This combiner combines the following parsers for SAP instances:
:class:`insights.parsers.saphostctrl.SAPHostCtrlInstances` and
from collections import namedtuple
from insights import SkipComponent
from insights.combiners.hostname import Hostname
from insights.core.plugins import combiner
from insights.parsers.saphostctrl import SAPHostCtrlInstances
SAPInstances = namedtuple(
field_names=["name", "hostname", "sid", "type", "full_type", "number", "fqdn", "version"])
"""namedtuple: Type for storing the SAP instance."""
'Solution Manager Diagnostic Agent': ['SMDA'],
'Diagnostic Agent': ['DAA', 'SMD'],
NETW_TYPES = ('D', 'ASCS', 'DVEBMGS', 'J', 'SCS', 'ERS', 'W', 'G', 'JC')
tuple: Tuple of the prefix string of the functional SAP instances::
D : NetWeaver (ABAP Dialog Instance)
ASCS : NetWeaver (ABAP Central Services)
DVEBMGS: NetWeaver (Primary Application server)
J : NetWeaver (Java App Server Instance)
SCS : NetWeaver (Java Central Services)
ERS : NetWeaver (Enqueue Replication Server)
W : NetWeaver (WebDispatcher)
G : NetWeaver (Gateway)
JC : NetWeaver (Java App Server Instance)
@combiner(Hostname, SAPHostCtrlInstances)
class Sap(dict):
It combines the following parsers for SAP instances:
:class:`insights.parsers.saphostctrl.SAPHostCtrlInstances` and
>>> type(saps)
<class 'insights.combiners.sap.Sap'>
>>> 'DVEBMGS12' in saps
>>> saps['DVEBMGS12'].number
>>> saps.sid('ASCS10')
>>> saps.hostname('ASCS10')
>>> len(saps.instances)
>>> saps.is_hana
>>> saps.is_netweaver
>>> saps.is_ascs
def __init__(self, hostname, insts):
hn = hostname.hostname
fqdn = hostname.fqdn
self._local_instances = []
self._instances = []
self._daa_instances = []
self._types = insts.types
self._all_instances = insts.instances
for inst in insts:
k = inst['InstanceName']
if (hn == inst['Hostname'].split('.')[0] or
fqdn == inst['FullQualifiedHostname'] or
fqdn == inst['Hostname']):
self[k] = SAPInstances(k,
if len(self) == 0:
raise SkipComponent('No SAP instance.')
for i in self.values():
if (
i.full_type in DAA_TYPES or
i.type in [st for sts in DAA_TYPES.values() for st in sts]
def version(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the version of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].version if instance in self else None
def sid(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the sid of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].sid if instance in self else None
def type(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the short type code of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].type if instance in self else None
def full_type(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the full type code of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].full_type if instance in self else None
def hostname(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the hostname of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].hostname if instance in self else None
def number(self, instance):
"""str: Returns the systeme number of the ``instance``."""
return self[instance].number if instance in self else None
def is_netweaver(self):
"""bool: Is any SAP NetWeaver instance detected?"""
return any(_t in self._types for _t in NETW_TYPES)
def is_hana(self):
"""bool: Is any SAP HANA instance detected?"""
return 'HDB' in self._types
def is_ascs(self):
"""bool: Is any ABAP Central Services instance detected?"""
return 'ASCS' in self._types
def all_instances(self):
list: List of all the SAP instances listed by the command.
return self._all_instances
def instances(self):
list: List of the SAP instances that are NOT Diagnostic Agent
instance, e.g. HANA, NetWeaver, ASCS, or other instances
return self._instances
def daa_instances(self):
list: List of the SAP Diagnostic Agent instances, e.g.
Diagnostics Agents: SMDA97/SMDA98
return self._daa_instances
def function_instances(self):
.. warning::
This property is deprecated and will be removed from 3.6.0.
It's recommended to use the `daa_instances` attribute of
:class:`insights.combiners.sap.Sap` instead.
list: List of functional SAP instances.
return self.daa_instances
def business_instances(self):
.. warning::
This property is deprecated and will be removed from 3.6.0.
It's recommended to use the `instances` attribute of
:class:`insights.combiners.sap.Sap` instead.
list: List of business SAP instances.
return self.instances
def local_instances(self):
.. warning::
This property is deprecated and will be removed from 3.6.0.
List: List of all SAP instances running on this host.
return self._local_instances
def data(self):
.. warning::
This property is deprecated and will be removed from 3.6.0.
dict: Dict with the instance name as the key and instance details as the value.
return self