Source code for insights.parsers.dotnet

DotNet- Comand ``/usr/bin/dotnet``

The parsers related ``/usr/bin/dotnet --version`` is included in this module.

DotNetVersion - command ``dotnet --version``

ContainerDotNetVersion - command ``dotnet --version`` for containers
from insights.core import CommandParser, ContainerParser
from insights.core.exceptions import ParseException, SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.dotnet_version) class DotNetVersion(CommandParser): """ Class for parsing the output of the ``/usr/bin/dotnet --version`` command. Sample output:: 3.1.108 Examples: >>> dotnet_ver.major 3 >>> dotnet_ver.minor 1 >>> dotnet_ver.raw '3.1.108' """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content or len(content) > 1: raise SkipComponent self.major = self.minor = None self.raw = content[0].strip() if ' ' not in self.raw and '.' in self.raw: v_sp = [i.strip() for i in self.raw.split('.', 2)] if len(v_sp) >= 2 and v_sp[0].isdigit() and v_sp[1].isdigit(): self.major = int(v_sp[0]) self.minor = int(v_sp[1]) if self.major is None: raise ParseException("Unrecognized version: {0}", self.raw)
[docs] @parser(Specs.container_dotnet_version) class ContainerDotNetVersion(ContainerParser, DotNetVersion): """ Parses the output of the ``/usr/bin/dotnet --version`` command of the running containers which are based on RHEL images. Sample output:: 3.1.108 Examples: >>> type(con_dotnet_ver) <class 'insights.parsers.dotnet.ContainerDotNetVersion'> >>> con_dotnet_ver.container_id 'cc2883a1a369' >>> con_dotnet_ver.image '' >>> con_dotnet_ver.engine 'podman' >>> con_dotnet_ver.major 3 >>> con_dotnet_ver.minor 1 >>> con_dotnet_ver.raw '3.1.108' """ pass