Disk free space commands

Module for the processing of output from the df command. The base class DiskFree provides all of the functionality for all classes. Data is avaliable as rows of the output contained in one Record object for each line of output.

Sample input data for the df -li command looks like:

Filesystem        Inodes  IUsed     IFree IUse% Mounted on
                 6275072 124955   6150117    2% /
devtmpfs         1497120    532   1496588    1% /dev
tmpfs            1499684    331   1499353    1% /dev/shm
tmpfs            1499684    728   1498956    1% /run
tmpfs            1499684     16   1499668    1% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs            1499684     54   1499630    1% /tmp
/dev/sda2      106954752 298662 106656090    1% /home
/dev/sda1         128016    429    127587    1% /boot
tmpfs            1499684      6   1499678    1% /V M T o o l s
tmpfs            1499684     15   1499669    1% /VM Tools

This module provides two parsers:

DiskFree_LI - command df -li

DiskFree_ALP - command df -alP

DiskFree_AL - command df -al

This example demonstrates the DiskFree_LI class but all classes will provide the same functionality.


>>> df_info = shared[DiskFree_LI]
>>> df_info.filesystem_names
['tmpfs', '/dev/mapper/vg_lxcrhel6sat56-lv_root', 'devtmpfs', '/dev/sda2', '/dev/sda1']
>>> df_info.get_filesystem('/dev/sda2')
[Record(filesystem='/dev/sda2', total='106954752', used='298662', available='106656090', capacity='1%', mounted_on='/home')]
>>> df_info.mount_names
['/tmp', '/home', '/dev', '/boot', '/VM Tools', '/sys/fs/cgroup', '/', '/run', '/V M T o o l s', '/dev/shm']
>>> df_info.get_mount('/boot')
Record(filesystem='/dev/sda1', total='128016', used='429', available='127587', capacity='1%', mounted_on='/boot')
>>> len(df_info)
>>> [d.mounted_on for d in df_info if 'sda' in d.filesystem]
['/home', '/boot']
>>> df_info.data[0].filesystem
>>> df_info.data[0]
Record(filesystem='/dev/mapper/vg_lxcrhel6sat56-lv_root', total='6275072', used='124955', available='6150117', capacity='2%', mounted_on='/')
class insights.parsers.df.DiskFree(context)[source]

Bases: insights.core.CommandParser

Class to provide methods used by all df command classes.


List of Record objects for each line of command output.


list of Record


Dictionary with each entry being a list of Record objects, for all lines in the command output. The dictionary is keyed by the filesystem value of the Record.


dict of list


Dictionary with each entry being a Record object corresponding to the mounted_on key.



property filesystem_names

Returns list of unique filesystem names.




Record: returns the Record object that contains the given path.

This finds the most specific mount path that contains the given path.


str: Returns list of Record objects for filesystem name.


Record: Returns Record obj for mount point name.

property mount_names

Returns list of unique mount point names.




This method must be implemented by classes based on this class.

class insights.parsers.df.DiskFree_AL(context)[source]

Bases: insights.parsers.df.DiskFree

Parse lines from the output of the df -al command.

Typical content of the df -al command looks like:

Filesystem                             1K-blocks      Used Available     Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_lxcrhel6sat56-lv_root    98571884   4244032  89313940       5% /
sysfs                                          0         0         0        - /sys
proc                                           0         0         0        - /proc
devtmpfs                                 5988480         0   5988480       0% /dev
securityfs                                     0         0         0        - /sys/kernel/security
tmpfs                                    5998736    491660   5507076       9% /dev/shm
devpts                                         0         0         0        - /dev/pts
tmpfs                                    5998736      1380   5997356       1% /run
tmpfs                                    5998736         0   5998736       0% /sys/fs/cgroup
cgroup                                         0         0         0        - /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd

A list of the df information with one Record object for each line of command output. Mapping of input columns to output fields is:

Input column   Output Field
------------   ------------
Filesystem     filesystem
1K-blocks      total
Used           used
Available      available
Use%           capacity
Mounted on     mounted_on


class insights.parsers.df.DiskFree_ALP(context)[source]

Bases: insights.parsers.df.DiskFree

Parse lines from the output of the df -alP command.

Typical content of the df -alP command looks like:

Filesystem                           1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_lxcrhel6sat56-lv_root    98571884   4244032  89313940       5% /
sysfs                                          0         0         0        - /sys
proc                                           0         0         0        - /proc
devtmpfs                                 5988480         0   5988480       0% /dev
securityfs                                     0         0         0        - /sys/kernel/security
tmpfs                                    5998736    491660   5507076       9% /dev/shm
devpts                                         0         0         0        - /dev/pts
tmpfs                                    5998736      1380   5997356       1% /run
tmpfs                                    5998736         0   5998736       0% /sys/fs/cgroup
cgroup                                         0         0         0        - /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd

A list of the df information with one Record object for each line of command output. Mapping of input columns to output fields is:

Input column   Output Field
------------   ------------
Filesystem     filesystem
1024-blocks    total
Used           used
Available      available
Capacity       capacity
Mounted on     mounted_on


class insights.parsers.df.DiskFree_LI(context)[source]

Bases: insights.parsers.df.DiskFree

Parse lines from the output of the df -li command.

Typical content of the df -li command output looks like:

Filesystem        Inodes  IUsed     IFree IUse% Mounted on
                 6275072 124955 6150117    2% /
devtmpfs         1497120    532   1496588    1% /dev
tmpfs            1499684    331   1499353    1% /dev/shm
tmpfs            1499684    728   1498956    1% /tmp
/dev/sda2      106954752 298662 106656090    1% /home
/dev/sda1         128016    429    127587    1% /boot
tmpfs            1499684      6   1499678    1% /run/user/988
tmpfs            1499684     15   1499669    1% /run/user/100

A list of the df information with one Record object for each line of command output. Mapping of input columns to output fields is:

Input column   Output Field
------------   ------------
Filesystem     filesystem
Inodes         total
IUsed          used
IFree          available
IUse%          capacity
Mounted on     mounted_on


class insights.parsers.df.Record(filesystem, total, used, available, capacity, mounted_on)

Bases: tuple

namedtuple: Represents the information parsed from df command output.

property available
property capacity
property filesystem
property mounted_on
property total
property used

Parse contents of each line in df output.

Parse each line of df output ensuring that wrapped lines are reassembled prior to parsing, and that mount names containing spaces are maintained.


df_content (list) -- Lines of df output to be parsed.


A list of Record namedtuple’s. One for each line of the df output with columns as the key values. The fields of Record provide information about the file system attributes as determined by the arguments to the df command. So, for example, if df is given the -alP, the values are in terms of 1024 blocks. If -li is given, then the values are in terms of inodes:

- filesystem: Name of the filesystem
- total: total number of resources on the filesystem
- used: number of the resources used on the filesystem
- available: number of the resource available on the filesystem
- capacity: percentage of the resource used on the filesystem
- mounted_on: mount point of the filesystem

Return type
