Source code for

Services - check ChkConfig and systemd UnitFiles

This combiner provides information about whether a given service is
enabled, using parsers for ``chkconfig`` (for RHEL 5 and 6) and ``systemd
list-unit-files`` (for RHEL 7 and above).


    >>> svcs = shared[Services]
    >>> svcs.is_on('atd') # Can be 'atd' or 'atd.service'.
    >>> svcs.is_on('systemd-journald.service')
    >>> 'atd' in svcs
    >>> svcs.service_line('atd')
    'atd.service                                 enabled'
    >>> 'disabled_service' in svcs
    >>> 'nonexistent_service' in svcs

from ..core.plugins import combiner
from ..parsers import chkconfig
from ..parsers.systemd import unitfiles

[docs] @combiner([chkconfig.ChkConfig, unitfiles.UnitFiles]) class Services(object): """ A combiner for working with enabled services, independent of which version of RHEL is in use. The interface closely follows the models of ChkConfig and UnitFiles: * ``is_on(service_name)`` and the ``service_name in Services`` method return whether the service given is present **and enabled**. * ``service_line(service_name)`` returns the actual line that contained the service name. """ def __init__(self, chk_config, unit_files): = {} self.parsed_lines = {} # PJW 2017-02-28 - It seems completely bizarre that a system would # have systemd installed and also have chkconfig output. But I'm # leaving these as updates instead of equals just in case... if chk_config: self.parsed_lines.update(chk_config.parsed_lines) if unit_files: self.parsed_lines.update(unit_files.parsed_lines)
[docs] def is_on(self, service_name): """ Checks if the service is enabled on the system. Args: service_name (str): service name (with or without '.service' suffix). Returns: bool: True if service is enabled, False otherwise. """ return + '.service',, False))
[docs] def service_line(self, service_name): """ Returns the relevant line from the service listing. Args: service_name (str): service name (with or without '.service' suffix). Returns: str: True if service is enabled, False otherwise. """ return self.parsed_lines.get(service_name + '.service', self.parsed_lines.get(service_name, ''))
def __contains__(self, service_name): """ Checks if the service **is enabled** in systemctl. If you want to check whether a service is present but disabled, use the ``service_line`` method. Args: service_name (str): service name including '.service' Returns: bool: True if service is enabled, False otherwise """ return self.is_on(service_name)