Source code for insights.parsers.ovs_ofctl_dump_flows

OVSofctlDumpFlows - command ``/usr/bin/ovs-ofctl dump-flows <bridge-name>``

This module provides class ``OVSofctlDumpFlows`` to parse the
output of command ``/usr/bin/ovs-ofctl dump-flows <bridge-name>``.
from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.parsers import split_kv_pairs
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.ovs_ofctl_dump_flows) class OVSofctlDumpFlows(CommandParser): """ This class provides processing for the output of the command ``/usr/bin/ovs-ofctl dump-flows <bridge-name>``. Sample command output:: cookie=0x0, duration=8.528s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=60, priority=65535,arp,in_port="s1-eth2",vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=62:ee:31:2b:35:7c,dl_dst=a2:72:e7:06:75:2e,arp_spa=,arp_tpa=,arp_op=2 actions=output:"s1-eth3" cookie=0x0, duration=4.617s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=60, priority=65535,arp,in_port="s1-eth1",vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=d6:fc:9c:e7:a2:f9,dl_dst=a2:72:e7:06:75:2e,arp_spa=,arp_tpa=,arp_op=2 actions=output:"s1-eth3" Sample parsed output:: [ { 'cookie': '0x0', 'duration': '8.528s', 'table': '0', 'n_packets': '0', 'n_bytes': '0', 'idle_timeout': '60', 'priority': '65535', 'arp,in_port': 's1-eth2', 'vlan_tci': '0x0000', 'dl_src': '62:ee:31:2b:35:7c', 'dl_dst': 'a2:72:e7:06:75:2e', 'arp_spa': '', 'arp_tpa': '', 'arp_op': '2' 'actions=output':'s1-eth3'}, { 'cookie': '0x0', 'duration': '4.617s', 'table': '0', 'n_packets': '0', 'n_bytes': '0', 'idle_timeout': '60', 'priority': '65535', 'arp,in_port': 's1-eth1', 'vlan_tci': '0x0000', 'dl_src': 'd6:fc:9c:e7:a2:f9', 'dl_dst': 'a2:72:e7:06:75:2e', 'arp_spa': '', 'arp_tpa': '', 'arp_op': '2' 'actions=output':'s1-eth3'} ] Examples: >>> ovs_obj.bridge_name 'br0' >>> len(ovs_obj.flow_dumps) 2 """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise SkipComponent("Empty Content!") self._bridges = [] # Extract the bridge name try: self._bridge_name = self.file_path.split("ovs-ofctl_dump-flows_")[1] except: raise SkipComponent("Invalid Path!") for line in content: line = line.split(',') flow_list = split_kv_pairs(line, split_on='=') if flow_list: self._bridges.append(flow_list) if not self._bridges: raise SkipComponent("Invalid Content!")
@property def bridge_name(self): """ (str): It will return bridge interface name on success else returns `None` on failure. """ return self._bridge_name @property def flow_dumps(self): """ (list): It will return list of flows added under bridge else returns empty list `[]` on failure. """ return self._bridges