insights-run - execute insights-core with a set of components on a system or archives


insights-run [OPTIONS] [ARCHIVE]


The insights-run command provides a tool to execute a set of components including datasources (SPECs), parsers, combiners and rules on a host system, or on one or more archive files.


-b “spec=input_file[,spec=input_file,…]” --bare “spec=input_file[,spec=input_file,…]”

Specify that a particular input file should be used for a spec. This allows you to use specific files for input to a run. For example to use your own messages.log file as input instead of the messages.log file in an archive:

insights-run -b "messages=$HOME/data/messages.log" -p myinsights.myrules

The short name can be used for insights-core specs. If custom specs are used you must specify the full module path for the spec:

-b "myinsights.myspecs.specs.custom_messages=$HOME/data/messages.log"

When -b is used, [ARCHIVE] is ignored.

-c CONFIG --config CONFIG

Configure components.

--context CONTEXT

Execution Context. Defaults to HostContext if an archive isn’t passed. See Contexts for additional information.

-D --debug

Show debug level information.

-d --dropped

Show collected files that weren’t processed.

-F --fail-only

Show FAIL results only. Conflict with ‘-m’ or ‘-f’, will be dropped when using them together.

-f FORMAT --format FORMAT

Output format to an alternative format. The default format is ‘text’. Alternative formats are ‘_json’, ‘_yaml’ and ‘_markdown’.

-h --help

Show the command line help and exit.


Ansible inventory file for cluster analysis. See INVENTORY(5) for more information about the options for format of the inventory file.

-k --pkg-query

Expression to select rules by package.

-m --missing

Show missing requirements.

-p PLUGINS --plugins PLUGINS

Comma-separated list without spaces of package(s) or module(s) containing plugins.

-s --syslog

Sends all log results to syslog. This is normally used when insights-core is run in other applications, or in a non-interactive process.

-t --tracebacks

Show stack traces when there are errors in components.


An expression for selecting which loaded rules to run based on their tags.

-v --verbose

Verbose output.


insights-run -p examples.rules

Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the local host system.

insights-run -p examples.rules insights-archive.tar.gz

Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the insights archive.

insights-run -p examples.rules sosreport.tar.xz

Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the sosreport.