Source code for insights.parsers.fstab

FSTab - file ``/etc/fstab``

Parse the ``/etc/fstab`` file into a list of lines.  Each line is a dictionary
of fields, named according to their definitions in ``man fstab``:

* ``fs_spec`` - the device to mount
* ``fs_file`` - the mount point
* ``fs_vfstype`` - the type of file system
* ``fs_mntops`` - the mount options as a dictionary
* ``fs_freq`` - the dump frequency
* ``fs_passno`` - check the filesystem on reboot in this pass number
* ``raw_fs_mntops`` - the mount options as a string
* ``raw`` - the RAW line which is useful to front-end

``fs_freq`` and ``fs_passno`` are recorded as integers if found, and zero if
not present.

``fs_mntops`` is wrapped as a as a :class:`insights.parsers.mount.MountOpts`
object.  For instance, the option ``rw`` in ``rw,dmode=0500`` may be accessed as
```` with the value ``True``, and the ``dmode`` can be accessed
as ``mnt_row_info.dmode`` with the value ``0500``.

This data, as above, is available in the ``data`` property:

* Wrapped as an :class:`FSTabEntry`, each column can also be accessed as an
  attribute with the same name.

The :class:`FSTabEntry` for each mount point is also available via the
:attr:`FSTab.mounted_on` property; the data is the same as that stored in the
:attr:`` list.


from insights import Parser, parser, get_active_lines
from insights.specs import Specs
from insights.parsers import optlist_to_dict, parse_delimited_table, keyword_search
from insights.parsers.mount import MountOpts, AttributeAsDict

FS_HEADINGS = "fs_spec fs_file fs_vfstype raw_fs_mntops fs_freq fs_passno"

[docs]class FSTabEntry(AttributeAsDict): """ An object representing an entry in ``/etc/fstab``. Each entry contains below fixed attributes: Attributes: fs_spec (str): the device to mount fs_file (str): the mount point fs_vfstype (str): the type of file system fs_mntops (dict): the mount options as a :class:`insights.parser.mount.MountOpts` fs_freq (int): the dump frequency fs_passno (int): check the filesystem on reboot in this pass number raw_fs_mntops (str): the mount options as a string raw (str): the RAW line which is useful to front-end """ def __init__(self, data=None): data = {} if data is None else data for k, v in data.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs]@parser(Specs.fstab) class FSTab(Parser): """ Parse the content of ``/etc/fstab``. Typical content of the ``fstab`` looks like:: # # /etc/fstab # Created by anaconda on Fri May 6 19:51:54 2016 # /dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-root / xfs defaults 0 0 UUID=2c839365-37c7-4bd5-ac47-040fba761735 /boot xfs defaults 0 0 /dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-home /home xfs defaults 0 0 /dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-swap swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/sdb1 /hdfs/data1 xfs rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota 0 0 /dev/sdc1 /hdfs/data2 xfs rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota 0 0 /dev/sdd1 /hdfs/data3 xfs rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota 0 0 localhost:/ /mnt/hdfs nfs rw,vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock,timeo=600 0 0 /dev/mapper/vg0-lv2 /test1 ext4 defaults,data=writeback 1 1 /srv/rdu/cases/000 nfs ro,defaults,hard,intr,bg,noatime,nodev,nosuid,nfsvers=3,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 Examples: >>> type(fstab) <class 'insights.parsers.fstab.FSTab'> >>> len(fstab) 9 >>>[0]['fs_spec'] # Note that data is a list not a dict here '/dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-root' >>>[0].fs_spec '/dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-root' >>>[0].raw '/dev/mapper/rhel_hadoop--test--1-root / xfs defaults 0 0' >>>[0].fs_mntops.defaults True >>> 'relatime' in[0].fs_mntops False >>>[0].fs_mntops.get('relatime') None >>> fstab.mounted_on['/hdfs/data3'].fs_spec '/dev/sdd1' Attributes: data (list): a list of parsed fstab entries as :class:`FSTabEntry` objects. mounted_on (dict): a dictionary of :class:`FSTabEntry` objects keyed on mount point. """ def __len__(self): return len( def __iter__(self): for row in yield row
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Parse each line in the file ``/etc/fstab``. """ fstab_output = parse_delimited_table([FS_HEADINGS] + get_active_lines(content)) = [] for line in fstab_output: line['fs_spec'] = line.get('fs_spec', '') line['fs_vfstype'] = line.get('fs_vfstype', '') # Decode fs_file to transfer the '\040' to ' '. # Encode first and then decode works for both Python2 and Python3. line['fs_file'] = line.get('fs_file', '').encode().decode("unicode-escape") line['fs_freq'] = int(line.get('fs_freq', '0')) line['fs_passno'] = int(line.get('fs_passno', '0')) # if there is no mntops, it is defaults. # (/dev/foo /foo somefs defaults 0 0) and (/dev/foo /foo somefs) are same line['raw_fs_mntops'] = line.get('raw_fs_mntops', 'defaults') # optlist_to_dict converts 'key=value' to key: value and 'key' to key: True line['fs_mntops'] = MountOpts(optlist_to_dict(line.get('raw_fs_mntops'))) # add `raw` here for displaying convenience on front-end line['raw'] = [l for l in content if l.strip().startswith(line['fs_spec'])][0] # assert: all mount points of valid entries are unique by definition self.mounted_on = dict((row.fs_file, row) for row in
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): """ Search for the given key/value pairs in the data. Please refer to the :py:meth:`insights.parsers.keyword_search` function documentation for a more complete description of how to use this. Fields that can be searched (as per ``man fstab``): * ``fs_spec``: the block special or remote filesystem path or label. * ``fs_file``: The mount point for the filesystem. * ``fs_vfstype``: The file system type. * ``fs_mntops``: The mount options. Since this is also a dictionary, this can be searched using __contains - see the examples below. * ``fs_freq``: The dump frequency - rarely used. * ``fs_passno``: The pass for file system checks - rarely used. Examples: Search for the root file system: ``'/')`` Search for file systems mounted from a LABEL declaration ``'LABEL=')`` Search for file systems that use the 'uid' mount option: ``'uid')`` Search for XFS file systems using the 'relatime' option: ``'xfs', fs_mntops__contains='relatime')`` """ return keyword_search(, **kwargs)
[docs] def fsspec_of_path(self, path): """ Return the device name if longest-matched mount-point of path is found, else None. If path contains any blank, pass it in directly or escape with '\040', eg: '/VM TOOLS/cache' or '/VM\040TOOLS/cache' """ path = path.strip() if path else path if not path or not path.startswith('/'): return mos = self.mounted_on mps = sorted(mos, reverse=True) path = path if path.endswith('/') else path + '/' for mp in mps: tmp = mp if mp.endswith('/') else mp + '/' if path.startswith(tmp): return mos[mp].get('fs_spec', None)