Source code for insights.parsers.auditctl_status

AuditctlStatus - Report auditd status

from .. import parser, CommandParser, LegacyItemAccess
from ..parsers import ParseException
from ..specs import Specs

[docs]@parser(Specs.auditctl_status) class AuditctlStatus(LegacyItemAccess, CommandParser): """ Module for parsing the output of the ``auditctl -s`` command. Typical output on RHEL6 looks like:: AUDIT_STATUS: enabled=1 flag=1 pid=1483 rate_limit=0 backlog_limit=8192 lost=3 backlog=0 , while on RHEL7 the output changes to:: enabled 1 failure 1 pid 947 rate_limit 0 backlog_limit 320 lost 0 backlog 0 loginuid_immutable 0 unlocked Example: >>> type(auds) <class 'insights.parsers.auditctl_status.AuditctlStatus'> >>> "enabled" in auds True >>> auds['enabled'] 1 """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise ParseException("Input content is empty.") = {} if len(content) > 1: for line in content: k, v = line.split(None, 1) # Mind the 'loginuid_immutable' on RHEL7 if k.strip() == "loginuid_immutable":[k.strip()] = v.strip() else: try:[k.strip()] = int(v.strip()) except ValueError: continue if len(content) == 1: line = list(content)[0].strip() if line.startswith("AUDIT_STATUS:"): for item in line.split(None)[1:]: try: k, v = item.split('=')[k.strip()] = int(v.strip()) except ValueError: continue