is used to figure out what file in the archive contains the output a command. Server side, the command may contain references to variables (names matching curly braces) that will be expanded before the name is actually used as a file name. To completly mimic the insights-client behavior, curly braces need to be replaced underscores. If the command has variable references, the curly braces must be left alone. Set has_variables, to leave curly braces alone. This implementation of 'has_variables' assumes that variable names only contain that are not replaced by mangle_command. """ pattern = r"[^\w\-\.\/]+" mangledname = re.sub(r"^/(usr/|)(bin|sbin)/", "", command) mangledname = re.sub(pattern, "_", mangledname) mangledname = re.sub(r"/", ".", mangledname).strip(" ._-") mangledname = mangledname[:name_max] return mangledname
[docs]class ContentProvider(object): def __init__(self): self.cmd = None self.args = None self.rc = None self.root = None self.relative_path = None self.loaded = False self._content = None self._exception = None
[docs] def load(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def stream(self): """ Returns a generator of lines instead of a list of lines. """ st = self._stream() for l in next(st): yield l.rstrip("\n")
def _stream(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_path) @property def content(self): if self._exception: raise self._exception if self._content is None: try: self._content = self.load() except Exception as ex: self._exception = ex raise return self._content def __repr__(self): msg = "<%s(path=%r, cmd=%r)>" return msg % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path or "", self.cmd or "") def __unicode__(self): return self.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__()
[docs]class DatasourceProvider(ContentProvider): def __init__(self, content, relative_path, root='/', ds=None, ctx=None): super(DatasourceProvider, self).__init__() self.relative_path = relative_path self._content = content if isinstance(content, list) else content.splitlines() self.root = root self.ds = ds self.ctx = ctx def _stream(self): """ Returns a generator of lines instead of a list of lines. """ yield self._content
[docs] def write(self, dst): fs.ensure_path(os.path.dirname(dst)) with open(dst, "wb") as f: f.write("\n".join(self.content).encode("utf-8")) self.loaded = False self._content = None
[docs] def load(self): return self.content
[docs]class FileProvider(ContentProvider): def __init__(self, relative_path, root="/", ds=None, ctx=None): super(FileProvider, self).__init__() self.root = root self.relative_path = relative_path.lstrip("/") self.file_name = os.path.basename(self.path) self.ds = ds self.ctx = ctx self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): if not blacklist.allow_file("/" + self.relative_path): raise dr.SkipComponent() if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise ContentException("%s does not exist." % self.path) resolved = os.path.realpath(self.path) if not resolved.startswith(os.path.realpath(self.root)): msg = "Relative path points outside the root: %s -> %s." raise Exception(msg % (self.path, resolved)) if not os.access(self.path, os.R_OK): raise ContentException("Cannot access %s" % self.path)
def __repr__(self): return '%s("%r")' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path)
[docs]class RawFileProvider(FileProvider): """ Class used in datasources that returns the contents of a file a single string. The file is not filtered. """
[docs] def load(self): self.loaded = True with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: return
[docs] def write(self, dst): fs.ensure_path(os.path.dirname(dst)) call([which("cp", env=SAFE_ENV), self.path, dst], env=SAFE_ENV)
[docs]class TextFileProvider(FileProvider): """ Class used in datasources that returns the contents of a file a list of lines. Each line is filtered if filters are defined for the datasource. """
[docs] def create_args(self): args = [] filters = "\n".join(get_filters(self.ds)) if self.ds else None if filters: args.append(["grep", "-F", filters, self.path]) patterns = "\n".join(blacklist.get_disallowed_patterns()) if patterns: grep = ["grep", "-v", "-F", patterns] if not args: grep.append(self.path) args.append(grep) keywords = blacklist.get_disallowed_keywords() if keywords: sed = ["sed"] for kw in keywords: sed.extend(["-e", "s/%s/keyword/g" % kw.replace("/", "\\/")]) if not args: sed.append(self.path) args.append(sed) return args
[docs] def load(self): self.loaded = True args = self.create_args() if args: rc, out = self.ctx.shell_out(args, keep_rc=True, env=SAFE_ENV) self.rc = rc return out with, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape") as f: return [l.rstrip("\n") for l in f]
def _stream(self): """ Returns a generator of lines instead of a list of lines. """ if self._exception: raise self._exception try: if self._content: yield self._content else: args = self.create_args() if args: with streams.connect(*args, env=SAFE_ENV) as s: yield s else: with, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape") as f: yield f except StopIteration: raise except Exception as ex: self._exception = ex raise ContentException(str(ex))
[docs] def write(self, dst): fs.ensure_path(os.path.dirname(dst)) args = self.create_args() if args: p = Pipeline(*args, env=SAFE_ENV) p.write(dst) else: call([which("cp", env=SAFE_ENV), self.path, dst], env=SAFE_ENV)
[docs]class SerializedOutputProvider(TextFileProvider):
[docs] def create_args(self): pass
[docs]class SerializedRawOutputProvider(RawFileProvider): pass
[docs]class CommandOutputProvider(ContentProvider): """ Class used in datasources to return output from commands. """ def __init__(self, cmd, ctx, args=None, split=True, keep_rc=False, ds=None, timeout=None, inherit_env=None): super(CommandOutputProvider, self).__init__() self.cmd = cmd self.root = "insights_commands" self.relative_path = os.path.join("insights_commands", mangle_command(cmd)) self.ctx = ctx self.args = args # already interpolated into cmd - stored here for context. self.split = split self.keep_rc = keep_rc self.ds = ds self.timeout = timeout self.inherit_env = inherit_env or [] self._content = None self.rc = None self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): if not blacklist.allow_command(self.cmd): raise dr.SkipComponent() if not which(shlex.split(self.cmd)[0], env=self.create_env()): raise ContentException("Couldn't execute: %s" % self.cmd)
[docs] def create_args(self): command = [shlex.split(self.cmd)] if self.split: filters = "\n".join(get_filters(self.ds)) if filters: command.append(["grep", "-F", filters]) patterns = "\n".join(blacklist.get_disallowed_patterns()) if patterns: command.append(["grep", "-v", "-F", patterns]) keywords = blacklist.get_disallowed_keywords() if keywords: sed = ["sed"] for kw in keywords: sed.extend(["-e", "s/%s/keyword/g" % kw.replace("/", "\\/")]) command.append(sed) return command
[docs] def create_env(self): env = dict(SAFE_ENV) for e in self.inherit_env: if e in os.environ: env[e] = os.environ[e] return env
[docs] def load(self): command = self.create_args() raw = self.ctx.shell_out(command, split=self.split, keep_rc=self.keep_rc, timeout=self.timeout, env=self.create_env()) if self.keep_rc: self.rc, output = raw else: output = raw return output
def _stream(self): """ Returns a generator of lines instead of a list of lines. """ if self._exception: raise self._exception try: if self._content: yield self._content else: args = self.create_args() with self.ctx.connect(*args, env=self.create_env(), timeout=self.timeout) as s: yield s except StopIteration: raise except Exception as ex: self._exception = ex raise ContentException(str(ex))
[docs] def write(self, dst): args = self.create_args() fs.ensure_path(os.path.dirname(dst)) if args: p = Pipeline(*args, timeout=self.timeout, env=self.create_env()) return p.write(dst, keep_rc=self.keep_rc)
def __repr__(self): return 'CommandOutputProvider("%r")' % self.cmd
[docs]class RegistryPoint(object): # Marker class for declaring that an element of a `SpecSet` subclass # is a registry point against which further subclasses can register # datasource implementations by simply declaring them with the same name. # # intentionally not a docstring so this doesn't show up in pydoc. def __init__(self, metadata=None, multi_output=False, raw=False, filterable=False): self.metadata = metadata self.multi_output = multi_output self.raw = raw self.filterable = filterable self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource([], metadata=metadata, multi_output=multi_output, raw=raw, filterable=filterable)(self) def __call__(self, broker): for c in reversed(dr.get_delegate(self).deps): if c in broker: return broker[c] raise dr.SkipComponent() def __repr__(self): return dr.get_name(self)
[docs]class SpecDescriptor(object): # Descriptor Protocol handler that returns the literal function from a # class during dot (.) access. # # intentionally not a docstring so this doesn't show up in pydoc. def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, obj_type): return self.func def __set__(self, obj, val): raise AttributeError()
def _get_ctx_dependencies(component): ctxs = set() for c in dr.walk_tree(component): try: if issubclass(c, ExecutionContext): ctxs.add(c) except: pass return ctxs def _register_context_handler(parents, component): name = component.__name__ parents = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: name in x.registry, parents)) if not parents: return # If the new component handles a context, we need to tell the # previously registered components that would have handled it to ignore it. # The components that handle a context are registered on the highest class # of the MRO list. This is so overrides work correctly even if a # component isn't a direct sibling of the component it's overriding. # instead of trying to unhook all of the dependencies, we just tell the # previous handler of a context to ignore it. ctx_handlers = parents[-1].context_handlers for c in _get_ctx_dependencies(component): for old in ctx_handlers[name][c]: dr.add_ignore(old, c) ctx_handlers[name][c].append(component) def _resolve_registry_points(cls, base, dct): module = cls.__module__ parents = [x for x in cls.__mro__ if x not in (cls, SpecSet, object)] for k, v in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, RegistryPoint): # add v under its name to this class's registry. v.__name__ = k cls.registry[k] = v if is_datasource(v): v.__qualname__ = ".".join([cls.__name__, k]) v.__name__ = k v.__module__ = module setattr(cls, k, SpecDescriptor(v)) if k in base.registry: # if the datasource has the same name as a RegistryPoint in the # base class, the datasource to the RegistryPoint. point = base.registry[k] # TODO: log when RegistryPoint and implementation properties # TODO: aren't the same. delegate = dr.get_delegate(v) v.filterable = delegate.filterable = point.filterable v.raw = delegate.raw = point.raw v.multi_output = delegate.multi_output = point.multi_output # the RegistryPoint gets the implementation datasource as a # dependency dr.add_dependency(point, v) # Datasources override previously defined datasources of the # same name for contexts they all depend on. Here we tell # datasources of the same name not to execute under contexts # the new datasource will handle. _register_context_handler(parents, v)
[docs]class SpecSetMeta(type): """ The metaclass that converts RegistryPoint markers to registry point datasources and hooks implementations for them into the registry. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): dct["context_handlers"] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) dct["registry"] = {} return super(SpecSetMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): if name == "SpecSet": return if len(bases) > 1: raise Exception("SpecSet subclasses must inherit from only one class.") _resolve_registry_points(cls, bases[0], dct)
[docs]class SpecSet(six.with_metaclass(SpecSetMeta)): """ The base class for all spec declarations. Extend this class and define your datasources directly or with a `SpecFactory`. """ pass
def _get_context(context, broker): if isinstance(context, list): return dr.first_of(context, broker) return broker.get(context)
[docs]class simple_file(object): """ Creates a datasource that reads the file at path when evaluated. Args: path (str): path to the file to read context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. kind (FileProvider): One of TextFileProvider or RawFileProvider. Returns: function: A datasource that reads all files matching the glob patterns. """ def __init__(self, path, context=None, deps=[], kind=TextFileProvider, **kwargs): self.path = path self.context = context or FSRoots self.kind = kind self.raw = kind is RawFileProvider self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.context, *deps, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): ctx = _get_context(self.context, broker) return self.kind(ctx.locate_path(self.path), root=ctx.root, ds=self, ctx=ctx)
[docs]class glob_file(object): """ Creates a datasource that reads all files matching the glob pattern(s). Args: patterns (str or [str]): glob pattern(s) of paths to read. ignore (regex): a regular expression that is used to filter the paths matched by pattern(s). context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. kind (FileProvider): One of TextFileProvider or RawFileProvider. max_files (int): Maximum number of glob files to process. Returns: function: A datasource that reads all files matching the glob patterns. """ def __init__(self, patterns, ignore=None, context=None, deps=[], kind=TextFileProvider, max_files=1000, **kwargs): if not isinstance(patterns, (list, set)): patterns = [patterns] self.patterns = patterns self.ignore = ignore self.ignore_func = re.compile(ignore).search if ignore else lambda x: False self.context = context or FSRoots self.kind = kind self.raw = kind is RawFileProvider self.max_files = max_files self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.context, *deps, multi_output=True, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): ctx = _get_context(self.context, broker) root = ctx.root results = [] for pattern in self.patterns: pattern = ctx.locate_path(pattern) for path in sorted(glob(os.path.join(root, pattern.lstrip('/')))): if self.ignore_func(path) or os.path.isdir(path): continue try: results.append(self.kind(path[len(root):], root=root, ds=self, ctx=ctx)) except: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if results: if len(results) > self.max_files: raise ContentException("Number of files returned [{0}] is over the {1} file limit, please refine " "the specs file pattern to narrow down results".format(len(results), self.max_files)) return results raise ContentException("[%s] didn't match." % ', '.join(self.patterns))
[docs]class first_file(object): """ Creates a datasource that returns the first existing and readable file in files. Args: files (str): list of paths to find and read context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. kind (FileProvider): One of TextFileProvider or RawFileProvider. Returns: function: A datasource that returns the first file in files that exists and is readable """ def __init__(self, paths, context=None, deps=[], kind=TextFileProvider, **kwargs): self.paths = paths self.context = context or FSRoots self.kind = kind self.raw = kind is RawFileProvider self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.context, *deps, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): ctx = _get_context(self.context, broker) root = ctx.root for p in self.paths: try: return self.kind(ctx.locate_path(p), root=root, ds=self, ctx=ctx) except: pass raise ContentException("None of [%s] found." % ', '.join(self.paths))
[docs]class listdir(object): """ Execute a simple directory listing of all the files and directories in path. Args: path (str): directory or glob pattern to list. context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. ignore (str): regular expression defining paths to ignore. Returns: function: A datasource that returns the list of files and directories in the directory specified by path """ def __init__(self, path, context=None, ignore=None, deps=[]): self.path = path self.context = context or FSRoots self.ignore = ignore self.ignore_func = re.compile(ignore).search if ignore else lambda x: False self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.context, *deps)(self) def __call__(self, broker): ctx = _get_context(self.context, broker) p = os.path.join(ctx.root, self.path.lstrip('/')) p = ctx.locate_path(p) result = sorted(os.listdir(p)) if os.path.isdir(p) else sorted(glob(p)) if result: return [os.path.basename(r) for r in result if not self.ignore_func(r)] raise ContentException("Can't list %s or nothing there." % p)
[docs]class simple_command(object): """ Execute a simple command that has no dynamic arguments Args: cmd (list of lists): the command(s) to execute. Breaking apart a command string that might contain multiple commands separated by a pipe, getting them ready for subproc operations. IE. A command with filters applied context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. split (bool): whether the output of the command should be split into a list of lines keep_rc (bool): whether to return the error code returned by the process executing the command. If False, any return code other than zero with raise a CalledProcessError. If True, the return code and output are always returned. timeout (int): Number of seconds to wait for the command to complete. If the timeout is reached before the command returns, a CalledProcessError is raised. If None, timeout is infinite. inherit_env (list): The list of environment variables to inherit from the calling process when the command is invoked. Returns: function: A datasource that returns the output of a command that takes no arguments """ def __init__(self, cmd, context=HostContext, deps=[], split=True, keep_rc=False, timeout=None, inherit_env=[], **kwargs): self.cmd = cmd self.context = context self.split = split self.raw = not split self.keep_rc = keep_rc self.timeout = timeout self.inherit_env = inherit_env self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.context, *deps, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): ctx = broker[self.context] return CommandOutputProvider(self.cmd, ctx, split=self.split, keep_rc=self.keep_rc, ds=self, timeout=self.timeout, inherit_env=self.inherit_env)
[docs]class command_with_args(object): """ Execute a command that has dynamic arguments Args: cmd (list of lists): the command to execute. Breaking apart a command string that might require arguments. provider (str or tuple): argument string or a tuple of argument strings. context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. split (bool): whether the output of the command should be split into a list of lines keep_rc (bool): whether to return the error code returned by the process executing the command. If False, any return code other than zero with raise a CalledProcessError. If True, the return code and output are always returned. timeout (int): Number of seconds to wait for the command to complete. If the timeout is reached before the command returns, a CalledProcessError is raised. If None, timeout is infinite. inherit_env (list): The list of environment variables to inherit from the calling process when the command is invoked. Returns: function: A datasource that returns the output of a command that takes specified arguments passed by the provider. """ def __init__(self, cmd, provider, context=HostContext, deps=None, split=True, keep_rc=False, timeout=None, inherit_env=None, **kwargs): deps = deps if deps is not None else [] self.cmd = cmd self.provider = provider self.context = context self.split = split self.raw = not split self.keep_rc = keep_rc self.timeout = timeout self.inherit_env = inherit_env if inherit_env is not None else [] self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.provider, self.context, *deps, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): source = broker[self.provider] ctx = broker[self.context] if not isinstance(source, (str, tuple)): raise ContentException("The provider can only be a single string or a tuple of strings, but got '%s'." % source) try: self.cmd = self.cmd % source return CommandOutputProvider(self.cmd, ctx, split=self.split, keep_rc=self.keep_rc, ds=self, timeout=self.timeout, inherit_env=self.inherit_env) except: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) raise ContentException("No results found for [%s]" % self.cmd)
[docs]class foreach_execute(object): """ Execute a command for each element in provider. Provider is the output of a different datasource that returns a list of single elements or a list of tuples. The command should have %s substitution parameters equal to the number of elements in each tuple of the provider. Args: provider (list): a list of elements or tuples. cmd (list of lists): a command with substitution parameters. Breaking apart a command string that might contain multiple commands separated by a pipe, getting them ready for subproc operations. IE. A command with filters applied context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. split (bool): whether the output of the command should be split into a list of lines keep_rc (bool): whether to return the error code returned by the process executing the command. If False, any return code other than zero with raise a CalledProcessError. If True, the return code and output are always returned. timeout (int): Number of seconds to wait for the command to complete. If the timeout is reached before the command returns, a CalledProcessError is raised. If None, timeout is infinite. inherit_env (list): The list of environment variables to inherit from the calling process when the command is invoked. Returns: function: A datasource that returns a list of outputs for each command created by substituting each element of provider into the cmd template. """ def __init__(self, provider, cmd, context=HostContext, deps=[], split=True, keep_rc=False, timeout=None, inherit_env=[], **kwargs): self.provider = provider self.cmd = cmd self.context = context self.split = split self.raw = not split self.keep_rc = keep_rc self.timeout = timeout self.inherit_env = inherit_env self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.provider, self.context, *deps, multi_output=True, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): result = [] source = broker[self.provider] ctx = broker[self.context] if isinstance(source, ContentProvider): source = source.content if not isinstance(source, (list, set)): source = [source] for e in source: try: the_cmd = self.cmd % e cop = CommandOutputProvider(the_cmd, ctx, args=e, split=self.split, keep_rc=self.keep_rc, ds=self, timeout=self.timeout, inherit_env=self.inherit_env) result.append(cop) except: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if result: return result raise ContentException("No results found for [%s]" % self.cmd)
[docs]class foreach_collect(object): """ Subtitutes each element in provider into path and collects the files at the resulting paths. Args: provider (list): a list of elements or tuples. path (str): a path template with substitution parameters. context (ExecutionContext): the context under which the datasource should run. kind (FileProvider): one of TextFileProvider or RawFileProvider Returns: function: A datasource that returns a list of file contents created by substituting each element of provider into the path template. """ def __init__(self, provider, path, ignore=None, context=HostContext, deps=[], kind=TextFileProvider, **kwargs): self.provider = provider self.path = path self.ignore = ignore self.ignore_func = re.compile(ignore).search if ignore else lambda x: False self.context = context self.kind = kind self.raw = kind is RawFileProvider self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(self.provider, self.context, *deps, multi_output=True, raw=self.raw, **kwargs)(self) def __call__(self, broker): result = [] source = broker[self.provider] ctx = _get_context(self.context, broker) root = ctx.root if isinstance(source, ContentProvider): source = source.content if not isinstance(source, (list, set)): source = [source] for e in source: pattern = ctx.locate_path(self.path % e) for p in glob(os.path.join(root, pattern.lstrip('/'))): if self.ignore_func(p) or os.path.isdir(p): continue try: result.append(self.kind(p[len(root):], root=root, ds=self, ctx=ctx)) except: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if result: return result raise ContentException("No results found for [%s]" % self.path)
[docs]class first_of(object): """ Given a list of dependencies, returns the first of the list that exists in the broker. At least one must be present, or this component won't fire. """ def __init__(self, deps): self.deps = deps self.raw = deps[0].raw self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ datasource(deps)(self) def __call__(self, broker): for c in self.deps: if c in broker: return broker[c]
[docs]class find(object): """ Helper class for extracting specific lines from a datasource for direct consumption by a rule. .. code:: python service_starts = find(Specs.audit_log, "SERVICE_START") @rule(service_starts) def report(starts): return make_info("SERVICE_STARTS", num_starts=len(starts)) Args: spec (datasource): some datasource, ideally filterable. pattern (string / list): a string or list of strings to match (no patterns supported) Returns: A dict where each key is a command, path, or spec name, and each value is a non-empty list of matching lines. Only paths with matching lines are included. Raises: dr.SkipComponent if no paths have matching lines. """ def __init__(self, spec, pattern): if getattr(spec, "raw", False): name = dr.get_name(spec) raise ValueError("{}: Cannot filter raw files.".format(name)) self.spec = spec self.pattern = pattern if isinstance(pattern, list) else [pattern] self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ self.__module__ = self.__class__.__module__ if getattr(spec, "filterable", False): _add_filter(spec, pattern) component(spec)(self) def __call__(self, ds): # /usr/bin/grep level filtering is applied behind .content or # .stream(), but we still need to ensure we get only what *this* find # instance wants. This can be inefficient on files where many lines # match. results = {} ds = ds if isinstance(ds, list) else [ds] for d in ds: if d.relative_path: origin = os.path.join("/", d.relative_path.lstrip("/")) elif d.cmd: origin = d.cmd else: origin = dr.get_name(self.spec) stream = d.content if d.loaded else lines = [] for line in stream: if any(p in line for p in self.pattern): lines.append(line) if lines: results[origin] = lines if not results: raise dr.SkipComponent() return dict(results)
[docs]@serializer(CommandOutputProvider) def serialize_command_output(obj, root): rel = os.path.join("insights_commands", mangle_command(obj.cmd)) dst = os.path.join(root, rel) rc = obj.write(dst) return { "rc": rc, "cmd": obj.cmd, "args": obj.args, "relative_path": rel }
[docs]@deserializer(CommandOutputProvider) def deserialize_command_output(_type, data, root): rel = data["relative_path"] res = SerializedOutputProvider(rel, root) res.rc = data["rc"] res.cmd = data["cmd"] res.args = data["args"] return res
[docs]@serializer(TextFileProvider) def serialize_text_file_provider(obj, root): dst = os.path.join(root, obj.relative_path) rc = obj.write(dst) return { "relative_path": obj.relative_path, "rc": rc, }
[docs]@deserializer(TextFileProvider) def deserialize_text_provider(_type, data, root): rel = data["relative_path"] res = SerializedOutputProvider(rel, root) res.rc = data["rc"] return res
[docs]@serializer(RawFileProvider) def serialize_raw_file_provider(obj, root): dst = os.path.join(root, obj.relative_path) rc = obj.write(dst) return { "relative_path": obj.relative_path, "rc": rc, }
[docs]@deserializer(RawFileProvider) def deserialize_raw_file_provider(_type, data, root): rel = data["relative_path"] res = SerializedRawOutputProvider(rel, root) res.rc = data["rc"] return res
[docs]@serializer(DatasourceProvider) def serialize_datasource_provider(obj, root): dst = os.path.join(root, obj.relative_path.lstrip("/")) fs.ensure_path(os.path.dirname(dst)) obj.write(dst) return {"relative_path": obj.relative_path}
[docs]@deserializer(DatasourceProvider) def deserialize_datasource_provider(_type, data, root): return SerializedRawOutputProvider(data["relative_path"], root)