Source code for

Custom datasources for ps information
import json
import os.path

from insights.core.context import HostContext
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import datasource
from insights.core.spec_factory import DatasourceProvider, simple_command
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] class LocalSpecs(Specs): """ Local specs used only by ps datasources """ ps_eo_args = simple_command("/bin/ps -ewwo pid,ppid,nlwp,args") """ Returns ps output including pid, ppid, nlwp and full args """
@datasource(LocalSpecs.ps_eo_args, HostContext) def ps_eo_cmd(broker): """ Custom datasource to collect the full paths to all running commands on the system provided by the ``ps -ewwo pid,ppid,nlwp,args`` command. After collecting the data, all of the args are trimmed to leave only the command including full path. Sample output from the ``ps -ewwo pid,ppid,nlwp,args`` command:: PID PPID NLWP COMMAND 1 0 1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 31 2 0 1 [kthreadd] 3 2 1 [rcu_gp] 4 2 1 [rcu_par_gp] 6 2 1 [kworker/0:0H-events_highpri] 9 2 1 [mm_percpu_wq] 10 2 1 [rcu_tasks_kthre] 11 0 1 /usr/bin/python3 /home/user1/ 12 2 1 [kworker/u16:0-kcryptd/253:0] This datasource trims off the args to minimize possible PII and sensitive information. After trimming the data looks like this:: PID PPID NLWP COMMAND 1 0 1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd 2 0 1 [kthreadd] 3 2 1 [rcu_gp] 4 2 1 [rcu_par_gp] 6 2 1 [kworker/0:0H-events_highpri] 9 2 1 [mm_percpu_wq] 10 2 1 [rcu_tasks_kthre] 11 2 1 /usr/bin/python3 12 2 1 [kworker/u16:0-kcryptd/253:0] Returns: str: Returns a multiline string in the same format as ``ps`` output Raises: SkipComponent: Raised if no data is available """ content = broker[LocalSpecs.ps_eo_args].content data = [] data.append('PID PPID NLWP COMMAND') start = False for l in content: if 'PID' in l and 'COMMAND' in l: start = True continue if not start: continue pid, ppid, nlwp, args = l.strip().split(None, 3) if ' ' in args: cmd, _ = args.split(None, 1) else: cmd = args data.append('{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(pid, ppid, nlwp, cmd)) if len(data) > 1: return DatasourceProvider('\n'.join(data), relative_path='insights_commands/ps_eo_cmd') raise SkipComponent() @datasource(LocalSpecs.ps_eo_args, HostContext) def jboss_runtime_versions(broker): """ Custom datasource to collect the <JBOSS_HOME>/version.txt. Sample output from the ``ps -ewwo pid,ppid,nlwp,args`` command:: PID PPID NLWP COMMAND 1 0 1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 31 2 0 1 [kthreadd] 3 2 1 [rcu_gp] 4 2 1 [rcu_par_gp] 6 2 1 [kworker/0:0H-events_highpri] 8686 525 1 java -D[Standalone] -server -verbose:gc -Xms64m -Xmx512m -Djboss.home.dir=/opt/jboss-datagrid-7.3.0-server -Djboss.server.base.dir=/opt/jboss-datagrid-7.3.0-server/standalone Get the Jboss home directory and read the version.txt:: -Djboss.home.dir=/opt/jboss-datagrid-7.3.0-server /opt/jboss-datagrid-7.3.0-server/version.txt Returns: str: string of dict {<jboss_home>: <content of version.txt>} Raises: SkipComponent: Raised if no data is available """ content = broker[LocalSpecs.ps_eo_args].content jboss_home_dirs = set() data = {} for l in content: if 'java ' in l: jboss_home_labels = ['-jboss-home ', '-Djboss.home.dir=', '-Dcatalina.home=', '-Dinfinispan.server.home.path='] for jhl in jboss_home_labels: if jhl in l: jboss_home_str = l.split(jhl)[1] if jboss_home_str.startswith('/'): jboss_home_dirs.add(jboss_home_str.split()[0]) if jboss_home_dirs: for one_jboss_home_dir in jboss_home_dirs: jboss_v_file = os.path.join(one_jboss_home_dir, 'version.txt') if os.path.exists(jboss_v_file): with open(jboss_v_file, 'r') as version_file: data[one_jboss_home_dir] = if len(data) > 0: return DatasourceProvider(json.dumps(data), relative_path='insights_commands/jboss_versions') raise SkipComponent()