Source code for insights.parsers.neutron_conf

NeutronConf - file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``
from insights.core import IniConfigFile
from insights.core.filters import add_filter
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

add_filter(Specs.neutron_conf, ["["])

add_filter(Specs.neutron_conf, ADDITIONAL_FILTERS)

[docs] @parser(Specs.neutron_conf) class NeutronConf(IniConfigFile): """ This class provides parsing for the file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. Sample input data is in the format:: [DEFAULT] debug = False verbose = False core_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2 [quotas] default_quota = -1 quota_network = 10 [agent] report_interval = 60 [keystone_authtoken] auth_host = auth_port = 35357 [database] connection = mysql:// [service_providers] service_provider = Examples: >>> type(conf) <class 'insights.parsers.neutron_conf.NeutronConf'> >>> conf.sections() ['quotas', 'agent', 'keystone_authtoken', 'database', 'service_providers'] >>> conf.has_option('DEFAULT', 'debug') True >>> conf.get("DEFAULT", "verbose") 'False' >>> conf.get("keystone_authtoken", "auth_host") '' >>> conf.getboolean("DEFAULT", "debug") False >>> conf.getint("agent", "report_interval") 60 """ pass