Source code for insights.parsr.query

insights.parsr.query defines a common data model and query language for parsers
created with ``insights.parsr`` to target.

The model allows duplicate keys, and it allows values with *unnamed* attributes
and recursive substructure. This is a common model for many kinds of

Simple key/value pairs can be represented as a key with a value that has a
single attribute. Most dictionary shapes used to represent configuration are
made of keys with simple values (key/single attr), lists of simple values
(key/multiple attrs), or nested dictionaries (key/substructure).

Something like XML allows duplicate keys, and it allows values to have named
attributes and substructure. This module doesn't cover that case.

:py:class:`Entry`, :py:class:`Directive`, :py:class:`Section`, and
:py:class:`Result` have overloaded ``__getitem__`` functions that respond to
queries. This allows their instances to be accessed like simple dictionaries,
but the key passed to ``[]`` is converted to a query of immediate child
instances instead of a simple lookup.
import operator
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from insights.parsr.query.boolean import All, Any, Boolean, Not, pred, pred2, TRUE

[docs]class Entry(object): """ Entry is the base class for the data model, which is a tree of Entry instances. Each instance has a name, attributes, a parent, and children. """ __slots__ = ("_name", "attrs", "children", "parent", "lineno", "src") def __init__(self, name=None, attrs=None, children=None, lineno=None, src=None): self._name = name self.attrs = attrs or [] self.children = children or [] self.parent = None self.lineno = lineno self.src = src for c in self.children: c.parent = self super(Entry, self).__init__() def __getattr__(self, name): """ Allows queries based on attribute access so long as they don't conflict with members of the Entry class itself. """ if name == "name" and self._name is not None: return self._name res = self[name] if res: return res # fall through for stuff like file_path, etc. if hasattr(self.src, name): return getattr(self.src, name) return res
[docs] def get_keys(self): """ Returns the unique names of all the children as a list. """ return sorted(set( for c in self.children))
def __dir__(self): """ Exists for ipython autocompletion. """ return self.get_keys() + object.__dir__(self)
[docs] def get_crumbs(self): """ Get the unique name from the current entry to the root. """ results = [] parent = self while parent and parent._name is not None: results.append(parent._name) parent = parent.parent return ".".join(reversed(results))
@property def line(self): """ Returns the original first line of text that generated the ``Entry``. """ if self.src is not None: return self.src.content[self.lineno - 1] @property def string_value(self): """ Returns the string representation of all attributes separated by a single whilespace. """ t = " ".join(["%s"] * len(self.attrs)) return t % tuple(self.attrs) @property def value(self): """ Returns ``None`` if no attributes exist, the first attribute if only one exists, or the ``string_value`` if more than one exists. """ if len(self.attrs) == 1: return self.attrs[0] return self.string_value if len(self.attrs) > 1 else None @property def root(self): """ Returns the furthest ancestor ``Entry``. If the node is already the furthest ancestor, ``None`` is returned. """ p = self.parent while p is not None and p.parent is not None: p = p.parent return p @property def grandchildren(self): """ Returns a flattened list of all grandchildren. """ return list(chain.from_iterable(c.children for c in self.children))
[docs] def upto(self, query): """ Go up from the current node to the first node that matches query. """ pred = _desugar(query) parent = self.parent while parent is not None: if pred.test(parent): return parent parent = parent.parent
[docs] def select(self, *queries, **kwargs): """ select uses :py:func:`compile_queries` to compile ``queries`` into a query function and then passes the function, the current ``Entry`` instances children, and ``kwargs`` on to :py:func:`select`. """ query = compile_queries(*queries) return select(query, self.children, **kwargs)
[docs] def find(self, *queries, **kwargs): """ Finds matching results anywhere in the configuration. The arguments are the same as those accepted by :py:func:`compile_queries`, and it accepts a keyword called ``roots`` that will return the ultimate root nodes of any results. """ roots = kwargs.get("roots", False) return*queries, deep=True, roots=roots)
[docs] def where(self, name, value=None): """ Selects current nodes based on name and value queries of child nodes. If any immediate children match the queries, the parent is included in the results. The :py:func:``where_query`` function can be used to construct queries that act on the children as a whole instead of one at a time. Example: >>> from insights.parsr.query import where_query as q >>> from insights.parsr.query import from_dict >>> r = from_dict(load_config()) >>> r = conf.status.conditions.where(q("status", "False") | q("type", "Progressing")) >>> r.message >>> r = conf.status.conditions.where(q("status", "False") | q("type", "Progressing")) >>> r.message >>> r.lastTransitionTime.values ['2019-08-04T23:17:08Z', '2019-08-04T23:32:14Z'] """ if isinstance(name, _EntryQuery): query = name elif isinstance(name, Boolean): query = child_query(name, value) elif callable(name): query = SimpleQuery(pred(name)) else: query = child_query(name, value) return Result(children=self.children if query.test(self) else [])
@property def section(self): return None @property def section_name(self): return None @property def sections(self): """ Returns all immediate children that are instances of :py:class:`Section`. """ return Result(children=[c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, Section)]) @property def directives(self): """ Returns all immediate children that are instances of :py:class:`Directive`. """ return Result(children=[c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, Directive)]) def __contains__(self, key): return len(self[key]) > 0 def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __getitem__(self, query): if isinstance(query, (int, slice)): return self.children[query] query = _desugar(query) return Result(children=[c for c in self.children if query.test(c)]) def __bool__(self): return bool(self._name or self.attrs or self.children) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(pretty_format(self)) __nonzero__ = __bool__
[docs]class Section(Entry): """ A Section is an ``Entry`` composed of other Sections and :py:class:`Directive` instances. """ @property def section(self): """ Returns the name of the section. """ return @property def section_name(self): """ Returns the value of the section. """ return self.value
[docs]class Directive(Entry): """ A Directive is an ``Entry`` that represents a single option or named value. They are normally found in :py:class:`Section` instances. """ @property def section(self): if self.parent: return self.parent.section @property def section_name(self): if self.parent: return self.parent.section_name
[docs]class Result(Entry): """ Result is an Entry whose children are the results of a query. """ def __init__(self, children=None): super(Result, self).__init__() self.children = children or []
[docs] def get_keys(self): """ Returns the unique names of all the grandchildren as a list. """ return sorted(set( for c in self.grandchildren))
[docs] def get_crumbs(self): """ Get the unique names from the current locations to the roots. """ return sorted(set(c.get_crumbs() for c in self.children))
@property def string_value(self): """ Returns the string value of the child if only one child exists. This helps queries behave more like dictionaries when you know only one result should exist. """ if len(self.children) == 1: return self.children[0].string_value raise Exception("More than one value to return.") @property def value(self): """ Returns the value of the child if only one child exists. This helps queries behave more like dictionaries when you know only one result should exist. """ if len(self.children) == 0: return None if len(self.children) == 1: return self.children[0].value raise Exception("More than one value to return.") @property def parents(self): """ Returns all of the deduplicated parents as a list. If a child has no parent, the child itself is treated as the parent. """ parents = [] seen = set() for c in self.children: p = c.parent if p is not None: if p not in seen: parents.append(p) seen.add(p) elif c not in seen: parents.append(c) seen.add(c) return Result(children=parents) @property def roots(self): """ Returns the furthest ancestor ``Entry`` instances of all children. If a child has no furthest ancestor, the child itself is treated as a root. """ roots = [] seen = set() for c in self.children: r = c.root if r is not None: if r not in seen: roots.append(r) seen.add(r) elif c not in seen: roots.append(c) seen.add(c) return Result(children=roots) @property def values(self): """ Returns the values of all the children as a list. """ return [c.value for c in self.children if c.value is not None] @property def unique_values(self): """ Returns the unique values of all the children as a list. """ return sorted(set(c.value for c in self.children if c.value is not None))
[docs] def upto(self, query): """ Go up from the current results to the first nodes that match query. """ roots = [] seen = set() for c in self.children: root = c.upto(query) if root is not None and root not in seen: roots.append(root) seen.add(root) return Result(children=roots)
[docs] def nth(self, n): """ If the results are from a list beneath a node, get the nth element of the results for each unique parent. Example: ``conf.status.conditions.nth(0)`` will get the 0th condition of each status. """ tmp = defaultdict(list) for c in self.children: tmp[c.parent].append(c) results = [] for p, v in tmp.items(): try: r = v[n] if isinstance(r, list): results.extend(r) else: results.append(v[n]) except: pass return Result(children=results)
[docs] def select(self, *queries, **kwargs): query = compile_queries(*queries) return select(query, self.grandchildren, **kwargs)
[docs] def where(self, name, value=None): """ Selects current nodes based on name and value queries of child nodes. If any immediate children match the queries, the parent is included in the results. The :py:func:``where_query`` function can be used to construct queries that act on the children as a whole instead of one at a time. Example: >>> from insights.parsr.query import where_query as q >>> from insights.parsr.query import from_dict >>> r = from_dict(load_config()) >>> r = conf.status.conditions.where(q("status", "False") | q("type", "Progressing")) >>> r.message >>> r = conf.status.conditions.where(q("status", "False") | q("type", "Progressing")) >>> r.message >>> r.lastTransitionTime.values ['2019-08-04T23:17:08Z', '2019-08-04T23:32:14Z'] """ if isinstance(name, _EntryQuery): query = name elif isinstance(name, Boolean): query = child_query(name, value) elif callable(name): query = SimpleQuery(pred(name)) else: query = child_query(name, value) results = [] seen = set() for c in self.children: if c not in seen and query.test(c): results.append(c) return Result(children=results)
def __getitem__(self, query): if isinstance(query, (int, slice)): return self.children[query] query = _desugar(query) return Result(children=[c for c in self.grandchildren if query.test(c)])
class _EntryQuery(object): """ _EntryQuery is the base class of all other query classes. """ def __and__(self, other): return _AllEntryQuery(self, other) def __or__(self, other): return _AnyEntryQuery(self, other) def __invert__(self): return _NotEntryQuery(self) class _AllEntryQuery(_EntryQuery, All): pass class _AnyEntryQuery(_EntryQuery, Any): pass class _NotEntryQuery(_EntryQuery, Not): pass
[docs]class NameQuery(_EntryQuery): """ A query against the name of an :py:class:`Entry`. """ def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr
[docs] def test(self, n): return self.expr.test(
class _AllAttrQuery(_EntryQuery): def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr def test(self, n): return all(self.expr.test(a) for a in n.attrs) class _AnyAttrQuery(_EntryQuery): def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr def test(self, n): return any(self.expr.test(a) for a in n.attrs)
[docs]def all_(expr): """ Use to express that ``expr`` must succeed on all attributes for the query to be successful. Only works against :py:class:`Entry` attributes. """ return _AllAttrQuery(_desugar_attr(expr))
[docs]def any_(expr): """ Use to express that ``expr`` can succeed on any attribute for the query to be successful. Only works against :py:class:`Entry` attributes. """ return _AnyAttrQuery(_desugar_attr(expr))
[docs]class SimpleQuery(_EntryQuery): """ Automatically used in ``Entry.where`` or ``Result.where``. ``SimpleQuery`` wraps a function or a lambda that will be passed each ``Entry`` of the current result. The passed function should return ``True`` or ``False``. """ def __init__(self, expr): if not isinstance(expr, Boolean): expr = pred(expr) self.expr = expr
[docs] def test(self, node): return self.expr.test(node)
[docs]class ChildQuery(_EntryQuery): """ Returns True if any child node passes the query. """ def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr
[docs] def test(self, node): return any(self.expr.test(n) for n in node.children)
[docs]def child_query(name, value=None): """ Converts a query into a ChildQuery that works on all child nodes at once to determine if the current node is accepted. """ q = _desugar((name, value) if value is not None else name) return ChildQuery(q)
make_child_query = child_query def _desugar_name(q): if q is None: return NameQuery(TRUE) if isinstance(q, NameQuery): return q if isinstance(q, Boolean): return NameQuery(q) if callable(q): return NameQuery(pred(q)) return NameQuery(eq(q)) def _desugar_attr(q): if isinstance(q, Boolean): return q if callable(q): return pred(q) return eq(q) def _desugar_attrs(q): if not q: return if len(q) == 1: q = q[0] return q if isinstance(q, _EntryQuery) else _AnyAttrQuery(_desugar_attr(q)) else: attr_queries = [_desugar_attr(a) for a in q] return _AnyAttrQuery(Any(*attr_queries)) def _desugar(q): if isinstance(q, _EntryQuery): return q if isinstance(q, tuple): q = list(q) name_query = _desugar_name(q[0]) attrs_query = _desugar_attrs(q[1:]) if attrs_query: return All(name_query, attrs_query) return name_query return _desugar_name(q) def _flatten(nodes): """ Flatten the config tree into a list of nodes. """ def inner(n): res = [n] res.extend(chain.from_iterable(inner(c) for c in n.children)) return res return list(chain.from_iterable(inner(n) for n in nodes))
[docs]def compile_queries(*queries): """ compile_queries returns a function that will execute a list of query expressions against an :py:class:`Entry`. The first query is run against the current entry's children, the second query is run against the children of the children remaining from the first query, and so on. If a query is a single object, it matches against the name of an Entry. If it's a tuple, the first element matches against the name, and subsequent elements are tried against each individual attribute. The attribute results are `or'd` together and that result is `anded` with the name query. Any query that raises an exception is treated as ``False``. """ def match(qs, nodes): q = _desugar(qs[0]) res = [n for n in nodes if q.test(n)] qs = qs[1:] if qs: gc = list(chain.from_iterable(n.children for n in res)) return match(qs, gc) return res def inner(nodes): return Result(children=match(queries, nodes)) return inner
[docs]def select(query, nodes, deep=False, roots=False): """ select runs query, a function returned by :py:func:`compile_queries`, against a list of :py:class:`Entry` instances. If you pass ``deep=True``, select recursively walks each entry in the list and accumulates the results of running the query against it. If you pass ``roots=True``, select returns the deduplicated set of final ancestors of all successful queries. Otherwise, it returns the matching entries. """ results = query(_flatten(nodes)) if deep else query(nodes) if not roots: return Result(children=results) seen = set() top = [] for r in results: root = r.root if root not in seen: seen.add(root) top.append(root) return Result(children=top)
[docs]def from_dict(orig): """ from_dict is a helper function that does its best to convert a python dict into a tree of :py:class:`Entry` instances that can be queried. """ def inner(d): result = [] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): result.append(Entry(name=k, children=inner(v))) elif isinstance(v, list): res = [Entry(name=k, children=inner(i)) if isinstance(i, dict) else i for i in v] if res: if isinstance(res[0], Entry): result.extend(res) else: result.append(Entry(name=k, attrs=res)) else: result.append(Entry(name=k, attrs=[])) else: result.append(Entry(name=k, attrs=[v])) return result return Entry(children=inner(orig))
[docs]def pretty_format(root, indent=4): """ pretty_format generates a text representation of a model as a list of lines. """ results = [] def sep(): if results and results[-1] != "": results.append("") def inner(d, prefix=""): if isinstance(d, Result): for c in d.children: inner(c, prefix) return if d.children: sep() name = d._name or "" header = name if not d.attrs else " ".join([name, d.string_value]) if header: results.append(prefix + "[" + header + "]") prep = prefix + (" " * indent) for c in d.children: inner(c, prep) sep() else: results.append(prefix + (d._name or "") + ": " + d.string_value) inner(root) return results
# These predicates can be used in queries. lt = pred2( le = pred2(operator.le) eq = pred2(operator.eq) gt = pred2( ge = pred2( isin = pred2(lambda v, values: v in set(values)) matches = pred2(lambda v, pat:, v)) contains = pred2(operator.contains) startswith = pred2(str.startswith) endswith = pred2(str.endswith) ieq = pred2(operator.eq, ignore_case=True) icontains = pred2(operator.contains, ignore_case=True) istartswith = pred2(str.startswith, ignore_case=True) iendswith = pred2(str.endswith, ignore_case=True) first = 0 last = -1