Source code for insights.parsers.dig

Domain information groper (Dig) parsers

Parsers included in this module are:

DigDnssec - command ``/usr/bin/dig +dnssec . SOA``
DigEdns - command ``/usr/bin/dig +edns=0 . SOA``
DigNoedns - command ``/usr/bin/dig +noedns . SOA``
import re

from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

HEADER_TEMPLATE = re.compile(r';; ->>HEADER<<-.*status: (\S+),')
RRSIG_TEMPLATE = re.compile(r'RRSIG')

[docs] class Dig(CommandParser): """ Base class for classes using ``dig`` command. Attributes: status (string): Determines if the lookup succeeded. has_signature (bool): True, if signature is present. command (string): Specific ``dig`` command used. Raises: SkipComponent: When content is empty or cannot be parsed. """ def __init__(self, context, command): self.status = None self.has_signature = False self.command = command super(Dig, self).__init__(context)
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise SkipComponent('No content.') for line in content: match = if match: self.status = if self.has_signature = True
[docs] @parser(Specs.dig_dnssec) class DigDnssec(Dig): """ Class for parsing ``/usr/bin/dig +dnssec . SOA`` command. Sample output of this command is:: ; <<>> DiG 9.11.1-P3-RedHat-9.11.1-2.P3.fc26 <<>> +dnssec SOA ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58794 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN SOA ;; ANSWER SECTION: 278 IN SOA 1508686803 10800 3600 1209600 7200 278 IN RRSIG SOA 13 2 1800 20171105143612 20171022144003 41758 hq3rr8dASRlucMJxu2QZnX6MVaMYsKhmGGxBOwpkeUrGjfo6clzG6MZN 2Jy78fWYC/uwyIsI3nZMUKv573eCWg== ;; Query time: 22 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Tue Oct 24 14:28:56 CEST 2017 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 189 Examples: >>> dig_dnssec.status 'NOERROR' >>> dig_dnssec.has_signature True >>> dig_dnssec.command '/usr/bin/dig +dnssec . SOA' """ def __init__(self, context): super(DigDnssec, self).__init__(context, '/usr/bin/dig +dnssec . SOA')
[docs] @parser(Specs.dig_edns) class DigEdns(Dig): """ Class for parsing ``/usr/bin/dig +edns=0 . SOA`` command. Sample output of this command is:: ; <<>> DiG 9.11.1-P3-RedHat-9.11.1-3.P3.fc26 <<>> +edns=0 . SOA ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 11158 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;. IN SOA ;; ANSWER SECTION: . 19766 IN SOA 2017120600 1800 900 604800 86400 ;; Query time: 22 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu Dec 07 09:38:33 CET 2017 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 103 Examples: >>> dig_edns.status 'NOERROR' >>> dig_edns.has_signature False >>> dig_edns.command '/usr/bin/dig +edns=0 . SOA' """ def __init__(self, context): super(DigEdns, self).__init__(context, '/usr/bin/dig +edns=0 . SOA')
[docs] @parser(Specs.dig_noedns) class DigNoedns(Dig): """ Class for parsing ``/usr/bin/dig +noedns . SOA`` command. Sample output of this command is:: ; <<>> DiG 9.11.1-P3-RedHat-9.11.1-3.P3.fc26 <<>> +noedns . SOA ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 47135 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;. IN SOA ;; ANSWER SECTION: . 20195 IN SOA 2017120600 1800 900 604800 86400 ;; Query time: 22 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu Dec 07 09:31:24 CET 2017 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 92 Examples: >>> dig_noedns.status 'NOERROR' >>> dig_noedns.has_signature False >>> dig_noedns.command '/usr/bin/dig +noedns . SOA' """ def __init__(self, context): super(DigNoedns, self).__init__(context, '/usr/bin/dig +noedns . SOA')