Source code for insights.parsers.tomcat_virtual_dir_context

Parsers for usage of VirtualDirContext option in Tomcat config files

This module provides the following parsers:


This is a parser for a command for finding config files in default location:

``/usr/bin/find /usr/share -maxdepth 1 -name 'tomcat*' -exec grep -R -s 'VirtualDirContext' --include '*.xml' '{}' +``

It is especially useful if the Tomcat server is not running.


This is a parser for a command for finding config files in the custom location defined in a command

``/bin/grep -R -s 'VirtualDirContext' --include '*.xml' {catalina}``

Where ``catalina`` variable is computed as following:

``/bin/ps auxww | awk '/java/ { match($0, "\\-Dcatalina\\.home=([^[:space:]]+)", a); match($0, "\\-Dcatalina\\.base=([^[:space:]]+)", b); if (a[1] != "" || b[1] != "") print a[1] " " b[1] }'``

Both parsers detect whether there are any config files which contain VirtualDirContext.

Sample input::

    /usr/share/tomcat/conf/server.xml:    <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"


    >>> shared[TomcatVirtualDirContextFallback].data
     ['    <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"'],

from .. import parser, CommandParser
from ..specs import Specs
from . import SkipException

[docs]class TomcatVirtualDirContextBase(CommandParser): """ Generic parser which finds whether there is a VirtualDirContext option used in TomCat configuration file. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = {} super(TomcatVirtualDirContextBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): for line in content: try: file_name, file_line = line.split(':', 1) # Hoping that : is not part of the path except ValueError: continue # skip this line if file_name.endswith('.xml'): # Make sure that nothing else is stored if file_name in[file_name].append(file_line) else:[file_name] = [file_line] if == {}: raise SkipException('VirtualDirContext not used.')
[docs]@parser(Specs.tomcat_vdc_fallback) class TomcatVirtualDirContextFallback(TomcatVirtualDirContextBase): """ Reports whether there is a VirtualDirContext option used in TomCat configuration file. Looks for the configuration files in default location. """ pass
[docs]@parser(Specs.tomcat_vdc_targeted) class TomcatVirtualDirContextTargeted(TomcatVirtualDirContextBase): """ Reports whether there is a VirtualDirContext option used in TomCat configuration file. Looks for the configuration files in location derived from running Tomcat command. """ pass