Source code for insights.parsers.ssl_certificate

Get SSL Certificate Info

This module contains the following parsers:

SatelliteCustomCaChain - command ``awk 'BEGIN { pipe="openssl x509 -noout -subject -enddate"} /^-+BEGIN CERT/,/^-+END CERT/ { print | pipe } /^-+END CERT/ { close(pipe); printf("\\n")}' /etc/pki/katello/certs/katello-server-ca.crt``
RhsmKatelloDefaultCACert - command ``openssl x509 -in /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem -noout -issuer``
HttpdSSLCertExpireDate - command ``openssl x509 -in httpd_certificate_path -enddate -noout``
NginxSSLCertExpireDate - command ``openssl x509 -in nginx_certificate_path -enddate -noout``
MssqlTLSCertExpireDate - command ``openssl x509 -in mssql_tls_cert_file -enddate -noout``
HttpdCertInfoInNSS - command ``certutil -L -d xxx -n xxx``
from datetime import datetime

from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import ParseException, SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.parsers.certificates_enddate import CertificatesEnddate
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] def parse_openssl_output(content): """ It parses the output of "openssl -in <single_certificate_file> -xxx". Currently it only supports the attributes which the output is in key=value pairs. It saves the cert info into a dict. The value of notBefore and notAfter are saved to an instance of ExpirationDate, which contains the date in string and datetime format. Raises: ParseException: when the output isn't in key=value format or the notAfter or notBefore isn't expected format. """ date_format = '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' data = {} for line in content: if '=' not in line: raise ParseException('The line %s is not in key=value format' % line) key, value = [item.strip() for item in line.split('=', 1)] if key in ['notBefore', 'notAfter']: value_without_tz = value.rsplit(" ", 1)[0] try: date_time = datetime.strptime(value_without_tz, date_format) except Exception: raise ParseException('The %s is not in %s format.' % (key, date_format)) value = CertificatesEnddate.ExpirationDate(value_without_tz, date_time) data[key] = value return data
[docs] class CertificateInfo(CommandParser, dict): """ Base class to parse the output of "openssl -in <single_certificate_file> -xxx". Currently it only supports the attributes which the output is in key=value pairs. Sample Output:: issuer= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ notBefore=Dec 7 07:02:33 2020 GMT notAfter=Jan 18 07:02:33 2038 GMT subject= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ Examples: >>> type(cert) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateInfo'> >>> 'issuer' in cert True >>> cert['issuer'] '/C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/' >>> cert['notBefore'].str 'Dec 7 07:02:33 2020' Raises: SkipComponent: when the command output is empty. """ def __init__(self, context): super(CertificateInfo, self).__init__( context, extra_bad_lines=['error opening certificate', 'unable to load certificate'])
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ This uses the :py:func:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.parse_openssl_output` function. See its documentation for parsing details. """ self.update(parse_openssl_output(content)) if not self: raise SkipComponent("There is not any info in the cert.")
@property def cert_path(self): '''Return the certificate path.''' return self.args
[docs] class CertificateChain(CommandParser, list): """ Base class to parse the output of "openssl -in <certificate_chain_file> -xxx". Blank line is added to distinguish different certs in the chain. Currently it only supports the attributes which the output is in key=value pairs. Sample Output:: issuer= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ subject= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ notBefore=Dec 7 07:02:33 2020 GMT notAfter=Jan 18 07:02:33 2038 GMT issuer= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ subject= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ notBefore=Nov 30 07:02:42 2020 GMT notAfter=Jan 18 07:02:43 2018 GMT Examples: >>> type(certs) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateChain'> >>> len(certs) 2 >>> certs.earliest_expiry_date.str 'Jan 18 07:02:43 2018' """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Parse the content of cert chain file. And it saves the certs in a list of dict. This uses the :py:func:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.parse_openssl_output` function. See its documentation for parsing details. Attributes: earliest_expiry_date(ExpirationDate): The earliest expiry datetime of the certs in the chain. None when there isn't "notAfter" for all the certs in the chain. Raises: SkipComponent: when the command output is empty. """ self.earliest_expiry_date = None start_index = 0 for index, line in enumerate(content): if not line.strip(): # one cert ends if start_index != index: self.append(parse_openssl_output(content[start_index:index])) start_index = index + 1 if index == len(content) - 1: self.append(parse_openssl_output(content=content[start_index:index + 1])) if not self: raise SkipComponent("There is not any info in the ca cert chain.") for one_cert in self: expire_date = one_cert.get('notAfter') if expire_date and (self.earliest_expiry_date is None or expire_date.datetime < self.earliest_expiry_date.datetime): self.earliest_expiry_date = expire_date
[docs] @parser(Specs.satellite_custom_ca_chain) class SatelliteCustomCaChain(CertificateChain): """ .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateChain` for more details. Sample Output:: subject= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ notAfter=Jan 18 07:02:33 2038 GMT subject= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ notAfter=Jan 18 07:02:43 2028 GMT Examples: >>> type(satellite_ca_certs) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.SatelliteCustomCaChain'> >>> len(satellite_ca_certs) 2 >>> satellite_ca_certs.earliest_expiry_date.str 'Jan 18 07:02:43 2028' """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.rhsm_katello_default_ca_cert) class RhsmKatelloDefaultCACert(CertificateInfo): """ .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateInfo` for more details. Sample Output:: issuer= /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/ Examples: >>> type(rhsm_katello_default_ca) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.RhsmKatelloDefaultCACert'> >>> rhsm_katello_default_ca['issuer'] '/C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Katello/OU=SomeOrgUnit/' """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.httpd_ssl_cert_enddate) class HttpdSSLCertExpireDate(CertificateInfo): """ .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateInfo` for more details. It parses the output of ``openssl x509 -in httpd_ssl_certificate_path -enddate -noout``. Sample output of ``openssl x509 -in httpd_certificate_path -enddate -noout``:: notAfter=Dec 4 07:04:05 2035 GMT Examples: >>> type(date_info) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.HttpdSSLCertExpireDate'> >>> date_info['notAfter'].datetime datetime.datetime(2038, 1, 18, 7, 2, 43) """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.nginx_ssl_cert_enddate) class NginxSSLCertExpireDate(CertificateInfo): """ .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateInfo` for more details. It parses the output of ``openssl x509 -in nginx_certificate_path -enddate -noout``. Sample output of ``openssl x509 -in nginx_certificate_path -enddate -noout``:: notAfter=Dec 4 07:04:05 2035 GMT Examples: >>> type(nginx_date_info) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.NginxSSLCertExpireDate'> >>> nginx_date_info['notAfter'].datetime datetime.datetime(2038, 1, 18, 7, 2, 43) >>> nginx_date_info.cert_path '/a/b/c.pem' """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.mssql_tls_cert_enddate) class MssqlTLSCertExpireDate(CertificateInfo): """ .. note:: Please refer to its super-class :class:`insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.CertificateInfo` for more details. It parses the output of ``openssl x509 -in mssql_tls_cert_file -enddate -noout``. Sample output of ``openssl x509 -in mssql_tls_cert_file -enddate -noout``:: notAfter=Dec 4 07:04:05 2035 GMT Examples: >>> type(mssql_date_info) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.MssqlTLSCertExpireDate'> >>> mssql_date_info['notAfter'].datetime datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 5, 1, 43, 59) """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.httpd_cert_info_in_nss) class HttpdCertInfoInNSS(CommandParser, dict): """ It parses the output of "certutil -d <database_path> -L -n <cert_name>". Currently it only parses the "Not After" info and save it into a dict. And the key is renamed to "notAfter" to keep consistent with the other certificat info. The value of "notAfter" is transformed to an instance of ExpirationDate, which contains the date in string and datetime format. Raises: ParseException: when the "Not After" isn't in the expected format. SkipComponent: when there is no "Not After" info in the content. Examples: >>> type(nss_cert_info) <class 'insights.parsers.ssl_certificate.HttpdCertInfoInNSS'> >>> nss_cert_info['notAfter'].str 'Sun Dec 07 05:26:10 2025' """ date_format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): # currently only expire date is needed for line in content: if 'Not After :' in line: key, value = [item.strip() for item in line.split(':', 1)] try: date_time = datetime.strptime(value, self.date_format) except Exception: raise ParseException('The %s is not in %s format.' % (key, self.date_format)) value = CertificatesEnddate.ExpirationDate(value, date_time) self.update({'notAfter': value}) if not self: raise SkipComponent
@property def cert_path(self): '''Return the certificate path info.''' return self.args