Source code for insights.parsers.cifs

Get CIFS Info

This module contains the following parsers:

CIFSDebugData - file ``/proc/fs/cifs/DebugData``

from insights.core import TextFileOutput
from insights.specs import Specs
from insights.core.plugins import parser

[docs] @parser(Specs.cifs_debug_data) class CIFSDebugData(TextFileOutput): r""" Parse the ``/proc/fs/cifs/DebugData`` file. Filter is added to the spec. Sample input of full file:: Display Internal CIFS Data Structures for Debugging --------------------------------------------------- CIFS Version 2.41 Features: DFS,SMB_DIRECT,STATS,DEBUG,ALLOW_INSECURE_LEGACY,CIFS_POSIX,UPCALL(SPNEGO),XATTR,ACL CIFSMaxBufSize: 16384 Active VFS Requests: 0 Servers: 1) ConnectionId: 0x4 Hostname: CVXDFAVB1 Number of credits: 512 Dialect 0x302 signed TCP status: 1 Instance: 22 Local Users To Server: 1 SecMode: 0x3 Req On Wire: 0 In Send: 0 In MaxReq Wait: 0 DFS origin full path: \\\DFSROOT\name1 DFS leaf full path: \\CVXDFAVB1\DFSRoot\name1 Sessions: 1) Address: Uses: 1 Capability: 0x300067 Session Status: 1 Security type: RawNTLMSSP SessionId: 0x2d86cec00089d User: 1339601402 Cred User: 0 Shares: 0) IPC: \\CVXDFAVB1\IPC$ Mounts: 1 DevInfo: 0x0 Attributes: 0x0 PathComponentMax: 0 Status: 1 type: 0 Serial Number: 0x0 Share Capabilities: None Share Flags: 0x30 tid: 0x5 Maximal Access: 0x11f01ff 1) \\CVXDFAVB1\name1 Mounts: 1 DevInfo: 0x60120 Attributes: 0xc500ff PathComponentMax: 255 Status: 1 type: DISK Serial Number: 0x16f0426b Share Capabilities: None Aligned, Partition Aligned, Share Flags: 0x0 tid: 0x1 Optimal sector size: 0x200 Maximal Access: 0x1f01ff Server interfaces: 2 1) Speed: 10000000000 bps Capabilities: rss IPv4: 2) Speed: 10000000000 bps Capabilities: rss IPv4: MIDs: -- Examples: >>> from insights.core.filters import add_filter >>> from insights.specs import Specs >>> add_filter(Specs.cifs_debug_data, 'abc_def_fsf') >>> type(cifs_dd_obj) <class 'insights.parsers.cifs.CIFSDebugData'> >>> cifs_dd_obj.last_scan("abc_def_line", "abc_def_fsf") """ pass