Source code for insights.parsers.rsyslog_conf

RsyslogConf - file ``/etc/rsyslog.conf``

The rsyslog configuration files can include statements with two different
line based formats along with snippets of 'RainerScript' that can span
multiple lines.


Due to high parsing complexity, this parser presents a simple line-based
view of the file that meets the needs of the current rules.

    >>> content = '''
    ... :fromhost-ip, regex, "10.0.0.[0-9]" /tmp/my_syslog.log
    ... $ModLoad imtcp
    ... $InputTCPServerRun 10514"
    ... '''.strip()
    >>> from insights.tests import context_wrap
    >>> rsl = RsyslogConf(context_wrap(content))
    >>> len(rsl)
    >>> len(list(rsl))
    >>> any('imtcp' in n for n in rsl)
from .. import Parser, parser, get_active_lines

import re
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs]@parser(Specs.rsyslog_conf) class RsyslogConf(Parser): """ Parses `/etc/rsyslog.conf` info simple lines. Skips lines that begin with hash ("#") or are only whitespace. Attributes: data (list): List of lines in the file that don't start with '#' and aren't whitespace. config_items(dict): Configuration items opportunistically found in the configuration file, with their values as given. """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): = get_active_lines(content) self.config_items = {} # Config items are e.g. "$Word value #optional comment" config_re = re.compile(r'^\s*\$(?P<name>\S+)\s+(?P<value>.*?)(?:\s+#.*)?$') for line in lstrip = line.strip() match = config_re.match(lstrip) if match: self.config_items['name')] ='value')
[docs] def config_val(self, item, default=None): """ Return the given configuration item, or the default if not defined. Parameters: item(str): The configuration item name default: The default if the item is not found (defaults to None) Returns: The related value in the `config_items` dictionary. """ return self.config_items.get(item, default)
def __len__(self): return len( def __iter__(self): for d in yield d