Source code for insights.combiners.du

Disk Usage

Combiners for gathering information from du parsers.

from insights import combiner
from insights.parsers.du import DiskUsageDir

[docs] @combiner(DiskUsageDir) class DiskUsageDirs(dict): """ Combiner for the :class:`insights.parsers.du.DiskUsageDir` parser. The parser is multioutput, one parser instance for each directory disk usage. This combiner puts all of them back together and presents them as a dict where the keys are the directory names and the space usage are the values. Sample input data for du commands as parsed by the parsers:: # Output of the command: # /bin/du -s -k /var/log 553500 /var/log # Output of the command: # /bin/du -s -k /var/lib/pgsql 519228 /var/lib/pgsql Examples: >>> type(disk_usage_dirs) <class 'insights.combiners.du.DiskUsageDirs'> >>> sorted(disk_usage_dirs.keys()) ['/var/lib/pgsql', '/var/log'] >>> disk_usage_dirs['/var/lib/pgsql'] 519228 """ def __init__(self, du_dirs): super(DiskUsageDirs, self).__init__() for du in du_dirs: self.update(du)