dnf module commands
Parsers provided in this module includes:
DnfModuleList - command ``dnf module list``
DnfModuleInfo - command ``dnf module info *``
from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.parsers import parse_fixed_table
from insights.specs import Specs
class Profile(object):
An object for the dnf module:stream profile
profile (Optional[str]): Profile of the dnf module:stream
default (bool): Default flag of the dnf module:stream profile
installed (bool): Installed flag of the dnf module:stream profile
def __init__(self, profile):
self.profile = profile.split(" ")[0]
self.default = "[d]" in profile
self.installed = "[i]" in profile
class DnfModuleStream(object):
An object for the dnf module:stream
stream (str): Name of the module stream
profiles (list): List of profiles of the dnf module:stream
summary (str): Summary of the dnf module:stream
default (bool): Default flag of the dnf module:stream
enabled (bool): Enabled flag of the dnf module:stream
disabled (bool): Disabled flag of the dnf module:stream
installed (bool): Installed flag of the dnf module:stream
active (Optional[bool]): Active flag of the dnf module:stream
def __init__(self, data=None, cmd="list"):
data = data or {}
self._cmd = cmd
self._stream = data.get('Stream', '')
self.stream = self._stream.split(" ")[0]
self.profiles = [Profile(p.strip()) for p in data.get('Profiles', '').split(',') if p.strip()]
self.summary = data.get('Summary', '')
self.default = "[d]" in self._stream
self.enabled = "[e]" in self._stream
self.disabled = "[x]" in self._stream
self.installed = "[i]" in self._stream
self.active = self.enabled
if self._cmd == "info":
# only `dnf module info` shows `[a]` flag
self.active = "[a]" in self._stream
class DnfModuleBrief(object):
An object for the dnf modules listed by ``dnf module list`` command
name (str): Name of the dnf module
streams (list): List of streams of the dnf module
def __init__(self, data=None, cmd="list"):
data = {} if data is None else data
stream = DnfModuleStream(data, cmd)
self.name = data.get('Name', '')
self.streams = [stream]
self._has_active_stream = stream.active
def add_stream(self, data):
stream = DnfModuleStream(data)
if not self._has_active_stream:
self._has_active_stream = stream.active
class DnfModuleStreamDetail(DnfModuleBrief):
An object for the dnf module:stream
name (str): Name of the dnf module
streams (list): List of streams of the dnf module
version (str): Version of the dnf module:stream
context (str): Context of the dnf module:stream
default_profiles (str): Default profile of the dnf module:stream
repo (str): Repo of the dnf module:stream
description (str): Description of the dnf module:stream
artifacts (list): List of the artifacts of the dnf module:stream
def __init__(self, data=None):
super(DnfModuleStreamDetail, self).__init__(data, "info")
self.version = data.get('Version', '')
self.context = data.get('Context', '')
self.default_profiles = data.get('Default profiles', '')
self.repo = data.get('Repo', '')
self.description = data.get('Description', '')
self.artifacts = data.get('Artifacts', '').split()
class DnfModuleList(CommandParser, dict):
Class to parse the output of command `dnf module list`
Typical output of the command is::
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Name Stream Profiles Summary
389-ds 1.4 389 Directory Server (base)
ant 1.10 [d] common [d] Java build tool
ant 1.20 common [d] Java build tool
Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled
>>> len(dnf_module_list)
>>> len(dnf_module_list.get("389-ds").streams)
>>> type(dnf_module_list.get("389-ds").streams[0])
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.DnfModuleStream'>
>>> dnf_module_list.get("389-ds").streams[0].profiles
>>> len(dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams)
>>> dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams[0].stream
>>> dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams[0].default
>>> dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams[0].active
>>> dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams[1].stream
>>> dnf_module_list.get("ant").streams[1].active
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DnfModuleList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def parse_content(self, content):
data = parse_fixed_table(content,
heading_ignore=['Name '],
trailing_ignore=['Hint:', 'Error:'])
if not data:
raise SkipComponent('Nothing need to parse.')
modules_streams = {}
for ms in data:
if ms['Name'] in modules_streams:
modules_streams[ms['Name']] = DnfModuleBrief(ms)
for name, module_brief in modules_streams.items():
if not module_brief._has_active_stream:
# we have no `active` stream because no stream is `enabled`
# mark `default` module as `active`
for stream in module_brief.streams:
if stream.default and not stream.disabled:
stream.active = True
module_brief._has_active_stream = True
self.update({name: module_brief})
def modules(self):
"""Returns a list of modules name"""
return sorted(self.keys())
class DnfModuleInfo(CommandParser, dict):
Class to parse the output of command `dnf module info XX, YY`
Typical output of the command is::
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:31:25 ago on Thu 25 Jul 2019 12:19:22 PM CST.
Name : 389-ds
Stream : 1.4
Version : 8000020190424152135
Context : ab753183
Repo : rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Summary : 389 Directory Server (base)
Description : 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The base package includes the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.
Artifacts : 389-ds-base-0:
: 389-ds-base-0:
: 389-ds-base-debuginfo-0:
: 389-ds-base-debugsource-0:
: 389-ds-base-devel-0:
: 389-ds-base-legacy-tools-0:
: 389-ds-base-legacy-tools-debuginfo-0:
: 389-ds-base-libs-0:
: 389-ds-base-libs-debuginfo-0:
: 389-ds-base-snmp-0:
: 389-ds-base-snmp-debuginfo-0:
: python3-lib389-0:
Name : 389-ds
Stream : 1.4
Version : 820190201170147
Context : 1fc8b219
Repo : rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Summary : 389 Directory Server (base)
Description : 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The base package includes the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.
Artifacts : 389-ds-base-0:
: 389-ds-base-devel-0:
: 389-ds-base-legacy-tools-0:
: 389-ds-base-libs-0:
: 389-ds-base-snmp-0:
: python3-lib389-0:
Name : ant
Stream : 1.10 [d][a]
Version : 820181213135032
Context : 5ea3b708
Profiles : common [d]
Default profiles : common
Repo : rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Summary : Java build tool
Description : Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks.
Artifacts : ant-0:1.10.5-1.module+el8+2438+c99a8a1e.noarch
: ant-lib-0:1.10.5-1.module+el8+2438+c99a8a1e.noarch
Name : httpd
Stream : 2.4 [d][e][a]
Version : 820190206142837
Context : 9edba152
Profiles : common [d] [i], devel, minimal
Default profiles : common
Repo : rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Summary : Apache HTTP Server
Description : Apache httpd is a powerful, efficient, and extensible HTTP server.
Artifacts : httpd-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: httpd-devel-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: httpd-filesystem-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.noarch
: httpd-manual-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.noarch
: httpd-tools-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: mod_http2-0:1.11.3-1.module+el8+2443+605475b7.x86_64
: mod_ldap-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: mod_md-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: mod_proxy_html-1:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: mod_session-0:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
: mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-10.module+el8+2764+7127e69e.x86_64
Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive]
The modules information is wrapped in this object like a dictionary, with
the module name as the key and the list of the :class:`DnfModuleStreamDetail` as
the value.
>>> type(dnf_module_info)
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.DnfModuleInfo'>
>>> len(dnf_module_info)
>>> dnf_module_info.modules
['389-ds', 'ant', 'httpd']
>>> "389-ds" in dnf_module_info
>>> len(dnf_module_info.get("389-ds"))
>>> type(dnf_module_info.get("389-ds")[0])
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.DnfModuleStreamDetail'>
>>> dnf_module_info['389-ds'][0].name
>>> type(dnf_module_info['389-ds'][0].streams[0])
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.DnfModuleStream'>
>>> dnf_module_info["389-ds"][0].streams[0].profiles
>>> dnf_module_info["389-ds"][0].default_profiles
>>> dnf_module_info['389-ds'][1].name
>>> dnf_module_info['389-ds'][1].context
>>> "ant" in dnf_module_info
>>> len(dnf_module_info.get("ant"))
>>> type(dnf_module_info.get("ant")[0])
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.DnfModuleStreamDetail'>
>>> dnf_module_info['ant'][0].name
>>> dnf_module_info['ant'][0].context
>>> dnf_module_info["ant"][0].version
>>> len(dnf_module_info["ant"][0].streams[0].profiles)
>>> type(dnf_module_info["ant"][0].streams[0].profiles[0])
<class 'insights.parsers.dnf_module.Profile'>
>>> dnf_module_info["ant"][0].streams[0].profiles[0].profile
>>> dnf_module_info["ant"][0].streams[0].profiles[0].default
>>> dnf_module_info['ant'][0].default_profiles
>>> len(dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles)
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles[0].profile
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles[0].default
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles[0].installed
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles[1].profile
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].streams[0].profiles[2].profile
>>> dnf_module_info["httpd"][0].default_profiles
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DnfModuleInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def parse_content(self, content):
def _update_value(k, v):
if k not in self:
self[k] = []
mod_dict = {}
key_prev = ''
for line in content:
if " : " in line:
k, v = [s.strip() for s in line.split(' : ', 1)]
k = key_prev if not k and key_prev else k
if k in mod_dict:
mod_dict[k] = '{0}\r{1}'.format(mod_dict[k], v)
mod_dict[k] = v
key_prev = k
elif not line.strip() and mod_dict:
mod_info = DnfModuleStreamDetail(mod_dict)
_update_value(mod_info.name, mod_info)
mod_dict = {}
if mod_dict:
mod_info = DnfModuleStreamDetail(mod_dict)
_update_value(mod_info.name, mod_info)
if self.__len__() == 0:
raise SkipComponent('Nothing need to parse.')
def modules(self):
"""Returns a list of modules name"""
return sorted(self.keys())