Source code for insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query

Satellite PostgreSQL database queries

This module contains the following parsers:

SatelliteAdminSettings - command ``psql -d foreman -c 'select name, value, "default" from settings where name in (\'destroy_vm_on_host_delete\', \'unregister_delete_host\') --csv'``
SatelliteComputeResources - command ``psql -d foreman -c 'select name, type from compute_resources' --csv``
SatelliteCoreTaskReservedResourceCount - command ``psql -d pulpcore -c 'select count(*) from core_taskreservedresource' --csv``
SatelliteHostFactsCount - command ``psql -d foreman -c 'select count(*) from fact_names' --csv``
SatelliteIgnoreSourceRpmsRepos - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select id, name from katello_root_repositories where ignorable_content like '%srpm%' and mirroring_policy='mirror_complete'" --csv``
SatelliteKatellloReposWithMultipleRef - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select repository_href, count(*) from katello_repository_references group by repository_href having count(*) > 1;" --csv``
SatelliteLogsTableSize - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select pg_total_relation_size('logs') as logs_size" --csv``
SatelliteProvisionParamSettings - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select name, value from parameters where name='package_upgrade' and reference_id in (select id from operatingsystems where name='RedHat' and major='9')" --csv``
SatelliteQualifiedCapsules - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select name from smart_proxies where download_policy = 'background'" --csv``
SatelliteQualifiedKatelloRepos - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select id, name, url, download_policy from katello_root_repositories where download_policy = 'background' or url is NULL" --csv``
SatelliteRevokedCertCount - command ``psql -d candlepin -c \"select count( from cp_cert_serial inner join cp_certificate on cp_certificate.serial_id = where cp_cert_serial.revoked = 't'\" --csv``
SatelliteRHVHostsCount - command ``psql -d foreman -c "select count(*) from hosts where \"compute_resource_id\" in (select id from compute_resources where type='Foreman::Model::Ovirt')" --csv``
SatelliteSCAStatus - command ``psql -d candlepin -c "select displayname, content_access_mode from cp_owner" --csv``
import os
import yaml

from csv import DictReader

from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import ParseException, SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.parsers import calc_offset, keyword_search
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] class SatellitePostgreSQLQuery(CommandParser, list): """ Parent class of satellite postgresql table queries. It can not be used directly, A child class with overriding columns attribute is required. It saves the rows data into a list. Each row is saved into a dict. The key is the column name, the value is the value of the column. Resultant data structure:: [ { 'name': 'abc', 'url': '', 'value': 'test' }, { 'name': 'def', 'url': '', 'value': '' } ] Sample Output:: name,url,value abc,,test def,, Raises: SkipComponent: when there isn't data in the table ParseException: when the output isn't in good csv format or the yaml values aren't in good yaml format NotImplementedError: when the subclass doesn't override the columns attribute. """ # child class should override the columns attribute with its own column names columns = [] # child class should define the columns_in_yaml when some columns value are in yaml format, # which should be transfered to python object columns_in_yaml = [] def _parse_yaml(self, value): if value: try: return yaml.safe_load(value) except Exception: raise ParseException("Bad format value: %s" % value) return value
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not self.columns: raise NotImplementedError("Please override the columns attribute.") start_index = calc_offset(content, self.columns, require_all=True) if 'Last login:' in content[-1]: valid_lines = content[start_index:-1] else: valid_lines = content[start_index:] reader = DictReader(os.linesep.join(valid_lines).splitlines(True)) for row in reader: for column in row: if column in self.columns_in_yaml: row[column] = self._parse_yaml(row[column]) self.append(row) if not self: raise SkipComponent("There is no data in the table.")
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): """ Get the rows by searching the table with kwargs. This uses the :py:func:`insights.parsers.keyword_search` function for searching; see its documentation for usage details. If no search parameters are given, no rows are returned. It simplify the value of the column according to actual usage. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries of rows that match the given search criteria. """ return keyword_search(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_settings) class SatelliteAdminSettings(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c '"select name, value, "default" from settings where name in ('destroy_vm_on_host_delete', 'unregister_delete_host') --csv"``. Since satellite 6.14, the default column is deleted, the default value is "No" for columns "destroy_vm_on_host_delete" and "unregister_delete_host". Sample output:: name,value,default unregister_delete_host,"--- true ...","--- false ..." destroy_vm_on_host_delete,,"--- true ..." or name,value destroy_vm_on_host_delete, unregister_delete_host, Examples: >>> type(table) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteAdminSettings'> >>> table.get_setting('unregister_delete_host') True >>> table.get_setting('destroy_vm_on_host_delete') True """ columns = ['name', 'value'] columns_in_yaml = ['value', 'default']
[docs] def get_setting(self, setting_name): """ Get the actual value of setting_name. If the value column isn't empty, the value of the setting_name is the value column, or else it's the default column. Args: setting_name (str): the value of name column which is searched in the table. Returns: It depends on the setting, maybe boolean, string, int or a list. None if the setting_name doesn't exist in the table. """ rows = if rows: value = rows[0].get('value') if 'default' in rows[0]: return rows[0].get('default') if value == '' else value else: return value if value else False
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_compute_resources) class SatelliteComputeResources(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c 'select name, type from compute_resources' --csv``. Sample output:: name,type test_compute_resource1,Foreman::Model::Libvirt test_compute_resource2,Foreman::Model::RHV Examples: >>> type(resources_table) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteComputeResources'> >>>'Foreman::Model::Libvirt') >>> len(rows) 1 >>> rows[0]['name'] 'test_compute_resource1' """ columns = ['name', 'type']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_core_taskreservedresource_count) class SatelliteCoreTaskReservedResourceCount(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d pulpcore -c 'select count(*) from core_taskreservedresource' --csv``. Sample output:: count 0 Examples: >>> type(tasks) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteCoreTaskReservedResourceCount'> >>> tasks[0]['count'] '0' """ columns = ['count']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_host_facts_count) class SatelliteHostFactsCount(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c 'select count(*) from fact_names' --csv``. Sample output:: count 12121 Examples: >>> type(host_facts_obj) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteHostFactsCount'> >>> host_facts_obj[0]['count'] '12121' """ columns = ['count']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_ignore_source_rpms_repos) class SatelliteIgnoreSourceRpmsRepos(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select id, name from katello_root_repositories where ignorable_content like '%srpm%' and mirroring_policy='mirror_complete'" --csv``. Sample output:: id,name 4,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8 Examples: >>> type(i_srpm_repos) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteIgnoreSourceRpmsRepos'> >>> i_srpm_repos[0]['id'] '4' >>> i_srpm_repos[0]['name'] 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8' """ columns = ['id', 'name']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_logs_table_size) class SatelliteLogsTableSize(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select pg_total_relation_size('logs') as logs_size" --csv``. Sample output:: logs_size 565248 Examples: >>> type(logs_table) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteLogsTableSize'> >>> logs_table[0]['logs_size'] 565248 Raises: ParseException: when the size is not in integer type """ columns = ['logs_size']
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): super(SatelliteLogsTableSize, self).parse_content(content) for row in self: if not row['logs_size'].isdigit(): raise ParseException('Not expected logs size %s.' % row['logs_size']) row['logs_size'] = int(row['logs_size'])
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_provision_param_settings) class SatelliteProvisionParamSettings(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select name, value from parameters where name='package_upgrade' and reference_id in (select id from operatingsystems where name='RedHat' and major='9')" --csv``. Sample output:: name,value package_upgrade,"--- false ... " Examples: >>> type(param_settings) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteProvisionParamSettings'> >>> len(param_settings) 1 >>> param_settings[0]['value'] False """ columns = ['name', 'value'] columns_in_yaml = ['value']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_katello_repos_with_muliple_ref) class SatelliteKatellloReposWithMultipleRef(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select repository_href, count(*) from katello_repository_references group by repository_href having count(*) > 1;" --csv``. Sample output:: repository_href,count /pulp/api/v3/repositories/rpm/rpm/64e1ddf8-025e-45f2-b2f0-04b874674671/,3 /pulp/api/v3/repositories/rpm/rpm/sfwrsrw45sfse-45f2-b2f0-04b874675688/,2 Examples: >>> type(multi_ref_katello_repos) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteKatellloReposWithMultipleRef'> >>> len(multi_ref_katello_repos) 2 >>> multi_ref_katello_repos[0]['repository_href'] '/pulp/api/v3/repositories/rpm/rpm/64e1ddf8-025e-45f2-b2f0-04b874674671/' """ columns = ['repository_href', 'count']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_qualified_katello_repos) class SatelliteQualifiedKatelloRepos(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select id, name, url, download_policy from katello_root_repositories where download_policy = 'background' or url is NULL" --csv``. Sample output:: id,name,url,download_policy 2,Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.8 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64,,on_demand 3,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream RPMs 8,,background 4,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7Server,,background Examples: >>> type(repos) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteQualifiedKatelloRepos'> >>> len(repos) 3 >>> repos[0]['name'] 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.8 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64' """ columns = ['id', 'name', 'url', 'download_policy']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_qualified_capsules) class SatelliteQualifiedCapsules(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select name from smart_proxies where download_policy = 'background'" --csv``. Sample output:: name Examples: >>> type(capsules) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteQualifiedCapsules'> >>> len(capsules) 2 >>> capsules[0]['name'] '' """ columns = ['name']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_rhv_hosts_count) class SatelliteRHVHostsCount(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d foreman -c "select count(*) from hosts where \"compute_resource_id\" in (select id from compute_resources where type='Foreman::Model::Ovirt')" --csv``. Sample output:: count 2 Examples: >>> type(rhv_hosts) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteRHVHostsCount'> >>> rhv_hosts[0]['count'] '2' """ columns = ['count']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_revoked_cert_count) class SatelliteRevokedCertCount(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d candlepin -c "select count( from cp_cert_serial inner join cp_certificate on cp_certificate.serial_id = where cp_cert_serial.revoked = 't'\" --csv``. Sample output:: count 0 Examples: >>> type(revoked_certs) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteRevokedCertCount'> >>> revoked_certs[0]['count'] '0' """ columns = ['count']
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_sca_status) class SatelliteSCAStatus(SatellitePostgreSQLQuery): """ Parse the output of the command ``psql -d candlepin -c "select displayname, content_access_mode from cp_owner" --csv``. Sample output:: displayname,content_access_mode Default Organization,entitlement Orgq,org_environment Examples: >>> type(sat_sca_info) <class 'insights.parsers.satellite_postgresql_query.SatelliteSCAStatus'> >>> sat_sca_info.sca_enabled True """ columns = ['displayname', 'content_access_mode'] @property def sca_enabled(self): """ If the value of content_access_mode is "org_environment", it means the SCA is enabled for this organization. Return True if any organization has SCA enabled on the satellite else False """ return bool(len('org_environment')))