krb5 configuration
The krb5 files are normally available to rules as a list of
Krb5Configuration objects.
from copy import deepcopy
from insights.core import LegacyItemAccess
from insights.core.plugins import combiner
from insights.parsers.krb5 import Krb5Configuration, _handle_krb5_bool
class AllKrb5Conf(LegacyItemAccess):
Combiner for accessing all the krb5 configuration files, the format is dict.
There may be multi files for krb5 configuration, and the main config file is
krb5.conf. In the situation that same section is both in krb5.conf and other
configuration files, section in krb5.conf is the available setting. Data from
parser krb5 is list of dict(s), this combiner will parse this list and return
a dict which containing all valid data.
Sample files::
includedir /etc/krb5.conf.d/
include /etc/krb5test.conf
module /etc/krb5test.conf:residual
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
dns_lookup_realm = false
default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}
>>> all_krb5 = shared[AllKrb5Conf]
>>> all_krb5.include
>>> all_krb5.sections()
['logging', 'realms']
>>> all_krb5.options('logging')
['default', 'kdc', 'admin_server']
>>> all_krb5['logging']['kdc']
>>> all_krb5.has_option('logging', 'admin_server')
>>> all_krb5['realms']['dns_lookup_realm']
>>> all_krb5.files
['krb5.conf', 'test.conf', 'test2.conf']
includedir (list): The directory list that `krb5.conf` includes via
`includedir` directive
include (list): The configuration file list that `krb5.conf` includes
via `include` directive
module (list): The module list that `krb5.conf` specifed via 'module'
files (list): The list of configuration file names.
dns_lookup_realm (bool): is Kerberos realm DNS lookup enabled?
dns_lookup_kdc (bool): is Kerberos KDC DNS lookup enabled?
default_realm (str/None): default realm for clients
realms (set): realm names from [realms] block
def __init__(self, krb5configs):
self.data = {}
main_data = {}
self.includedir = []
self.include = []
self.module = []
self.files = []
for krb5_parser in krb5configs:
if krb5_parser.file_path == "/etc/krb5.conf":
main_data = krb5_parser.data
self.includedir = krb5_parser.includedir
self.include = krb5_parser.include
self.module = krb5_parser.module
dict_deep_merge(self.data, krb5_parser.data)
# Same options in same section from other configuration files will be covered by the option
# from main configuration, but different options in same section will be kept.
for key, value in main_data.items():
if key in self.data.keys():
self.data[key] = value
def _getbool(option, default=None):
if not self.has_option("libdefaults", option):
return default
return self.getboolean("libdefaults", option)
self.dns_lookup_realm = _getbool("dns_lookup_realm", True)
self.dns_lookup_kdc = _getbool("dns_lookup_kdc", True)
if self.has_option("libdefaults", "default_realm"):
self.default_realm = self["libdefaults"]["default_realm"]
self.default_realm = None
self.realms = set()
if self.has_section("realms"):
r = self["realms"]
for name, value in r.items():
if (
# realm entries must be dicts
isinstance(value, dict) and
# realm names look like "UPPER-CASE.COM"
not any(c.islower() or c == "_" for c in name)
super(AllKrb5Conf, self).__init__()
def sections(self):
Return a list of section names.
return self.data.keys()
def has_section(self, section):
Indicate whether the named section is present in the configuration.
Return True if the given section is present, and False if not present.
return section in self.data
def options(self, section):
Return a list of option names for the given section name.
return self.data[section].keys() if self.has_section(section) else []
def has_option(self, section, option):
Check for the existence of a given option in a given section.
Return True if the given option is present, and False if not present.
if section not in self.data:
return False
return option in self.data[section]
def getboolean(self, section, option):
"""Parse option as bool
Returns None is not a krb5.conf boolean string.
value = self.data[section][option]
return _handle_krb5_bool(value)
def dict_deep_merge(tgt, src):
Utility function to merge the source dictionary `src` to the target
dictionary recursively
The type of the values in the dictionary can only be `dict` or `list`
tgt (dict): The target dictionary
src (dict): The source dictionary
for k, v in src.items():
if k in tgt:
if isinstance(tgt[k], dict) and isinstance(v, dict):
dict_deep_merge(tgt[k], v)
tgt[k] = deepcopy(v)