Source code for insights.parsers.ip

Parsers for ``ip`` command outputs

This module provides the following parsers:

IpAddr - command ``ip addr``

RouteDevices - command ``ip route show table all``

IpNeighParser - command ``ip neigh show nud all``

IpLinkInfo - command ``ip -d -s link``

from __future__ import print_function

import six
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from .. import parser, CommandParser
from ..contrib import ipaddress
from insights.specs import Specs

class NetworkInterface(object):
    def __init__(self, d): = d
        addresses = [u"/".join([a["addr"], a["mask"]]) for a in["addr"]]
        self.addresses = list(map(ipaddress.ip_interface, addresses))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.addresses)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self["name"] < other["name"]

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self["name"] == other["name"]

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def addrs(self, version=None):
        if version:
            return [str(a.ip) for a in self.addresses if a.version == version]
            return [str(a.ip) for a in self.addresses]

def parse_ip_addr(content):
    r = {}
    current = {}
    if_details = {}
    rx_next_line = False
    tx_next_line = False
    content = [l.strip() for l in content if "Message truncated" not in l]
    for line in filter(None, content):
        if rx_next_line and current:
            parse_rx_stats(line, current)
            rx_next_line = False
        if tx_next_line and current:
            parse_tx_stats(line, current)
            tx_next_line = False
        elif line[0].isdigit() and "state" in line:
            current = parse_interface(line)
            r[current["name"]] = current
        elif line.startswith("link"):
            parse_link(line, current)
        elif 'vxlan' in line:
            split_content = line.split()
            current['vxlan'] = split_content
        elif 'openvswitch' in line:
            split_content = line.split()
            current['openvswitch'] = split_content
        elif 'geneve' in line:
            split_content = line.split()
            current['geneve'] = split_content
        elif line.startswith("inet"):
            parse_inet(line, current)
        elif line.startswith("RX"):
            rx_next_line = True
        elif line.startswith("TX"):
            tx_next_line = True
    for k, v in r.items():
        if_details[k] = NetworkInterface(v)
    return if_details

def parse_interface(line):
    split_content = line.split()
    idx, name, _ = line.split(":", 2)
    virtual = "@" in name
    if virtual:
        name, physical_name = name.split("@")
    current = {
        "index": int(idx),
        "name": name.strip(),
        "physical_name": physical_name if virtual else None,
        "virtual": virtual,
        "flags": split_content[2].strip("<>").split(","),
        "addr": []
    # extract properties
    for i in range(3, len(split_content), 2):
        key, value = (split_content[i], split_content[i + 1])
        current[key] = int(value) if key in ["mtu", "qlen"] else value
    return current

def parse_link(line, d):
    split_content = line.split()
    d["type"] = split_content[0].split("/")[1]
    if "peer" in line and len(split_content) >= 3:
        d["peer_ip"] = split_content[1]
        d["peer"] = split_content[3]
    elif len(split_content) >= 2:
        d["mac"] = split_content[1]

def parse_inet(line, d):
    split_content = line.split()
    p2p = "peer" in split_content
    addr, mask = split_content[3 if p2p else 1].split("/")
        "addr": addr,
        "mask": mask,
        "local_addr": split_content[1] if p2p else None,
        "p2p": p2p

def parse_rx_stats(line, d):
    split_content = line.split()
    d["rx_bytes"] = int(split_content[0])
    d["rx_packets"] = int(split_content[1])
    d["rx_errors"] = int(split_content[2])
    d["rx_dropped"] = int(split_content[3])
    d["rx_overrun"] = int(split_content[4])
    d["rx_mcast"] = int(split_content[5])

def parse_tx_stats(line, d):
    split_content = line.split()
    d["tx_bytes"] = int(split_content[0])
    d["tx_packets"] = int(split_content[1])
    d["tx_errors"] = int(split_content[2])
    d["tx_dropped"] = int(split_content[3])
    d["tx_carrier"] = int(split_content[4])
    d["tx_collsns"] = int(split_content[5])

[docs]@parser(Specs.ip_addr) class IpAddr(CommandParser): """ This parser reads the output of ``ip addr`` into a dict whose key is the interface name. The information about this interface`addr` key is a array to store all address. Different type have different output. Peer ip and general interface have difference type. Example output:: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Resultant data structure:: { "index": 1, "physical_name": null, "qdisc": "noqueue", "name": "lo", "state": "UNKNOWN", "virtual": false, "mtu": 16436, "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "flags": [ "LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP" ], "type": "loopback", "addr": [ { "local_addr": null, "mask": "8", "p2p": false, "addr": "" }, { "local_addr": null, "mask": "128", "p2p": false, "addr": "::1" } ] } Examples: >>> for iface in shared[IpAddr]: ... print 'Interface:', iface['name'] ... print 'State:', iface['state'] ... print 'Addresses:', ', '.join(a['addr'] for a in iface['addr']) ... Interface: lo State: UNKNOWN Addresses:, ::1 Interface: eth7 State: DOWN Addresses: Interface: tunl1 State: DOWN Addresses: Interface: bond1.57 State: UP Addresses:, fe80::211:3fff:fee2:f59e, 2001::211:3fff:fee2:f59e Interface: ip.tun2 State: UNKNOWN Addresses: """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): = parse_ip_addr(content)
def __iter__(self): """ (iterable): Iterate through the list of available interfaces (in no order) """ return iter( def __len__(self): """ (int): number of interfaces configured. """ return len( def __getitem__(self, item): """ Parameters: item (str): Interface name Returns: (dict): Dictionary of the named interface """ return[item] def __contains__(self, item): """ Is the given interface name configured? """ return item in @property def active(self): """ (list): List of interfaces with 'UP' set in their flags. """ return [i["name"] for i in self if "UP" in i["flags"]]
class Route(object): def __init__(self, data): for k, v in data.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __repr__(self): return self.__dict__.__repr__()
[docs]@parser(Specs.ip_route_show_table_all) class RouteDevices(CommandParser): """ This parser reads the output of the command ``ip route show table all`` and provides access to the routing table. Each object in these properties is stored as a Route object, which has as properties the various parts of the route line. Route objects will always include these properties (all defaulting to None): * ``type`` - the type of route (e.g. 'throw') * ``dev`` - the device routed through (e.g. 'eth0') * ``via`` - the external address routed through, or None if direct * ``netmask`` - the CIDR notation of the network as a string (e.g. '24') * ``table`` - the routing table, or None if not given. Destinations given as **broadcast**, **throw**, **unreachable**, **prohibit**, **blackhole** and **nat** are discarded. Destinations given as **unicast**, **multicast** and **local** are considered. Properties:: by_device (dict): routes by device (e.g. 'eth0'). by_type (dict): routes by table type (e.g. 'throw', default = 'None'). by_table (dict): routes by table (e.g. 'mgmt', default = 'None'). Sample routing table:: default via dev enp0s25 via dev tun0 proto static metric 50 dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src metric 50 via dev enp0s25 proto static dev enp0s25 proto kernel scope link src dev virbr0 proto kernel scope link src Examples: >>> routes = shared[RouteDevices] >>> 'default' in routes True >>> '' in routes False >>> len(routes['']) # Multiple routes possible, esp. for default 1 >>> tunnel = routes[''][0] >>> 'tun0' >>> tunnel.proto 'kernel' >>> len(routes.by_device['tun0']) 2 >>> routes.by_device['tun0'][1] == tunnel True """ SAVED_TYPES = set(["unicast", "multicast", 'local']) # Why have types we ignore? IGNORE_TYPES = set(["broadcast", "throw", "unreachable", "prohibit", "blackhole", "nat"]) @property def by_prefix(self): """ (Route): The dictionary of routes by prefix (e.g. ''). """ return self.routes.get('by_prefix', {}) @property def defaults(self): """ (list): The list of default routes. """ return self.routes.get('by_prefix', {}).get('default', []) def __contains__(self, prefix): """ (bool): Is there a route with the given prefix? """ return prefix in def __getitem__(self, prefix): """ (Route): Retrieve the given prefix - same as the ``by_prefix`` dict. """ return, None)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Read the routing table and construct the routes and data properties. """ = defaultdict(list) prev_line = '' for line in content: # Seems to not get blank lines here... # Leading spaces indicate a line continued from the previous if line.startswith(' '): prev_line += line else: if prev_line: self.parse_line(prev_line) prev_line = line # Grab last line self.parse_line(prev_line) # Reprocess these into routes by prefix, device, type and table. self.routes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) all_routes = [r for routes in for r in routes] # For some reason, if we try to construct the by_prefix property # as a defaultdict(list) here we break the tests. Leaving it as is... self.routes['by_prefix'] = self.by_device = defaultdict(list) self.by_type = defaultdict(list) self.by_table = defaultdict(list) for route in all_routes: table_type = route.type if route.type else 'None' dev = if else 'None' table = route.table if route.table else 'None' self.by_device[dev].append(route) self.by_type[table_type].append(route) self.by_table[table].append(route)
# self.routes = {k: dict(v) for k, v in self.routes.items()} def parse_line(self, line): parts = deque(line.split(None)) route = self.parse_route(parts) if route and (route.prefix != 'default' or not route.table):[route.prefix].append(route) def parse_route(self, parts): required_parts = ['via', 'dev', 'type', 'netmask', 'prefix', 'table'] route = dict((part, None) for part in required_parts) table_type = None if parts[0] in self.IGNORE_TYPES: return None if parts[0] in self.SAVED_TYPES: table_type = parts.popleft() route['type'] = table_type prefix = parts.popleft() route['netmask'] = 255 if '/' in prefix: route['netmask'] = int(prefix.split('/')[1]) route['prefix'] = prefix self.parse_info_spec(parts, route) self.parse_node_spec(parts, route) return Route(route) def parse_info_spec(self, parts, route): keys = ['via', 'dev'] for k in keys: route[k] = None if not parts: return for key in keys: if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0] == key: k, v = parts.popleft(), parts.popleft() route[k] = v def parse_node_spec(self, parts, route): while parts: if parts[0] == 'cache': route['cache'] = True parts.popleft() continue if len(parts) == 1: return k, v = parts.popleft(), parts.popleft() route[k] = v
[docs] def ifaces(self, ip): """ Given an IP address, choose the best iface name to return. If there are multiple routes that match, then the one with the most specific netmask will be returned. There may be multiple interfaces that serve this route so it returns a list. If there are default routes, then these are used if a route is not found. If no default routes are found, then return ``None``. Returns: (list): Device names that serve this network, or None if not found. Examples: >>> ip_table = shared[RouteDevices] >>> iface = ip_table.ifaces(YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_STRING) """ if ip is None: return routes = self.by_type.get('None', []) addr = ipaddress.ip_address(six.u(ip)) # Iterate through by descending netmask, so first found is most precise for route in sorted(routes, key=lambda r: r.netmask, reverse=True): if route.prefix == "default": continue net = ipaddress.ip_network(six.u(route.prefix)) # Only test containment if this is the same verison of IP address. if addr.version != net.version: continue if addr not in net: continue return [ for r in self.by_prefix[route.prefix] if] if self.defaults: return [self.defaults[0].dev] return None
[docs]class IpNeighParser(CommandParser): """ This parser takes the output of ``ip neigh show nud all`` results for ARP and NDISC cache entries and reads them into a dictionary of results keyed on the name of the IP address. Each item is a dictionary of the properties of that address record in the ARP table. Fields usually include: * ``dev`` - the device the address was seen on * ``lladdr`` - the link level (MAC) address associated with the IP * ``nud`` - the Neighbour Unreachability Detection result, which is one of the following values: * **permanent** - the neighbour is permanently valid * **noarp** - the neighbour is valid and does not need revalidation * **reachable** - the neighbour is valid until its lifetime expires * **stale** - the neighour has not been seen in a while and its lifetime has expired, but it may still be valid * **failed** - the neighbour resolution has failed This class deals with both IPv4 and IPv6 records, and is subclassed to the two related parsers. Sample (IPv4) input data:: dev docker0 FAILED dev lo lladdr 00:00:00:00:00:00 NOARP Examples: >>> neighb4 = shared[Ipv4Neigh] >>> '' in neighb4 False >>> '' in neighb4 True >>> neighb4['']['dev'] 'docker0' >>> neighb4['']['lladdr'] '00:00:00:00:00:00' """ VALID_NUD_STATES = { 'PERMANENT': 0, 'NOARP': 1, 'REACHABLE': 2, 'STALE': 3, 'DELAY': 4, 'FAILED': 5, 'INCOMPLETE': 6, }
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Parse the lines if the ``ip neighbor`` output. Each line is split up into words on spaces, and must meet the following criteria: * there must be at least two words on the line * the first word must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address * the last word must be a valid Neighbour Unreachability Detection state * the remaining words must be in pairs - these are then combined into key-value pairs for a dictionary. Each line is then stored in a dictionary by the address (as a string). The address as parsed by the ``ipaddress`` module is stored in the ``addr`` item in the dictionary, for convenience. """ = {} self.unparsed_lines = [] for line in filter(None, content): split_result = line.split() # Need at least IP address, something, and reachability if len(split_result) < 2: self.unparsed_lines.append({ 'line': line, 'reason': "not enough words" }) continue # Total words needs to be even: beginning + 2*keyvals + ending if len(split_result) % 2 == 1: self.unparsed_lines.append({ 'line': line, 'reason': "odd number of words" }) continue # Don't parse this line if the first thing isn't an # IP address try: addr = ipaddress.ip_address(six.u(split_result[0])) except ValueError: self.unparsed_lines.append({ 'line': line, 'reason': "can't convert address '" + split_result[0] + "'" }) continue # Don't parse this line if the last item doesn't seem to be a # neighbour unreachability state if split_result[-1] not in self.VALID_NUD_STATES: self.unparsed_lines.append({ 'line': line, 'reason': split_result[-1] + " is not a valid state" }) continue # OK, good to go, split everything in the middle up key_value_content = split_result[1:-1] if len(key_value_content) >= 2: entry = dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(key_value_content[0::2], key_value_content[1::2])) else: entry = {} entry["nud"] = split_result[-1] entry['addr'] = addr # save the object[split_result[0]] = entry
def __contains__(self, item): """ (bool): Is there neighbour information for the given address? """ return item in def __getitem__(self, item): """ (dict): Get the neighbour information for the given address. """ return[item]
[docs]@parser(Specs.ipv4_neigh) class Ipv4Neigh(IpNeighParser): """ Class to parse ``ip -4 neigh show nud all`` command output. """ pass
[docs]@parser(Specs.ipv6_neigh) class Ipv6Neigh(IpNeighParser): """ Class to parse ``ip -6 neigh show nud all`` command output. """ pass
[docs]@parser(Specs.ip_neigh_show) class IpNeighShow(IpNeighParser): """ Class to parse ``ip neigh show`` or ``ip -s -s neigh show`` command output. """ pass
[docs]@parser(Specs.ip_s_link) class IpLinkInfo(IpAddr): """ This parser parses the output of ``ip -s link`` command, which shows the data link layer stats of network devices, like packets received, packets dropped, link state, mtu. Example output:: 1: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT qlen 1000 link/ether 08:00:27:4a:c5:ef brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast 1113685 2244 0 0 0 0 TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns 550754 1407 0 0 0 0 Resultant output:: { "index": 1, "physical_name": null, "name": "enp0s3", "flags": [ "BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP" ], "addr":[] "mtu": 1500, "qdisc": "pfifo_fast", "state": "UP", "mode": "DEFAULT", "qlen": 1000, "mac": "08:00:27:4a:c5:ef", "brd": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "rx_bytes": 1113685, "rx_packets": 2244, "rx_errors": 0, "rx_dropped": 0, "rx_overrun": 0, "rx_mcast": 0, "tx_bytes": 550754, "tx_packets": 1407, "tx_errors": 0, "tx_dropped": 0, "tx_carrier": 0, "tx_collsns": 0 } Examples: >>> type(ip_link) <class 'insights.parsers.ip.IpLinkInfo'> >>> for iface in ip_link: ... print 'Interface:', iface['name'] ... print 'State:', iface['state'] ... print 'RX packets:', iface['rx_packets'] ... print 'RX dropped:', iface['rx_dropped'] ... print 'TX packets:', iface['tx_packets'] ... print 'TX dropped:', iface['tx_dropped'] ... Interface: lo State: UNKNOWN RX packets: 98 RX dropped: 0 TX packets: 10 TX dropped: 0 Interface: enp0s3 State: UP RX packets: 2244 RX dropped: 0 TX packets: 1407 TX dropped: 0 Interface: enp0s8 State: UP RX packets: 1 RX dropped: 0 TX packets: 4 TX dropped: 0 Interface: enp0s9 State: UP RX packets: 8 RX dropped: 0 TX packets: 12 TX dropped: 0 """ pass