Source code for insights.core

import datetime
import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import re
import shlex
import six
import sys
import yaml

from collections import OrderedDict
from fnmatch import fnmatch

from insights.contrib.ConfigParser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError
from insights.core import ls_parser
from insights.core.exceptions import ContentException, ParseException, SkipComponent  # noqa: F401
from insights.core.serde import deserializer, serializer
from insights.parsr import iniparser
from insights.parsr.query import Directive, Entry, Result, Section, compile_queries
from insights.util import deprecated

    from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
    from yaml import SafeLoader

# Since XPath expression is not supported by the ElementTree in Python 2.6,
# import insights.contrib.ElementTree when running python is prior to 2.6 for compatibility.
# Script insights.contrib.ElementTree is the same with xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 2.7.14
# Otherwise, import defusedxml.ElementTree to avoid XML vulnerabilities,
# if dependency not installed import xml.etree.ElementTree instead.
if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] <= 6:
    import insights.contrib.ElementTree as ET
        import defusedxml.ElementTree as ET
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Parser(object): """ Base class designed to be subclassed by parsers. The framework will construct your object with a `Context` that will provide *at least* the content as an interable of lines and the path that the content was retrieved from. Facts should be exposed as instance members where applicable. For example:: self.fact = "123" Examples: >>> class MyParser(Parser): ... def parse_content(self, content): ... self.facts = [] ... for line in content: ... if 'fact' in line: ... self.facts.append(line) >>> content = ''' ... # Comment line ... fact=fact 1 ... fact=fact 2 ... fact=fact 3 ... '''.strip() >>> my_parser = MyParser(context_wrap(content, path='/etc/path_to_content/content.conf')) >>> my_parser.facts ['fact=fact 1', 'fact=fact 2', 'fact=fact 3'] >>> my_parser.file_path '/etc/path_to_content/content.conf' >>> my_parser.file_name 'content.conf' """ def __init__(self, context): self.file_path = os.path.join("/", context.relative_path) if context.relative_path is not None else None """str: Full context path of the input file.""" self.file_name = os.path.basename(context.path) if context.path is not None else None """str: Filename portion of the input file.""" if hasattr(context, "last_client_run"): self.last_client_run = context.last_client_run else: self.last_client_run = None self.args = context.args if hasattr(context, "args") else None self._handle_content(context) def _handle_content(self, context): self.parse_content(context.content)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """This method must be implemented by classes based on this class.""" msg = "Parser subclasses must implement parse_content(self, content)." raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] class StreamParser(Parser): """ Parsers that don't have to store lines or look back in the data stream should implement StreamParser instead of Parser as it is more memory efficient. The only difference between StreamParser and Parser is that StreamParser.parse_content will receive a generator instead of a list. """ def _handle_content(self, context): self.parse_content(
[docs] @serializer(Parser) def default_parser_serializer(obj): return vars(obj)
[docs] @deserializer(Parser) def default_parser_deserializer(_type, data): obj = _type.__new__(_type) obj.file_path = None obj.file_name = None obj.last_client_run = None obj.args = None for k, v in data.items(): setattr(obj, k, v) return obj
[docs] def flatten(docs, pred): """ Replace include nodes with their config trees. Allows the same files to be included more than once so long as they don't induce a recursion. """ pred = compile_queries(pred) def inner(children, stack): seen = set(stack) results = [] for c in children: if pred([c]) and c.children: name = c.string_value if name in seen: msg = "Configuration contains recursive includes: %s" % name raise Exception(msg) stack.append(name) results.extend(inner(c.children, stack)) stack.pop() else: results.append(c) if c.children: c.children = inner(c.children, stack) return results return inner(docs, [])
[docs] class ConfigComponent(object):
[docs] def select(self, *queries, **kwargs): """ Given a list of queries, executes those queries against the set of Nodes. A Node has three primary attributes: name (str), attrs ([str|int]), and children ([Node]). Nodes also have a value attribute that is either the first attribute (in the case of simple directives that only have one), or the string representation of all attributes joined by a single space. Each positional argument to select represents a query against the name and/or attributes of the corresponding level of the configuration tree. The first argument queries root nodes, the second argument queries children of the root nodes, etc. An individual query is either a single value or a tuple. A single value queries the name of a Node. A tuple queries the name and the attrs. So: `select(name_predicate)` or `select((name_predicate, attrs_predicate))` In general, `select(pred1, pred2, pred3, ...)` If a predicate is a simple value (string or int), an exact match is required for names, and an exact match of any attribute is required for attributes. Examples: `select("Directory")` queries for all root nodes named Directory. `select("Directory", "Options")` queries for all root nodes named Directory that contain at least one child node named Options. Notice the argument positions: Directory is in position 1, and Options is in position 2. `select(("Directory", "/"))` queries for all root nodes named Directory that contain an attribute exactly matching "/". Notice this is one argument to select: a 2-tuple with predicates for name and attrs. If you are only interested in attributes, just pass `None` for the name predicate in the tuple: `select((None, "/"))` will return all root nodes with at least one attribute of "/" In addition to exact matches, the elements of a query can be functions that accept the value corresponding to their position in the query. A handful of useful functions and boolean operators between them are provided. `select(startswith("Dir"))` queries for all root nodes with names starting with "Dir". `select(~startswith("Dir"))` queries for all root nodes with names not starting with "Dir". `select(startswith("Dir") | startswith("Ali"))` queries for all root nodes with names starting with "Dir" or "Ali". The return of `|` is a single callable passed in the first argument position of select. `select(~startswith("Dir") & ~startswith("Ali"))` queries for all root nodes with names not starting with "Dir" or "Ali". If a function is in an attribute position, it is considered True if it returns True for any attribute. For example, `select((None, 80))` often will return the list of one Node [Listen 80] `select(("Directory", startswith("/var")))` will return all root nodes named Directory that also have an attribute starting with "/var" If you know that your selection will only return one element, or you only want the first or last result of the query , pass `one=first` or `one=last`. `select(("Directory", startswith("/")), one=last)` will return the single root node for the last Directory entry starting with "/" If instead of the root nodes that match you want the child nodes that caused the match, pass `roots=False`. `node = select(("Directory", "/var/www/html"), "Options", one=last, roots=False)` might return the Options node if the Directory for "/var/www/html" was defined and contained an Options Directive. You could then access the attributes with `node.attrs`. If the query didn't match anything, it would have returned None. If you want to slide the query down the branches of the config, pass deep=True to select. That allows you to do `"Directory", deep=True, roots=False)` and get back all Directory nodes regardless of nesting depth. returns everything. Available predicates are: & (infix boolean and) | (infix boolean or) ~ (prefix boolean not) For ints or strings: eq (==) e.g."Directory, ("StartServers", eq(4))) ge (>=) e.g."Directory, ("StartServers", ge(4))) gt (>) le (<=) lt (<) For strings: contains endswith startswith """ return*queries, **kwargs)
[docs] def find(self, *queries, **kwargs): """ Finds matching results anywhere in the configuration """ roots = kwargs.get("roots", False) return*queries, deep=True, roots=roots)
find_all = find def _children_of_type(self, t): return [c for c in self.doc.children if isinstance(c, t)] @property def sections(self): return Result(children=self._children_of_type(Section)) @property def directives(self): return Result(children=self._children_of_type(Directive)) def __getitem__(self, query): """ Similar to select, except tuples are constructed without parentheses: `conf["Directory", "/"]` is the same as `"Directory", "/"))` Notice that queries return `SearchResult` instances, which also have `__getitem__` delegating to `select` except the select is against grandchild nodes in the tree. This allows more complicated queries, like this one that gets all Options entries beneath the Directory entries starting with "/var": `conf["Directory", startswith("/var")]["Options"]` or equivalently `"Directory", startswith("/var")), "Options, roots=False) Note you can recover the enclosing section with `node.parent` or a node's ultimate root with `node.root`. If a `Node` is a root, `node.root` is just the node itself. To get all root level Directory and Alias directives, you could do something like `conf[eq("Directory") | eq("Alias")]` To get loaded auth modules: `conf["LoadModule", contains("auth")]` """ if isinstance(query, (int, slice)): return self.doc[query] return def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.doc def __len__(self): return len(self.doc) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.doc) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.doc) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] class ConfigParser(Parser, ConfigComponent): """ Base Insights component class for Parsers of configuration files. Raises: SkipComponent: When input content is empty. """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise SkipComponent('Empty content.') self.content = content self.doc = self.parse_doc(content)
[docs] def parse_doc(self, content): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def lineat(self, pos): return self.content[pos] if pos is not None else None
[docs] class ConfigCombiner(ConfigComponent): """ Base Insights component class for Combiners of configuration files with include directives for supplementary configuration files. httpd and nginx are examples. """ def __init__(self, confs, main_file, include_finder): self.confs = confs self.main = self.find_main(main_file) server_root = self.conf_path # Set the children of all include directives to the contents of the # included configs for conf in confs: for node in conf.find(include_finder): pattern = node.string_value if not pattern.startswith("/"): pattern = os.path.join(server_root, pattern) includes = self.find_matches(confs, pattern) for inc in includes: node.children.extend(inc.doc.children) # flatten all content from nested includes into a main doc self.doc = Entry(children=flatten(self.main.doc.children, include_finder))
[docs] def find_matches(self, confs, pattern): results = [c for c in confs if fnmatch(c.file_path, pattern)] return sorted(results, key=operator.attrgetter("file_name"))
[docs] def find_main(self, name): for c in self.confs: if c.file_name == name: return c raise SkipComponent("The main conf {main_conf} doesn't exist.".format(main_conf=name))
[docs] class ContainerConfigCombiner(ConfigCombiner): """ Base Insights component class for Combiners of container configuration files with include directives for supplementary configuration files. httpd and nginx are examples. """ def __init__(self, confs, main_file, include_finder, engine, image, container_id): self.image = image """str: The image of the container.""" self.engine = engine """str: The engine provider of the container.""" self.container_id = container_id """str: The ID of the container.""" super(ContainerConfigCombiner, self).__init__(confs, main_file, include_finder) @property def conf_path(self): return os.path.dirname(self.main.file_path)
[docs] class LegacyItemAccess(object): """ Mixin class to provide legacy access to ```` attribute. Provides expected passthru functionality for classes that still use ```` as the primary data structure for all parsed information. Use this as a mixin on parsers that expect these methods to be present as they were previously. Examples: >>> class MyParser(LegacyItemAccess, Parser): ... def parse_content(self, content): ... = {} ... for line in content: ... if 'fact' in line: ... k, v = line.split('=') ...[k.strip()] = v.strip() >>> content = ''' ... # Comment line ... fact1=fact 1 ... fact2=fact 2 ... fact3=fact 3 ... '''.strip() >>> my_parser = MyParser(context_wrap(content, path='/etc/path_to_content/content.conf')) >>> {'fact1': 'fact 1', 'fact2': 'fact 2', 'fact3': 'fact 3'} >>> my_parser.file_path '/etc/path_to_content/content.conf' >>> my_parser.file_name 'content.conf' >>> my_parser['fact1'] 'fact 1' >>> 'fact2' in my_parser True >>> my_parser.get('fact3', default='no fact') 'fact 3' """ def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __contains__(self, item): return item in
[docs] def get(self, item, default=None): """Returns value of key ``item`` in or ``default`` if key is not present. Parameters: item: Key to get from ````. default: Default value to return if key is not present. Returns: (str): String value of the stored item, or the default if not found. """ return, default)
[docs] class SysconfigOptions(Parser, LegacyItemAccess): """ A parser to handle the standard 'keyword=value' format of files in the ``/etc/sysconfig`` directory. These are provided in the standard 'data' dictionary. Examples: >>> 'OPTIONS' in ntpconf True >>> 'NOT_SET' in ntpconf False >>> 'COMMENTED_OUT' in ntpconf False >>> ntpconf['OPTIONS'] '-x -g' For common variables such as OPTIONS, it is recommended to set a specific property in the subclass that fetches this option with a fallback to a default value. Example subclass:: class DirsrvSysconfig(SysconfigOptions): @property def options(self): return'OPTIONS', '') """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): result = {} unparsed_lines = [] # Do not use get_active_lines, it strips comments within quotes for line in content: if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue try: words = shlex.split(line) except ValueError: # Handle foo=bar # unpaired ' or " here line, comment = line.split(' #', 1) words = shlex.split(line) # Either only one thing or line or rest starts with comment # but either way we need to have an equals in the first word. if (len(words) == 1 or (len(words) > 1 and words[1][0] == '#')) \ and '=' in words[0]: key, value = words[0].split('=', 1) result[key] = value # Only store lines if they aren't comments or blank elif len(words) > 0 and words[0][0] != '#': unparsed_lines.append(line) = result self.unparsed_lines = unparsed_lines
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return the list of keys (in no order) in the underlying dictionary.""" return
[docs] class CommandParser(Parser): """ This class checks output from the command defined in the spec. Raises: ContentException: When `context.content` contains a single line and that line contains one of the string in the `bad_single_lines` or `extra_bad_lines` list. Or, when `context.content` contains multiple lines and there is one line contains one of the string in the `bad_lines` or `extra_bad_lines` list. """ __bad_single_lines = [ "no such file or directory", "not a directory", "command not found", "no module named", "no files found for", ] """ This variable contains filters for bad responses of the single line returned from commands defined with command specs. When adding a new line to the list make sure text is all lower case. """ __bad_lines = [ "missing dependencies:", ] """ This variable contains filters for bad responses of the lines returned from commands defined with command specs. When adding a new line to the list make sure text is all lower case. """
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_lines(results, bad_single_lines, bad_lines): """ This function returns `False` when:: 1. If the `results` is a single line and that line contains one of the string in the `bad_single_lines` list. 2. If the `results` contains multiple lines and there is one line contains one of the string in the `bad_lines` list. If no bad line is found the function returns `True`. Parameters: results (list): The results string of the output from the command defined by the command spec. bad_single_lines (list): The list of bad lines should be checked only when the result contains a single line. bad_lines (list): The list of bad lines should be checked only when the result contains multiple lines. Returns: (Boolean): True for no bad lines or False for bad line found. """ if results: bad_lines = bad_lines if len(results) > 1 else bad_single_lines if any(bl in rl.lower() for bl in bad_lines for rl in results): return False return True
def __init__(self, context, extra_bad_lines=None): """ This __init__ calls `validate_lines` function to check for bad lines. If `validate_lines` returns False, indicating bad line found, a ContentException is thrown. Parameters: extra_bad_lines (list): The extra bad lines will be checked for all lines the `context.content`, other than the lines defined in `self.__bad_single_lines` and `self.__bad_lines`. """ extra_bad_lines = [] if extra_bad_lines is None else extra_bad_lines valid_lines = self.validate_lines(context.content, self.__bad_single_lines, self.__bad_lines) if valid_lines and extra_bad_lines: valid_lines = self.validate_lines(context.content, extra_bad_lines, extra_bad_lines) if not valid_lines: first = context.content[0] if context.content else "<no content>" name = self.__class__.__name__ raise ContentException(name + ": " + first) super(CommandParser, self).__init__(context)
[docs] class ContainerParser(CommandParser): """ A class specifically for container parser, with the "image" name, the engine provider and the container ID on the basis of ``Parser``. """ def __init__(self, context): self.image = context.image """str: The image of the container.""" self.engine = context.engine """str: The engine provider of the container.""" self.container_id = context.container_id """str: The ID of the container.""" super(ContainerParser, self).__init__(context)
[docs] class XMLParser(LegacyItemAccess, Parser): """ A parser class that reads XML files. Base your own parser on this. Examples: >>> content = ''' ... <?xml version="1.0"?> ... <data xmlns:fictional="" ... xmlns=""> ... <country name="Liechtenstein"> ... <rank updated="yes">2</rank> ... <year>2008</year> ... <gdppc>141100</gdppc> ... <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/> ... <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/> ... </country> ... <country name="Singapore"> ... <rank updated="yes">5</rank> ... <year>2011</year> ... <gdppc>59900</gdppc> ... <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/> ... </country> ... <country name="Panama"> ... <rank>68</rank> ... <year>2011</year> ... <gdppc>13600</gdppc> ... <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/> ... </country> ... </data> ... '''.strip() >>> xml_parser = XMLParser(context_wrap(content)) >>> xml_parser.xmlns '' >>> xml_parser.get_elements(".")[0].tag # Top-level elements 'data' >>> len(xml_parser.get_elements("./country/neighbor", None)) # All 'neighbor' grand-children of 'country' children of the top-level elements 3 >>> len(xml_parser.get_elements(".//year/..[@name='Singapore']")[0]) # Nodes with name='Singapore' that have a 'year' child 1 >>> xml_parser.get_elements(".//*[@name='Singapore']/year")[0].text # 'year' nodes that are children of nodes with name='Singapore' '2011' >>> xml_parser.get_elements(".//neighbor[2]", "")[0].get('name') # All 'neighbor' nodes that are the second child of their parent 'Switzerland' Attributes: raw (str): raw XML content dom (Element): Root element of parsed XML file xmlns (str): The default XML namespace, an empty string when no namespace is declared. data (dict): All required specific properties can be included in data. """
[docs] def parse_dom(self): """ If ```` is required, all child classes need to overwrite this function to set it """ return {}
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ All child classes inherit this function to parse XML file automatically. It will call the function :func:`parse_dom` by default to parser all necessary data to :attr:`data` and the :attr:`xmlns` (the default namespace) is ready for this function. """ self.dom = self.xmlns = None = {} # ignore empty xml file if len(content) > 3: self.raw = '\n'.join(content) self.dom = ET.fromstring(self.raw) self.xmlns = self.dom.tag.strip("{").split("}")[0] if all(c in self.dom.tag for c in ["{", "}"]) else "" = self.parse_dom()
[docs] def get_elements(self, element, xmlns=None): """ Return a list of elements those match the searching condition. If the XML input has namespaces, elements and attributes with prefixes in the form prefix:sometag get expanded to {namespace}element where the prefix is replaced by the full URI. Also, if there is a default namespace, that full URI gets prepended to all of the non-prefixed tags. Element names can contain letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, and periods. But element names must start with a letter or underscore. Here the while-clause is to set searching condition from `/element1/element2` to `/{namespace}element1/{namespace}/element2` Parameters: element: Searching condition to search certain elements in an XML file. For more details about how to set searching condition, refer to section ` Example` and ` Supported XPath syntax` in xmlns: XML namespace, default value to None. None means that xmlns equals to the `self.xmlns` (default namespace) instead of "" all the time. Only string type parameter (including "") will be regarded as a valid xml namespace. Returns: (list): List of elements those match the searching condition """ real_element = "" real_xmlns = "" if xmlns is None: real_xmlns = "{" + self.xmlns + "}" if self.xmlns else "" else: real_xmlns = "{" + xmlns + "}" while "/" in element: l = element.split("/", 1) element = l[1] real_element += l[0] + "/" if element[0].isalpha() or element[0] == "_": real_element += real_xmlns real_element += element return self.dom.findall(real_element)
[docs] class YAMLParser(Parser, LegacyItemAccess): """ A parser class that reads YAML files. Base your own parser on this. """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): try: if type(content) is list: = yaml.load('\n'.join(content), Loader=SafeLoader) else: = yaml.load(content, Loader=SafeLoader) if is None: raise SkipComponent("There is no data") if not isinstance(, (dict, list)): raise ParseException("YAML didn't produce a dictionary or list.") except SkipComponent as se: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] six.reraise(SkipComponent, SkipComponent(str(se)), tb) except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] cls = self.__class__ name = ".".join([cls.__module__, cls.__name__]) msg = "%s couldn't parse yaml." % name six.reraise(ParseException, ParseException(msg), tb)
[docs] class JSONParser(Parser, LegacyItemAccess): """ A parser class that reads JSON files. Base your own parser on this. """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): try: if isinstance(content, list): = json.loads('\n'.join(content)) else: = json.loads(content) except: # If content is empty then raise a skip exception instead of a parse exception. if not content: raise SkipComponent("Empty output.") else: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] cls = self.__class__ name = ".".join([cls.__module__, cls.__name__]) msg = "%s couldn't parse json." % name six.reraise(ParseException, ParseException(msg), tb) # Kept for backwards compatibility; # JSONParser used to raise an exception for valid "null" JSON string if is None: raise SkipComponent("Empty input")
[docs] class ScanMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): dct["scanners"] = [] dct["scanner_keys"] = set() return super(ScanMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct)
[docs] class Scannable(six.with_metaclass(ScanMeta, Parser)): """ A class to enable early and easy collection of data in a file. The `Scannable` class makes it easy to collect two common types of information from a data file: * A flag to indicate that the data contains one or more lines with a given string. * a list of lines containing a given string. To create a parser from the Scannable parser class, the main job is to override the `parse()` method, returning your choice of data structure to represent the information in the file. This takes the form of a generator that yields structures for users of your parser. You can yield more than object per line, or you can condense multiple lines into one object. Each object is then scanned with all the defined scanners for this class. How does that work? Well, the individual rules using your parser will use the `any()` and `collect()` methods on the class object itself to set up new attributes of the class that will be given values based on the results of a function that checks each object from your parser for the properties it's looking for. That's pretty vague, so let's give some examples - imagine a parser defined as: class AnacondaLog(Scannable): pass (Which uses the default parse() function that simply yields each line in turn.) A rule using this parser then does: def warnings(line): return line if 'WARNING' in line def has_fcoe_edd(line): return '/usr/libexec/fcoe/' in line AnacondaLog.any('has_fcoe', has_fcoe_edd) AnacondaLog.collect('warnings', warnings) These then act in the following way: * When an object is instantiated from the AnacondaLog class, it will have the 'has_fcoe' attribute. This will be set to True if '/usr/libexec/fcoe/' was found in any line in the file, or False otherwise. * When an object is instantiated from the AnacondaLog class, it will have the 'warnings' attribute. This will be a list containing all the lines found. Users of your class can supply any function to either `any()` or `collect()`. Functions given to `collect()` can return anything they want to be collected - if they return something that evaluates to `False` then nothing is collected (so avoid returning empty lists, empty dicts, empty strings or False). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): deprecated(Scannable, "Please use the :class:`insights.core.Parser` instead.", "3.3.0") super(Scannable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _scan(cls, result_key, scanner): """ Registers a `scanner` which is a function that will be called once per logical line in a document. A scanners job is to evaluate the content of the line and set a so-called `result_key` on the class to be retrieved later by a rule. """ if result_key in cls.scanner_keys: raise ValueError("'%s' is already a registered scanner key" % result_key) cls.scanners.append(scanner) cls.scanner_keys.add(result_key)
[docs] @classmethod def any(cls, result_key, func): """ Sets the `result_key` to the output of `func` if `func` ever returns truthy """ def scanner(self, obj): current_value = getattr(self, result_key, None) setattr(self, result_key, current_value or func(obj)) cls._scan(result_key, scanner)
[docs] @classmethod def collect(cls, result_key, func): """ Sets the `result_key` to an iterable of objects for which `func(obj)` returns True """ def scanner(self, obj): if not getattr(self, result_key, None): setattr(self, result_key, []) rv = func(obj) if rv: getattr(self, result_key).append(rv) cls._scan(result_key, scanner)
[docs] def parse(self, content): """ Default 'parsing' method. Subclasses should override this method with their own custom parsing as necessary. """ for line in content: yield line
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): for obj in self.parse(content): for scanner in self.scanners: scanner(self, obj)
[docs] class LogFileOutput(six.with_metaclass(ScanMeta, Parser)): """ Class for parsing log file content. Log file content is stored in raw format in the ``lines`` attribute. Assume the log file content is:: Log file line one Log file line two Log file line three, and more Examples: >>> class MyLogger(LogFileOutput): ... pass >>> MyLogger.keep_scan('get_one', 'one') >>> MyLogger.keep_scan('get_three_and_more', ['three', 'more']) >>> MyLogger.keep_scan('get_one_or_two', ['one', 'two'], check=any) >>> MyLogger.last_scan('last_line_contains_file', 'file') >>> MyLogger.keep_scan('last_2_lines_contain_file', 'file', num=2, reverse=True) >>> MyLogger.keep_scan('last_3_lines_contain_line_and_t', ['line', 't'], num=3, reverse=True) >>> MyLogger.token_scan('find_more', 'more') >>> MyLogger.token_scan('find_four_and_more', ['four', 'more']) >>> MyLogger.token_scan('find_four_or_more', ['four', 'more'], check=any) >>> my_logger = MyLogger(context_wrap(contents, path='/var/log/mylog')) >>> my_logger.file_path '/var/log/mylog' >>> my_logger.file_name 'mylog' >>> my_logger.get('two') [{'raw_message': 'Log file line two'}] >>> 'line three,' in my_logger True >>> my_logger.get(['three', 'more']) [{'raw_message': 'Log file line three, and more'}] >>> my_logger.lines[0] 'Log file line one' >>> my_logger.get_one [{'raw_message': 'Log file line one'}] >>> my_logger.get_three_and_more == my_logger.get(['three', 'more']) True >>> my_logger.last_line_contains_file {'raw_message': 'Log file line three, and more'} >>> len(my_logger.last_2_lines_contain_file) 2 >>> len(my_logger.last_3_lines_contain_line_and_t) # Only 2 lines contain 'line' and 't' 2 >>> my_logger.find_more True >>> my_logger.find_four_and_more False >>> my_logger.find_four_or_more True Attributes: lines (list): List of the lines from the log file content. """ time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' """ The timestamp format assumed for the log files. A subclass can override this for files that have a different timestamp format. This can be: * A string in `strptime()` format. * A list of `strptime()` strings. * A dictionary with each item's value being a `strptime()` string. This allows the item keys to provide some form of documentation. * A None value when there is no timestamp info in the log file """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Use all the defined scanners to search the log file, setting the properties defined in the scanner. """ self.lines = content for scanner in self.scanners: scanner(self)
def __contains__(self, s): """ Return ``True`` if any line contains the given text string or all the strings in the given list. """ search_by_expression = self._valid_search(s) return any(search_by_expression(l) for l in self.lines) def _parse_line(self, line): """ Parse the line into a dictionary and return it. Only wrap with `raw_message` by default. """ return {'raw_message': line} def _valid_search(self, s, check=all): """ Check this given `s`, it must be a string or a list of strings. Otherwise, a TypeError will be raised. """ if isinstance(s, six.string_types): return lambda l: s in l elif (isinstance(s, list) and len(s) > 0 and all(isinstance(w, six.string_types) for w in s)): return lambda l: check(w in l for w in s) elif s is not None: raise TypeError('Search items must be given as a string or a list of strings')
[docs] def get(self, s, check=all, num=None, reverse=False): """ Returns all lines that contain `s` anywhere and wrap them in a list of dictionaries. `s` can be either a single string or a string list. For list, all keywords in the list must be found in each line. Parameters: s(str or list): one or more strings to search for check(func): built-in function ``all`` or ``any`` applied to each line num(int): the number of lines to get, ``None`` for unlimited reverse(bool): scan start from the head when ``False`` by default, otherwise start from the tail Returns: (list): list of dictionaries corresponding to the parsed lines contain the `s`. Raises: TypeError: When `s` is not a string or a list of strings, or `num` is not an integer. """ if num is not None and not isinstance(num, six.integer_types): raise TypeError('Required numbers must be given as a integer') ret = [] search_by_expression = self._valid_search(s, check) lines = self.lines[::-1] if reverse else self.lines for l in lines: if (num is None or len(ret) < num) and search_by_expression(l): ret.append(self._parse_line(l)) # re-sort to original order return ret[::-1] if reverse else ret
[docs] @classmethod def scan(cls, result_key, func): """ Define computed fields based on a string to "grep for". This is preferred to utilizing raw log lines in plugins because computed fields will be serialized, whereas raw log lines will not. Raises: ValueError: When `result_key` is already a registered scanner key. """ if result_key in cls.scanner_keys: raise ValueError("'%s' is already a registered scanner key" % result_key) def scanner(self): result = func(self) setattr(self, result_key, result) cls.scanners.append(scanner) cls.scanner_keys.add(result_key)
[docs] @classmethod def token_scan(cls, result_key, token, check=all): """ Define a property that is set to true if the given token is found in the log file. Uses the __contains__ method of the log file. Parameters: result_key(str): the scanner key to register token(str or list): one or more strings to search for check(func): built-in function ``all`` or ``any`` applied to each line Returns: (bool): the property will contain True if a line contained (any or all) of the tokens given. """ def _scan(self): search_by_expression = self._valid_search(token, check) return any(search_by_expression(l) for l in self.lines) cls.scan(result_key, _scan)
[docs] @classmethod def keep_scan(cls, result_key, token, check=all, num=None, reverse=False): """ Define a property that is set to the list of dictionaries of the lines that contain the given token. Uses the get method of the log file. Parameters: result_key(str): the scanner key to register token(str or list): one or more strings to search for check(func): built-in function ``all`` or ``any`` applied to each line num(int): the number of lines to get, ``None`` for unlimited reverse(bool): scan start from the head when ``False`` by default, otherwise start from the tail Returns: (list): list of dictionaries corresponding to the parsed lines contain the `token`. """ def _scan(self): return self.get(token, check=check, num=num, reverse=reverse) cls.scan(result_key, _scan)
[docs] @classmethod def last_scan(cls, result_key, token, check=all): """ Define a property that is set to the dictionary of the last line that contains the given token. Uses the get method of the log file. Parameters: result_key(str): the scanner key to register token(str or list): one or more strings to search for check(func): built-in function ``all`` or ``any`` applied to each line Returns: (dict): dictionary corresponding to the last parsed line contains the `token`. """ def _scan(self): ret = self.get(token, check=check, num=1, reverse=True) return ret[0] if ret else dict() cls.scan(result_key, _scan)
[docs] def get_after(self, timestamp, s=None): """ Find all the (available) logs that are after the given time stamp. If `s` is not supplied, then all lines are used. Otherwise, only the lines contain the `s` are used. `s` can be either a single string or a string list. For list, all keywords in the list must be found in each line. This method then finds all lines which have a time stamp after the given `timestamp`. Lines that do not contain a time stamp are considered to be part of the previous line and are therefore included if the last log line was included or excluded otherwise. Time stamps are recognised by converting the time format into a regular expression which matches the time format in the string. This is then searched for in each line in turn. Only lines with a time stamp matching this expression will trigger the decision to include or exclude lines. Therefore, if the log for some reason does not contain a time stamp that matches this format, no lines will be returned. The time format is given in ``strptime()`` format, in the object's ``time_format`` property. Users of the object should **not** change this property; instead, the parser should subclass :class:`LogFileOutput` and change the ``time_format`` property. Some logs, regrettably, change time stamps formats across different lines, or change time stamp formats in different versions of the program. In order to accommodate this, the timestamp format can be a list of ``strptime()`` format strings. These are combined as alternatives in the regular expression, and are given to ``strptime`` in order. These can also be listed as the values of a dict, e.g.:: {'pre_10.1.5': '%y%m%d %H:%M:%S', 'post_10.1.5': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'} .. note:: Some logs - notably /var/log/messages - do not contain a year in the timestamp. This detected by the absence of a '%y' or '%Y' in the time format. If that year field is absent, the year is assumed to be the year in the given timestamp being sought. Some attempt is made to handle logs with a rollover from December to January, by finding when the log's timestamp (with current year assumed) is over eleven months (specifically, 330 days) ahead of or behind the timestamp date and shifting that log date by 365 days so that it is more likely to be in the sought range. This paragraph is sponsored by syslog. Parameters: timestamp(datetime.datetime): lines before this time are ignored. s(str or list): one or more strings to search for. If not supplied, all available lines are searched. Yields: dict: The parsed lines with timestamps after this date in the same format they were supplied. It at least contains the ``raw_message`` as a key. Raises: ParseException: If the format conversion string contains a format that we don't recognise. In particular, no attempt is made to recognise or parse the time zone or other obscure values like day of year or week of year. """ time_format = self.time_format if time_format is None: raise RuntimeError('Not applied when time_format does not exist') # Annoyingly, strptime insists that it get the whole time string and # nothing but the time string. However, for most logs we only have a # string with the timestamp in it. We can't just catch the ValueError # because at that point we do not actually have a valid datetime # object. So we convert the time format string to a regex, use that # to find just the timestamp, and then use strptime on that. Thanks, # Python. All these need to cope with different languages and # character sets. Note that we don't include time zone or other # outputs (e.g. day-of-year) that don't usually occur in time stamps. format_conversion_for = { 'a': r'\w{3}', 'A': r'\w+', # Week day name 'w': r'[0123456]', # Week day number 'd': r'([0 ][123456789]|[12]\d|3[01])', # Day of month 'b': r'\w{3}', 'B': r'\w+', # Month name 'm': r'([0 ]\d|1[012])', # Month number 'y': r'\d{2}', 'Y': r'\d{4}', # Year 'H': r'([01 ]\d|2[0123])', # Hour - 24 hour format 'I': r'([0 ]?\d|1[012])', # Hour - 12 hour format 'p': r'\w{2}', # AM / PM 'M': r'([012345]\d)', # Minutes 'S': r'([012345]\d|60)', # Seconds, including leap second 'f': r'\d{1,6}', # Microseconds } # Construct the regex from the time string timefmt_re = re.compile(r'%(\w)') def replacer(match): if in format_conversion_for: return format_conversion_for[] else: raise ParseException( "get_after does not understand strptime format '{c}'".format( ) ) # Please do not attempt to be tricky and put a regular expression # inside your time format, as we are going to also use it in # strptime too and that may not work out so well. # Check time_format - must be string or list. Set the 'logs_have_year' # flag and timestamp parser function appropriately. # Grab values of dict as a list first if isinstance(time_format, dict): time_format = list(time_format.values()) if isinstance(time_format, six.string_types): logs_have_year = ('%Y' in time_format or '%y' in time_format) time_re = re.compile('(' + timefmt_re.sub(replacer, time_format) + ')') # Curry strptime with time_format string. def test_parser(logstamp): return datetime.datetime.strptime(logstamp, time_format) parse_fn = test_parser elif isinstance(time_format, list): logs_have_year = all('%Y' in tf or '%y' in tf for tf in time_format) time_re = re.compile('(' + '|'.join( timefmt_re.sub(replacer, tf) for tf in time_format ) + ')') def test_all_parsers(logstamp): # One of these must match, because the regex has selected only # strings that will match. for tf in time_format: try: ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(logstamp, tf) except ValueError: pass return ts parse_fn = test_all_parsers else: raise ParseException( "get_after does not recognise time formats of type {t}".format( t=type(time_format) ) ) # Most logs will appear in string format, but some logs (e.g. # Messages) are available in list-of-dicts format. So we choose one # of two 'date_compare' functions. HOWEVER: we still have to check # the string found for a valid date, because log parsing often fails. # Because of generators, we check this per line # Now try to find the time stamp in each log line and add lines to # our output if they are currently being included in the log. eleven_months = datetime.timedelta(days=330) including_lines = False search_by_expression = self._valid_search(s) for line in self.lines: # If `s` is not None, keywords must be found in the line if s and not search_by_expression(line): continue # Otherwise, search all lines match = if match: logstamp = parse_fn( if not logs_have_year: # Substitute timestamp year for logstamp year logstamp = logstamp.replace(year=timestamp.year) if logstamp - timestamp > eleven_months: # If timestamp in January and log in December, move # log to previous year logstamp = logstamp.replace(year=timestamp.year - 1) elif timestamp - logstamp > eleven_months: # If timestamp in December and log in January, move # log to next year logstamp = logstamp.replace(year=timestamp.year + 1) if logstamp >= timestamp: # Later - include including_lines = True yield self._parse_line(line) else: # Earlier - start excluding including_lines = False else: # If we're including lines, add this continuation line if including_lines: yield self._parse_line(line)
[docs] class Syslog(LogFileOutput): """Class for parsing syslog file content. The important function is :func:`get(s)`, which finds all lines with the string **s** and parses them into dictionaries with the following keys: * **timestamp** - the time the log line was written * **procname** - the process or facility that wrote the line * **hostname** - the host that generated the log line * **message** - the rest of the message (after the process name) * **raw_message** - the raw message before being split. It is best to use filters and/or scanners with the messages log, to speed up parsing. These work on the raw message, before being parsed. Sample log lines:: May 9 15:13:34 lxc-rhel68-sat56 jabberd/sm[11057]: session started: May 9 15:13:36 lxc-rhel68-sat56 wrapper[11375]: --> Wrapper Started as Daemon May 9 15:13:36 lxc-rhel68-sat56 wrapper[11375]: Launching a JVM... May 10 15:24:28 lxc-rhel68-sat56 yum[11597]: Installed: lynx-2.8.6-27.el6.x86_64 May 10 15:36:19 lxc-rhel68-sat56 yum[11954]: Updated: sos-3.2-40.el6.noarch Examples: >>> Syslog.token_scan('daemon_start', 'Wrapper Started as Daemon') >>> Syslog.token_scan('yum_updated', ['yum', 'Updated']) >>> Syslog.keep_scan('yum_lines', 'yum') >>> Syslog.keep_scan('yum_installed_lines', ['yum', 'Installed']) >>> syslog.get('wrapper')[0] {'timestamp': 'May 9 15:13:36', 'hostname': 'lxc-rhel68-sat56', 'procname': wrapper[11375]', 'message': '--> Wrapper Started as Daemon', 'raw_message': 'May 9 15:13:36 lxc-rhel68-sat56 wrapper[11375]: --> Wrapper Started as Daemon' } >>> syslog.daemon_start True >>> syslog.yum_updated True >>> len(syslog.yum_lines) 2 >>> len(syslog.yum_updated_lines) 1 .. note:: Because syslog timestamps by default have no year, the year of the logs will be inferred from the year in your timestamp. This will also work around December/January crossovers. """ time_format = '%b %d %H:%M:%S' def _parse_line(self, line): """ Parsed result:: {'timestamp':'May 9 15:13:34', 'procname': 'kernel', 'hostname':'lxc-rhel68-sat56', 'message': '...', 'raw_message': '...: ...' } """ msg_info = {'raw_message': line} if ': ' in line: info, msg = [i.strip() for i in line.split(': ', 1)] msg_info['message'] = msg info_splits = info.rsplit(None, 2) if len(info_splits) == 3: logstamp = info_splits[0] try: datetime.datetime.strptime(logstamp, self.time_format) except ValueError: return msg_info msg_info['timestamp'] = logstamp msg_info['hostname'] = info_splits[1] msg_info['procname'] = info_splits[2] return msg_info
[docs] def get_logs_by_procname(self, proc): """ Parameters: proc(str): The process or facility that you're looking for Yields: (dict): The parsed syslog messages produced by that process or facility """ for line in self.lines: l = self._parse_line(line) procid = l.get('procname', '') if proc == procid or proc == procid.split('[')[0]: yield l
[docs] class IniConfigFile(ConfigParser): """ A class specifically for reading configuration files in 'ini' format. The input file format supported by this class is:: [section 1] key = value ; comment # comment [section 2] key with spaces = value string [section 3] # Must implement parse_content in child class # and pass allow_no_value=True to parent class # to enable keys with no values key_with_no_value Examples: >>> class MyConfig(IniConfigFile): ... pass >>> content = ''' ... [defaults] ... admin_token = ADMIN ... [program opts] ... memsize = 1024 ... delay = 1.5 ... [logging] ... log = true ... logging level = verbose ... '''.split() >>> my_config = MyConfig(context_wrap(content, path='/etc/myconfig.conf')) >>> 'program opts' in my_config True >>> my_config.sections() ['program opts', 'logging'] >>> my_config.defaults() {'admin_token': 'ADMIN'} >>> my_config.items('program opts') {'memsize': 1024, 'delay': 1.5} >>> my_config.get('logging', 'logging level') 'verbose' >>> my_config.getint('program opts', 'memsize') 1024 >>> my_config.getfloat('program opts', 'delay') 1.5 >>> my_config.getboolean('logging', 'log') True >>> my_config.has_option('logging', 'log') True """
[docs] def parse_doc(self, content): return iniparser.parse_doc("\n".join(content), self, return_defaults=True, return_booleans=False)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content, allow_no_value=False): super(IniConfigFile, self).parse_content(content) self._dict = OrderedDict() for section in self.doc: section_dict = dict() for opt in section: options = [] for o in section[]: if o.value is not None: options.append(str(o.value)) else: if not allow_no_value: continue options.append(o.value) if not options: continue section_dict[] = options[-1] if in self._dict: self._dict[].update(section_dict) else: self._dict[] = section_dict
@property def data(self): """ Returns: obj: self, it's for backward compatibility. """ return self
[docs] def defaults(self): """ Returns: dict: Returns any options under the DEFAULT section. """ if "DEFAULT" not in self._dict: return {} return self._dict["DEFAULT"]
[docs] def get(self, section, option): """ Args: section (str): The section str to search for. option (str): The option str to search for. Returns: str: Returns the value of the option in the specified section. """ # ConfigParser apparently searched literals so if the header was [ example ] # you had to do get(" example ", "test"). Where iniparser strips the spaces, # so strip spaces here also. _section = section.strip() _option = option.lower() if _section not in self._dict.keys(): raise NoSectionError(_section) header = self._dict.get(_section) if _option not in header.keys(): raise NoOptionError(_section, _option) return header.get(_option)
[docs] def getboolean(self, section, option): """ Returns: bool: Returns boolean form based on the data from get. """ val = self.get(section, option) boolean_states = { '1': True, '0': False, 'yes': True, 'no': False, 'true': True, 'false': False, 'on': True, 'off': False } if val.lower() not in boolean_states: raise ValueError('Not a boolean: %s' % val) return boolean_states[val.lower()]
[docs] def getfloat(self, section, option): """ Returns: float: Returns the float value off the data from get. """ return float(self.get(section, option))
[docs] def getint(self, section, option): """ Returns: int: Returns the int value off the data from get. """ return int(self.get(section, option))
[docs] def has_option(self, section, option): """ Args: section (str): The section str to search for. option (str): The option str to search for. Returns: bool: Returns weather the option in the section exist. """ _section = section.strip() if _section not in self._dict.keys(): return False return option.lower() in self._dict.get(_section)
[docs] def items(self, section): """ Args: section (str): The section str to search for. Returns: dict: Returns all of the options in the specified section. """ _section = section.strip() if _section not in self._dict.keys(): raise NoSectionError(_section) return dict(self._dict.get(_section).items())
[docs] def sections(self): """ Returns: list: Returns all of the parsed sections excluding DEFAULT. """ return list(sec for sec in self._dict.keys() if "DEFAULT" not in sec)
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None): """ Sets the value of the specified section option. Args: section (str): The section str to set for. option (str): The option str to set for. value (str): The value to set. """ self._dict[section.strip()][option.strip().lower()] = value
def __contains__(self, section): return section.strip() in self._dict.keys() def __repr__(self): return "INI file '{filename}' - sections:{sections}".format( filename=self.file_name, sections=self.sections())
[docs] class FileListing(Parser): """ .. warning:: This class is deprecated and will be removed from 3.5.0. Please use the :class:`` instead. Reads a series of concatenated directory listings and turns them into a dictionary of entities by name. Stores all the information for each directory entry for every entry that can be parsed, containing: * type (one of [bcdlps-]) * permission string including ACL character * number of links * owner and group (as given in the listing) * size, or major and minor number for block and character devices * date (in the format given in the listing) * name * name of linked file, if a symlink In addition, the raw line is always stored, even if the line doesn't look like a directory entry. Also provides a number of other conveniences, such as: * lists of regular and special files and subdirectory names for each directory, in the order found in the listing * total blocks allocated to all the entities in this directory .. note:: For listings that only contain one directory, ``ls`` does not output the directory name. The directory is reverse engineered from the path given to the parser by Insights - this assumes the translation of spaces to underscores and '/' to '.' in paths. For example, ``ls -l /var/www/html`` will be translated to ``ls_-l_.var.www.html``. The reverse translation will make mistakes, for example in translating ``.etc.yum.repos.d`` to ``/etc/yum/repos/d``. Use caution in checking the paths when requesting single directories. Parses the SELinux information if present in the listing. SELinux directory listings contain: * the type of file * the permissions block * the owner and group as given in the directory listing * the SELinux user, role, type and MLS * the name, and link destination if it's a symlink Sample input data looks like this: | /example_dir: | total 20 | dr-xr-xr-x. 3 0 0 4096 Mar 4 16:19 . | -rw-r--r--. 1 0 0 123891 Aug 25 2015 config-3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64 | lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 11 Aug 4 2014 menu.lst -> ./grub.conf | brw-rw----. 1 0 6 253, 10 Aug 4 16:56 dm-10 | crw-------. 1 0 0 10, 236 Jul 25 10:00 control Examples: >>> file_listing <insights.core.FileListing at 0x7f5319407450> >>> '/example_dir' in file_listing True >>> file_listing.dir_contains('/example_dir', 'menu.lst') True >>> dir = file_listing.listing_of('/example_dir') >>> dir['.']['type'] 'd' >>> dir['config-3.10.0-229.14.q.el7.x86_64']['size'] 123891 >>> dir['dm-10']['major'] 253 >>> dir['menu.lst']['link'] './grub.conf' """ def __init__(self, context): # Try to pull out the directory path from the command line, in case # we're doing an ls on only one directory (which then doesn't list # the directory name in the output). Obviously if we don't have the # '-R' flag we should grab this but it's probably not worth parsing # the flags to ls for this. deprecated(FileListing, "Please use the :class:` instead.", "3.5.0") self.first_path = None path_re = re.compile(r'ls_-\w+(?P<path>.*)$') match = if match: fpath ='path') self.first_path = '/' if not fpath else fpath.replace('.', '/').replace('_', ' ') super(FileListing, self).__init__(context)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ Called automatically to process the directory listing(s) contained in the content. """ self.listings = ls_parser.parse(content, self.first_path) # No longer need the first path found, if any. delattr(self, 'first_path')
# Now some helpers to make some things easier: def __contains__(self, directory): """ Does the given directory appear in this set of directory listings? """ return directory in self.listings
[docs] def files_of(self, directory): """ The list of non-special files (i.e. not block or character files) in the given directory. """ return self.listings[directory]['files']
[docs] def dirs_of(self, directory): """ The list of subdirectories in the given directory. """ return self.listings[directory]['dirs']
[docs] def specials_of(self, directory): """ The list of block and character special files in the given directory. """ return self.listings[directory]['specials']
[docs] def total_of(self, directory): """ The total blocks of storage consumed by entries in this directory. """ return self.listings[directory]['total']
[docs] def listing_of(self, directory): """ The listing of this directory, in a dictionary by entry name. All entries contain the original line as is in the 'raw_entry' key. Entries that can be parsed then have fields as described in the class description above. """ return self.listings[directory]['entries']
[docs] def dir_contains(self, directory, name): """ Does this directory contain this entry name? """ return name in self.listings[directory]['entries']
[docs] def dir_entry(self, directory, name): """ The parsed data for the given entry name in the given directory. """ return self.listings[directory]['entries'][name]
[docs] def path_entry(self, path): """ The parsed data given a path, which is separated into its directory and entry name. """ if path[0] != '/': return None path_parts = path.split('/') # Note that here the first element will be '' because it's before the # first separator. That's OK, the join puts it back together. directory = '/'.join(path_parts[:-1]) name = path_parts[-1] if directory not in self.listings: return None if name not in self.listings[directory]['entries']: return None return self.listings[directory]['entries'][name]