Source code for insights.parsers.version_info

VersionInfo - file ``version_info``

.. warning::
    This parser is deprecated, please use
    :py:class:`insights.parsers.client_metadata.VersionInfo` instead.

The version of the insights core and insights client that the archive used.
from insights import JSONParser, parser
from insights.specs import Specs
from insights.util import deprecated

[docs] @parser(Specs.version_info) class VersionInfo(JSONParser): """ .. warning:: This parser is deprecated, please use :py:class:`insights.parsers.client_metadata.VersionInfo` instead. This parser parses the ``version_info`` file generated by the ``insights-client`` command. Typical content of this file is:: {"core_version": "3.0.203-1", "client_version": "3.1.1"} .. note:: The :attr:`client_version` provided by this Parser is a short version only, to get the full version of the ``insights-client`` package, please use the :class:`insights.parsers.installed_rpms.InstalledRpms` Parser instead. Examples: >>> ver.core_version == '3.0.203-1' True >>> ver.client_version == '3.1.1' True """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): deprecated( VersionInfo, "Please use insights.parsers.client_metadata.VersionInfo instead.", "3.4.0" ) super(VersionInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def core_version(self): """ Returns: (str): The version of the insights core. """ return['core_version'] @property def client_version(self): """ Returns: (str): The version of the insights client. .. note:: This attribute returns a short version of the insights client only, to get the full version of the ``insights-client`` package, please use the :class:`insights.parsers.installed_rpms.InstalledRpms` Parser instead. """ return['client_version']