Source code for insights.parsers.limits_conf

Limits configuration - file ``/etc/security/limits.conf`` and others

The ``LimitsConf`` class parser, which provides a 'rules' list that is
similar to the above but also provides a ``find_all`` method to find all the
rules that match a given set of criteria and other properties that make it
easier to use the contents of the parser.


from .. import Parser, parser, get_active_lines
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs]@parser(Specs.limits_conf) class LimitsConf(Parser): """ Parse the /etc/security/limits.conf and files in /etc/security/limits.d. This parser reads the files and records the domain, type, item and value for each line. This is available as a big list of dictionaries in the 'items' property. Each item also contains the 'file' key, which denotes the file that this rule was read from. Lines with too few or too many parts, or with misspellings in the value such as 'unlimitied', are stored in a `bad_lines` list property. Use the ``find_all`` method to find all the the limits that apply in a particular situation. Parameters are supplied as arguments - for example, ``find_all(domain='root')`` will find all rules that apply to root (including wildcard rules). These rules are sorted by domain, type and item, and the most specific rule is used. Attributes: bad_lines (list): all unparseable, non-comment lines found in order. domains (list): all the domains found, in alphabetical order. rules (list): a list of dictionares with the domain, type, item, value and file of each rule. Sample input:: # Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent # accidental fork bombs. # See rhbz #432903 for reasoning. * soft nproc 4096 root soft nproc unlimited Examples: >>> limits = shared[LimitsConf][0] # At the moment this is per filename >>> len(limits.rules) 2 >>> ['*', 'root'] >>> limits.rules[0] # note value is integer {'domain': '*', 'type': 'soft', 'item': 'nproc', 'value': 4096, 'file': '/etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf'} >>> limits.find_all(domain='root') [{'domain': '*', 'type': 'soft', 'item': 'nproc', 'value': 4096, 'file': '/etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf'}, {'domain': 'root', 'type': 'soft', 'item': 'nproc', 'value': 4096, 'file': '/etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf'}] >>> limits.find_all(item='data') [] """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): = [] self.rules = [] self.bad_lines = [] for line in get_active_lines(content): linelist = line.split(None) if len(linelist) != 4: # Wrong number of parts = bad line, store and continue self.bad_lines.append(line) continue domain, typ, item, value = (linelist) if value == 'unlimited' or value == 'infinity': value = -1 elif value.isdigit(): value = int(value) else: # Unparseable value = bad line, store and continue self.bad_lines.append(line) continue # All valid values, add to data self.rules.append({ 'domain': domain, 'type': typ, 'item': item, 'value': value, 'file': self.file_path, }) if domain not in
def _matches(self, param, ruleval, argval): """ Test that a single rule value matches the given value for a given parameter. """ if ruleval == argval: return True if param == 'domain': # Domains are special: # * Usernames are given exactly # * Group names are prefixed by @ and given exactly, argval must # also start with @ and is therefore an exact match as above. # * Wildcards match everything: if ruleval == '*': return True # UID ranges - must be an integer argument: if (not ruleval.startswith('@')) and ':' in ruleval and \ isinstance(argval, int): low, high = ruleval.split(':') # :max matches exactly if not low and int(high) == argval: return True # min: matches everything not less than min if not high and int(low) <= argval: return True # else match in range if low and high and (int(low) <= argval <= int(high)): return True # GID ranges - argval must be a string starting with '@' and # all numbers. if ruleval.startswith('@') and ':' in ruleval[1:] and \ isinstance(argval, str) and \ argval.startswith('@') and argval[1:].isdigit(): low, high = ruleval[1:].split(':') gid = int(argval[1:]) # :max matches exactly if not low and int(high) == gid: return True # min: matches everything not less than min if not high and int(low) <= gid: return True # else match in range if low and high and (int(low) <= gid <= int(high)): return True # * We ignore % maxlogin limits here. # From the man page: "Note, if you specify a type of '-' but neglect # to supply the item and value fields then the module will never # enforce any limits on the specified user/group etc." if param == 'type' and ruleval == '-': return True return False
[docs] def find_all(self, **kwargs): """ Find all the rules that match the given parameters. The three parameters that can be searched for are 'domain', 'type' and 'item'. These are used as argument names in the keyword argument list. If no parameters are given, no matches are returned. """ matched = [] # Only work with the list of parameters that are actually specified - # this allows us to give other parameters in the future to control # the search. search_params = [p for p in ['domain', 'type', 'item'] if p in kwargs] # If we didn't get a valid list of parameters, then don't do any work if not search_params: return matched for rule in self.rules: if all([ self._matches(param, rule[param], kwargs[param]) for param in search_params ]): matched.append(rule) return matched