Source code for insights.parsers.osa_dispatcher_log

OSADispatcherLog - file ``/var/log/rhn/osa-dispatcher.log``
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.core import LogFileOutput

from datetime import datetime
import re
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs]@parser(Specs.osa_dispatcher_log) class OSADispatcherLog(LogFileOutput): """ Reads the OSA dispatcher log. Based on the ``LogFileOutput`` class. .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.core.LogFileOutput` Works a bit like the XMLRPC log but the IP address always seems to be ```` and the module is always 'osad' - it's more like what produced the log. Sample log data:: 2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.__init__ 2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Connected to jabber server', u'') 2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00 28307 osad/osa_dispatcher.fix_connection('Upstream notification server started on port', 1290) 2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.process_forever 2015/12/27 22:48:50 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.main('ERROR', 'Error caught:') 2015/12/27 22:48:50 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.main('ERROR', 'Traceback (most recent call last)') Example: >>> osa = shared[OSADispatcherLog] >>> osa.get('__init__') [{'raw_message': '2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.__init__', 'timestamp': '2015/12/23 04:40:58 -04:00', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 23, 4, 40, 58), 'pid': '28307', 'client_ip': '', 'module': 'osad', 'function': 'jabber_lib.__init__', 'info': None} ] >>> osa.last() {'raw_message': "2015/12/27 22:48:50 -04:00 28307 osad/jabber_lib.main('ERROR', 'Traceback (most recent call last)')", 'timestamp': '2015/12/27 22:48:50 -04:00', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 27, 22, 48, 50), 'pid': '28307', 'client_ip': '', 'module': 'osad', 'function': 'jabber_lib.main', 'info': "'ERROR', 'Traceback (most recent call last)'"} >>> from datetime import datetime >>> len(list(osa.get_after(datetime(2015, 12, 27, 22, 48, 0)))) 2 """ time_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' _LINE_STR = r"^(?P<timestamp>\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} " + \ r"[+-]?\d{2}:\d{2}) (?P<pid>\d+) (?P<client_ip>\S+): " + \ r"(?P<module>\w+)/(?P<function>[\w_.-]+)(?:\((?P<info>.*)\))?$" _LINE_RE = re.compile(_LINE_STR) def _parse_line(self, line): """ Parse a log line using the XMLRPC regular expression into a dict. All data will be in fields, and the raw log line is stored in 'raw_message'. This also attempts to convert the timestamp given into a datetime object; if it can't convert it, then you don't get a 'datetime' key in the line's dict. """ msg_info = dict() msg_info['raw_message'] = line match = if match: msg_info.update(match.groupdict()) try: stamp ='timestamp') # Must remove : from timezone for strptime %z msg_info['datetime'] = datetime.strptime( stamp[0:23] + stamp[24:26], self.time_format + ' %z') except: pass return msg_info
[docs] def last(self): """ Finds the last complete log line in the file. It looks for a line with a client IP address and parses the line to a dictionary. Returns: (dict) the last complete log line parsed to a dictionary. """ msg_info = dict() for l in reversed(self.lines): msg_info = self._parse_line(l) # assume parse is successful if we got an IP address if 'client_ip' in msg_info: return msg_info # Return the last one even if it didn't parse. return msg_info