Source code for insights.parsers.brctl_show

BrctlShow - command ``brctl show``

This module provides processing for the output of the ``brctl show`` command.

Class ``BrctlShow`` parses the output of the ``brctl show`` command.
Sample output of this command looks like::

    bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
    br0             8000.08002731ddfd       no              eth1
    br1             8000.0800278cdb62       no              eth4
    br2             8000.0800278cdb63       no              eth6
    docker0         8000.0242d4cf2112       no

    >>> brctl_content = '''
    ... bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
    ... br0             8000.08002731ddfd       no              eth1
    ...                                                         eth2
    ...                                                         eth3
    ... br1             8000.0800278cdb62       no              eth4
    ...                                                         eth5
    ... br2             8000.0800278cdb63       no              eth6
    ... docker0         8000.0242d4cf2112       no
    ... '''.strip()
    >>> from insights.parsers.brctl_show import BrctlShow
    >>> from insights.tests import context_wrap
    >>> shared = {BrctlShow: BrctlShow(context_wrap(brctl_content))}
    >>> brctl_info = BrctlShow(context_wrap(brctl_content))
     {'interfaces': ['eth1', 'eth2', 'eth3'], 'bridge id': '8000.08002731ddfd',
      'STP enabled': 'no', 'bridge name': 'br0'},
     {'interfaces': ['eth4', 'eth5'], 'bridge id': '8000.0800278cdb62',
      'STP enabled': 'no', 'bridge name': 'br1'},
     {'interfaces': ['eth6'], 'bridge id': '8000.0800278cdb63',
      'STP enabled': 'no', 'bridge name': 'br2'},
     {'bridge id': '8000.0242d4cf2112', 'STP enabled': 'no',
      'bridge name': 'docker0'}
    >>> brctl_info.group_by_iface
     'docker0': {'STP enabled': 'no', 'bridge id': '8000.0242d4cf2112'},
     'br2': {'interfaces': ['eth6'], 'STP enabled': 'no',
             'bridge id': '8000.0800278cdb63'},
     'br1': {'interfaces': ['eth4', 'eth5'], 'STP enabled': 'no',
             'bridge id': '8000.0800278cdb62'},
     'br0': {'interfaces': ['eth1', 'eth2', 'eth3'], 'STP enabled': 'no',
             'bridge id': '8000.08002731ddfd'}

from .. import parser, CommandParser
from insights.specs import Specs
from insights.parsers import ParseException

[docs]@parser(Specs.brctl_show) class BrctlShow(CommandParser): """ Parse the output of the command "brctl show" to get bridge interface info table """ @property def group_by_iface(self): """ Return a dict, key is the bridge name, the value is a dic with keys: bridge id, STP enabled and interfaces """ return self._group_by_iface
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): self._group_by_iface = {} = [] if "\t" in content[0]: head_line = list(filter(None, [v.strip() for v in content[0].split('\t')])) else: head_line = list(filter(None, [v.strip() for v in content[0].split(' ')])) iface = head_line[3] if len(head_line) >= 3 else None if iface: for line in content[1:]: if not line.startswith((' ', '\t')): iface_lst = [] br_mapping = {} br_mapping = dict(zip(head_line, line.split())) if len(line.split()) == 4: iface_lst.append(line.split()[3]) br_mapping[iface] = iface_lst if br_mapping: else: iface_lst.append(line.strip()) br_mapping[iface] = iface_lst for entry in self._group_by_iface[entry['bridge name']] = \ dict((k, v) for (k, v) in entry.items() if k != 'bridge name') else: raise ParseException("Invalid Data Found")