Source code for insights.parsers.multipath_conf

multipath.conf file content

The base class is the MultipathConfParser class, which reads the multipath
daemon's ``/etc/multipath.conf`` configuration file.
This is in a pseudo-JSON format.

MultipathConf - file ``/etc/multipath.conf``

MultipathConfInitramfs - command ``lsinitrd -f /etc/multipath.conf``


import string
from insights.contrib import pyparsing as p
from insights import parser, Parser, LegacyItemAccess
from insights.core import ConfigParser
from insights.parsers import SkipException
from insights.parsr import (EOF, Forward, LeftCurly, Lift, Literal, LineEnd,
        RightCurly, Many, Number, OneLineComment, PosMarker, skip_none, String,
        QuotedString, WS, WSChar)
from insights.parsr.query import Entry
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs]class MultipathConfParser(Parser, LegacyItemAccess): """ Shared parser for the file ``/etc/multipath.conf`` and output of ``lsinitrd -f /etc/multipath.conf`` applied to /boot/initramfs-<kernel-version>.img. Return a dict where the keys are the name of sections in multipath configuraion file. If there are subsections, the value is a list of dictionaries with parameters as key and value. Otherwise the value is just a single dictionary. Configuration File Example:: defaults { path_selector "round-robin 0" user_friendly_names yes } multipaths { multipath { alias yellow path_grouping_policy multibus } multipath { wwid 1DEC_____321816758474 alias red } } devices { device { path_selector "round-robin 0" no_path_retry queue } device { vendor 1DEC_____321816758474 path_grouping_policy red } } blacklist { wwid 26353900f02796769 devnode "^hd[a-z]" } Parse Result:: data = { "blacklist": { "devnode": "^hd[a-z]", "wwid": "26353900f02796769" }, "devices": [ { "path_selector": "round-robin 0", "no_path_retry": "queue" }, { "path_grouping_policy": "red", "vendor": "1DEC_____321816758474" } ], "defaults": { "path_selector": "round-robin 0", "user_friendly_names": "yes" }, "multipaths": [ { "alias": "yellow", "path_grouping_policy": "multibus" }, { "alias": "red", "wwid": "1DEC_____321816758474" } ] } """ @classmethod def _create_parser(cls): """ Need to check the specific symbol "/" in attr_value part as well. I checked some multipath configuraion files from the sosreport and got although there are some more specific symbols like "-%", it is enclosed in double quotes and will be accepted. Furthermore, I also checked the source code of "device-mapper-multipath" and got if the attr_value in "multipath.conf" include a "whitespace", it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. So, we could just add one more specific symbol "/" to check. ---------------------------------------------------------- udev_dir /dev getuid_callout "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n" ---------------------------------------------------------- """ section_name = p.Word(p.alphas + "_") attr_name = attr_value = p.Word(p.alphanums + "_/") LBRACE, RBRACE = map(p.Suppress, "{}") attr = p.Group(attr_name + (attr_value | p.quotedString.setParseAction(p.removeQuotes))) attr_list = p.Dict(p.ZeroOrMore(attr)) simple_section = p.Group(section_name + LBRACE + attr_list + RBRACE) complex_section = p.Group(section_name + LBRACE + p.OneOrMore(simple_section) + RBRACE) simple_or_complex = p.Dict(simple_section | complex_section) my_conf = p.Group(p.ZeroOrMore(simple_or_complex)) my_conf.ignore("#" + p.restOfLine) return my_conf
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise SkipException("Empty content.") = MultipathConfParser._create_parser().parseString("\n".join(content))[0].asDict()
[docs]@parser(Specs.multipath_conf) class MultipathConf(MultipathConfParser): """ Parser for the file ``/etc/multipath.conf``. Examples: >>> conf = shared[MultipathConf] >>>['blacklist']['devnode'] # Access via data property '^hd[a-z]' >>> conf['defaults']['user_friendly_names'] # Pseudo-dict access 'yes' >>> len(conf['multipaths']) 2 >>> conf['multipaths'][0]['alias'] 'yellow' """ pass
[docs]@parser(Specs.multipath_conf_initramfs) class MultipathConfInitramfs(MultipathConfParser): """ Parser for the output of ``lsinitrd -f /etc/multipath.conf`` applied to /boot/initramfs-<kernel-version>.img. Examples: >>> conf = shared[MultipathConfInitramfs] >>>['blacklist']['devnode'] # Access via data property '^hd[a-z]' >>> conf['defaults']['user_friendly_names'] # Pseudo-dict access 'yes' >>> len(conf['multipaths']) 2 >>> conf['multipaths'][0]['alias'] 'yellow' """ pass
def parse_doc(content, ctx): def to_entry(name, rest): if isinstance(rest, list): return Entry(name=name.value, children=rest, lineno=name.lineno, src=ctx) return Entry(name=name.value, attrs=[rest], lineno=name.lineno, src=ctx) Stmt = Forward() Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd) NULL = Literal("none", value=None) Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None)) BeginBlock = (WS >> LeftCurly << WS) EndBlock = (WS >> RightCurly << WS) Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\""))) Name = WS >> PosMarker(String(string.ascii_letters + "_")) << WS Value = WS >> (Num | NULL | QuotedString | Bare) << WS Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << EndBlock Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * (Block | Value)) | Comment Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) Top = Doc + EOF return Entry(children=Top(content)[0])
[docs]@parser(Specs.multipath_conf) class MultipathConfTree(ConfigParser): """ Exposes multipath configuration through the parsr query interface. See the :py:class:`insights.core.ConfigComponent` class for example usage. """ def parse_doc(self, content): return parse_doc("\n".join(content), ctx=self)
[docs]def get_tree(root=None): """ This is a helper function to get a multipath configuration component for your local machine or an archive. It's for use in interactive sessions. """ from insights import run return run(MultipathConfTree, root=root).get(MultipathConfTree)
[docs]@parser(Specs.multipath_conf_initramfs) class MultipathConfTreeInitramfs(ConfigParser): """ Exposes the multipath configuration from initramfs image through the parsr query interface. See the :py:class:`insights.core.ConfigComponent` class for example usage. """ def parse_doc(self, content): return parse_doc("\n".join(content), ctx=self)
[docs]def get_tree_from_initramfs(root=None): """ This is a helper function to get a multipath configuration(from initramfs image) component for your local machine or an archive. It's for use in interactive sessions. """ from insights import run return run(MultipathConfTreeInitramfs, root=root).get(MultipathConfTreeInitramfs)