Source code for insights.parsers.corosync

Parsers for the Corosync Cluster Engine configurations

Parsers included in this module are:

CoroSyncConfig - file ``/etc/sysconfig/corosync``

CorosyncConf - file ``/etc/corosync/corosync.conf``
import string
from insights.util import deprecated
from insights.core import ConfigParser
from insights.specs import Specs
from .. import SysconfigOptions, parser

from insights.parsr import (EOF, Forward, InSet, LeftCurly, Lift, LineEnd,
        Literal, RightCurly, Many, Number, OneLineComment, PosMarker,
        skip_none, String, QuotedString, WS, WSChar)
from insights.parsr.query import Directive, Entry, Section

[docs]@parser(Specs.corosync) class CoroSyncConfig(SysconfigOptions): """ .. warning:: This parser is deprecated, please use :py:class:`insights.parsers.sysconfig.CorosyncSysconfig` instead. This parser reads the ``/etc/sysconfig/corosync`` file. It uses the ``SysconfigOptions`` parser class to convert the file into a dictionary of options. It also provides the ``options`` property as a helper to retrieve the ``COROSYNC_OPTIONS`` variable. Sample data:: # Corosync init script configuration file # COROSYNC_INIT_TIMEOUT specifies number of seconds to wait for corosync # initialization (default is one minute). COROSYNC_INIT_TIMEOUT=60 # COROSYNC_OPTIONS specifies options passed to corosync command # (default is no options). # See "man corosync" for detailed descriptions of the options. COROSYNC_OPTIONS="" Examples: >>> 'COROSYNC_OPTIONS' in True >>> csconfig.options '' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): deprecated(CoroSyncConfig, "Import CorosyncSysconfig from insights.parsers.sysconfig instead") super(CoroSyncConfig, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def options(self): """ (str): The value of the ``COROSYNC_OPTIONS`` variable.""" return'COROSYNC_OPTIONS', '')
def parse_doc(f, ctx=None, line_end="\n"): def to_entry(name, rest): if isinstance(rest, list): return Section(name=name.value, children=rest, lineno=name.lineno, src=ctx) return Directive(name=name.value, attrs=[rest], lineno=name.lineno, src=ctx) Sep = InSet(":=") Stmt = Forward() Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd) NULL = Literal("none", value=None) Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None)) BeginBlock = (WS >> LeftCurly << WS) EndBlock = (WS >> RightCurly << WS) Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\""))) Name = WS >> PosMarker(String(string.ascii_letters + "_" + string.digits)) << WS Value = WS >> (Num | NULL | QuotedString | Bare) << WS Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << EndBlock Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * (Block | (Sep >> Value))) | Comment Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) Top = Doc + EOF return Entry(children=Top(f)[0], src=ctx)
[docs]@parser(Specs.corosync_conf) class CorosyncConf(ConfigParser): """Parse the output of the file ``/etc/corosync/corosync.conf`` using the ``ConfigParser`` base class. It exposes the corosync configuration through the parsr query interface. The parameters in the directives are referred from the manpage of ``corosync.conf``. See ``man 8 corosync.conf`` for more info. Sample content of the file ``/etc/corosync/corosync.conf`` :: totem { version: 2 secauth: off cluster_name: tripleo_cluster transport: udpu token: 10000 } nodelist { node { ring0_addr: overcloud-controller-0 nodeid: 1 } node { ring0_addr: overcloud-controller-1 nodeid: 2 } node { ring0_addr: overcloud-controller-2 nodeid: 3 } } quorum { provider: corosync_votequorum } logging { to_logfile: yes logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log to_syslog: yes } Example: >>> from insights.parsr.query import first, last >>> corosync_conf['quorum']['provider'][first].value 'corosync_votequorum' >>> corosync_conf['totem']['token'][first].value 10000 >>> corosync_conf['nodelist']['node']['nodeid'][last].value 3 """ def parse_doc(self, content): return parse_doc("\n".join(content), ctx=self)