Source code for insights.combiners.logrotate_conf

LogrotateConfAll - Combiner for logrotate configuration
Combiner for accessing all the logrotate configuration files.  It collects all
LogrotateConf generated from each single logrotate configuration file.

There may be multiple logrotate configuration, and the main configuration file is
``/etc/logrotate.conf``.  Only the options defined in this file are global
options, and all other options (if there are) will be discarded.

import operator
import os

from fnmatch import fnmatch
from insights.core import ConfigCombiner
from insights.core.plugins import combiner
from insights.parsers.logrotate_conf import LogrotateConf, LogRotateConfPEG
from insights.parsr.query import eq

[docs] @combiner(LogrotateConf) class LogrotateConfAll(object): """ Class for combining all the logrotate configuration files. Sample files:: # /etc/logrotate.conf: compress rotate 7 /var/log/messages { rotate 5 weekly postrotate /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd endscript } # /etc/logrotate.d/httpd "/var/log/httpd/access.log" /var/log/httpd/error.log { rotate 5 mail size=100k sharedscripts postrotate /sbin/killall -HUP httpd endscript } # /etc/logrotate.d/newscrit /var/log/news/*.crit { monthly rotate 2 olddir /var/log/news/old missingok postrotate kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` endscript nocompress } Examples: >>> all_lrt.global_options ['compress', 'rotate', 'include'] >>> all_lrt['rotate'] '7' >>> '/var/log/httpd/access.log' in all_lrt.log_files True >>> all_lrt['/var/log/httpd/access.log']['rotate'] '5' >>> all_lrt.configfile_of_logfile('/var/log/news/olds.crit') '/etc/logrotate.d/newscrit' >>> all_lrt.options_of_logfile('/var/log/httpd/access.log')['mail'] '' Attributes: data(dict): All parsed options and log files are stored in this dictionary global_options(list): List of global options defined in ``/etc/logrotate.conf`` log_files(list): List of log files in all logrotate configuration files """ def __init__(self, lrt_conf): = {} self.global_options = [] self.log_files = [] self._file_map = {} self.include = None for lrt in lrt_conf: if lrt.file_path == "/etc/logrotate.conf": self.log_files.extend(lrt.log_files) self._file_map[lrt.file_path] = lrt.log_files self.global_options = lrt.options if 'include' in lrt.options and['include'].startswith('/etc/logrotate.d'): self.include =['include'] if self.include: for lrt in lrt_conf: if lrt.file_path == self.include or (lrt.file_path.startswith(self.include) and len(lrt.file_path.split(self.include)[-1].lstrip('/').split('/')) == 1) or fnmatch(lrt.file_path, self.include): self.log_files.extend(lrt.log_files) self._file_map[lrt.file_path] = lrt.log_files def __contains__(self, item): return (item in self.global_options or any(fnmatch(item, f) for f in self.log_files)) def __getitem__(self, item): if item in self.global_options: return[item] return def _get_match_logfile(self, log_file, file_list=[]): file_list = self.log_files if not file_list else file_list for f in file_list: if fnmatch(log_file, f): return f
[docs] def options_of_logfile(self, log_file): """ Get the options of ``log_file``. Parameters: log_file(str): The log files need to check. Returns: dict: Dictionary contains the options of ``log_file``. None when no such ``log_file``. """ return
[docs] def configfile_of_logfile(self, log_file): """ Get the configuration file path in which the ``log_file`` is configured. Parameters: log_file(str): The log files need to check. Returns: dict: The configuration file path of ``log_file``. None when no such ``log_file``. """ for f, lfs in self._file_map.items(): for file in lfs: if fnmatch(log_file, file): return f
[docs] @combiner(LogRotateConfPEG) class LogRotateConfTree(ConfigCombiner): """ Exposes logrotate configuration through the parsr query interface. See the :py:class:`insights.core.ConfigComponent` class for example usage. """ def __init__(self, confs): include = eq("include") main_file = "logrotate.conf" super(LogRotateConfTree, self).__init__(confs, main_file, include) @property def conf_path(self): return os.path.dirname(self.main.file_path) def find_matches(self, confs, pattern): results = [] for c in confs: if c.file_path.startswith(pattern) and len(c.file_path.split(pattern)[-1].lstrip('/').split('/')) == 1: results.append(c) elif fnmatch(c.file_path, pattern): results.append(c) return sorted(results, key=operator.attrgetter("file_name"))