Source code for insights.specs.datasources.httpd

Custom datasources related to ``httpd``
import glob
import json
import os

from import Ps
from insights.core.context import HostContext
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import datasource
from insights.core.spec_factory import DatasourceProvider
from insights.parsers.mount import ProcMounts
from insights.specs.datasources import get_running_commands

[docs] @datasource(Ps, HostContext) def httpd_cmds(broker): """ Function to search the output of ``ps auxcww`` to find all running Apache webserver processes and extract the binary path. Returns: list: List of the binary paths to each running process """ cmds = get_running_commands(broker[Ps], broker[HostContext], ['httpd', ]) if cmds: return cmds raise SkipComponent
@datasource(ProcMounts, HostContext) def httpd_on_nfs(broker): """ Function to get the count of httpd opened file on nfs v4 Returns: str: JSON string with keys: "httpd_ids", "nfs_mounts", "open_nfs_files" """ mnt = broker[ProcMounts] mps ='nfs4') # get nfs 4.0 mount points nfs_mounts = [m.mount_point for m in mps if 'vers' in m.mount_options and m.mount_options.vers.startswith("4")] if nfs_mounts: # get all httpd ps httpd_pids = broker[HostContext].shell_out("pgrep httpd") if httpd_pids: open_nfs_files = 0 lsof_cmds = ["lsof -p {0}".format(pid) for pid in httpd_pids if pid] # maybe there are thousands open files for cmd in lsof_cmds: for line in broker[HostContext].shell_out(cmd): items = line.split() if len(items) > 8 and items[8].startswith(tuple(nfs_mounts)): open_nfs_files += 1 result_dict = {"http_ids": httpd_pids, "nfs_mounts": nfs_mounts, "open_nfs_files": open_nfs_files} relative_path = 'insights_commands/httpd_open_nfsV4_files' return DatasourceProvider(content=json.dumps(result_dict), relative_path=relative_path) raise SkipComponent def _get_all_include_conf(root, glob_path): includes = glob_path # In case $ServerRoot in included in the 'glob_path' if not glob_path.startswith(root): includes = os.path.join(root, glob_path) _paths = set() try: for conf in glob.glob(includes): if os.path.isfile(conf): _paths.add(conf) with open(conf) as cfp: _includes = None for line in cfp.readlines(): if line.strip().startswith("Include"): _includes = line.split()[-1].strip('"\'') _paths.update(_get_all_include_conf(root, _includes)) if os.path.isdir(conf): _includes = os.path.join(conf, "*") _paths.update(_get_all_include_conf(root, _includes)) return _paths except Exception: pass return _paths def get_httpd_configuration_files(httpd_root): main_httpd_conf = os.path.join(httpd_root, "conf/httpd.conf") all_paths = set() try: with open(main_httpd_conf) as cfp: server_root = httpd_root # Add it only when it exists all_paths.add(main_httpd_conf) for line in cfp.readlines(): if line.strip().startswith("ServerRoot"): server_root = line.strip().split()[-1].strip().strip('"\'') elif line.strip().startswith("Include"): includes = line.strip().split()[-1].strip('"\'') # For multiple "Include" directives, all of them will be included all_paths.update(_get_all_include_conf(server_root, includes)) except Exception: # Skip the datasource when no such "<root path>/httpd.conf" file raise SkipComponent return all_paths @datasource(HostContext) def httpd_configuration_files(broker): """ This datasource returns the all of httpd configuration files' path. Returns: list: the file path of httpd configuration files Raises: SkipComponent: there is no httpd configuration file """ httpd_root = '/etc/httpd' all_paths = get_httpd_configuration_files(httpd_root) if all_paths: return all_paths raise SkipComponent @datasource(HostContext) def httpd24_scl_configuration_files(broker): """ This datasource returns the all of httpd24 slc configuration files' path. Returns: list: the file path of httpd24 slc configuration files Raises: SkipComponent: there is no httpd24 slc configuration file """ httpd_root = '/opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd' all_paths = get_httpd_configuration_files(httpd_root) if all_paths: return all_paths raise SkipComponent @datasource(HostContext) def httpd24_scl_jbcs_configuration_files(broker): """ This datasource returns the all of httpd24 slc jbcs configuration files' path. Returns: list: the file path of httpd24 slc jbcs configuration files Raises: SkipComponent: there is no httpd24 slc jbcs configuration file """ httpd_root = '/opt/rh/jbcs-httpd24/root/etc/httpd' all_paths = get_httpd_configuration_files(httpd_root) if all_paths: return all_paths raise SkipComponent