Source code for insights.parsers.ls_var_log

LsVarLog - command ``ls -laR /var/log``

This parser reads the ``/var/log`` directory listings and uses the FileListing
parser class to provide a common access to them.


    >>> varlog = shared[LsVarLog]
    >>> '/var/log' in varlog
    >>> varlog.dir_contains('/var/log', 'messages')
    >>> messages = varlog.dir_entry('/var/log', 'messages')
    >>> messages['type']
    >>> messages['perms']

from .. import FileListing, parser, CommandParser

from insights.util.file_permissions import FilePermissions
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs]@parser(Specs.ls_var_log) class LsVarLog(CommandParser, FileListing): """ A parser for accessing "ls -laR /var/log". """
[docs] def get_filepermissions(self, dir_name_where_to_search, dir_or_file_name_to_get): """ Returns a FilePermissions object, if found, for the specified dir or file name in the specified directory. The directory must be specified by the full path without trailing slash. The dir or file name to get must be specified by the name only (without path). This is provided for several parsers which rely on this functionality, and may be deprecated and removed in the future. Args: dir_name_where_to_search (string): Full path without trailing slash where to search. dir_or_file_name_to_getl (string): Name of the dir or file to get FilePermissions for. Returns: FilePermissions: If found or None if not found. """ if dir_name_where_to_search in self: d = self.listings[dir_name_where_to_search]['entries'] if dir_or_file_name_to_get in d: return FilePermissions(d[dir_or_file_name_to_get]['raw_entry'])