LVDisplay - command ``/sbin/lvdisplay``
The normal lvdisplay content looks like this::
Adding lvsapp01ap01:0 as an user of lvsapp01ap01_mlog
--- Volume group ---
VG Name vgp01app
VG Size 399.98 GiB
VG UUID JVgCxE-UY84-C0Gk-8Cmn-UGXu-UHo0-9Qa4Re
--- Logical volume ---
global/lvdisplay_shows_full_device_path not found in config: defaulting to 0
LV Path /dev/vgp01app/lvsapp01ap01-old
LV Name lvsapp01ap01-old
VG Name vgp01app
--- Logical volume ---
global/lvdisplay_shows_full_device_path not found in config: defaulting to 0
LV Path /dev/vgp01app/lvsapp01ap02
LV Name lvsapp01ap02
VG Name vgp01app
The data is compiled into two keys in the ``data`` attribute:
* ``Logical volume``: a list of logical volume dictionaries.
* ``Volume group``: a list of volume group dictionaries.
The keys in each dictionary correspond to the headings found in the
output - for example, the keys in each ``Volume group`` list entry will
include ``VG Name``, ``VG Size``, etc.
In addition, the ``debug`` key in both the ``data`` attribute dictionary
and the ``Logical volume`` and ``Volume group`` dictionaries stores any
debug or warning messages found while parsing the output for that section.
Logical volumes are also available as a dictionary in the ``lvs`` property
and volume groups in the ``vgs`` property, both arranged by name. Both
contain the same information as the associated list entry in the ``volumes``
>>> lvs = shared(LvDisplay)
>>> 'volumes' in lvs # direct access via LegacyItemAccess
>>> 'debug' in lvs.data['volumes'] # access via data property
>>> for lv in lvs.data['volumes']['Logical volume']:
--- print lv['LV Name']
>>> lvs.lvs['lvsapp01ap02']['VG Name'] # access to LVs by name
>>> lvs.vgs['vgp01app']['VG Size'] # access to VGs by name
'399.98 GiB'
from .. import parser, LegacyItemAccess, CommandParser
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from insights.specs import Specs
class LvDisplay(CommandParser, LegacyItemAccess):
Read the output of ``/sbin/lvdisplay``.
data(dict): The full data parsed from the output of lvdisplay.
lvs(dict): A dictionary of logical volumes by name.
vgs(dict): A dictionary of volume groups by name.
def parse_content(self, content):
self.data = {}
segment = []
segment_type = ''
self.data['debug'] = []
self.data['volumes'] = defaultdict(list)
for line in content:
split_line = line.split()
if segment and len(split_line) >= 2 and split_line[0] == '---' and split_line[-1] == '---':
self.add_segment(segment_type, segment)
segment_type = " ".join(split_line[1:len(split_line) - 1])
segment = []
if segment:
# last segment
self.add_segment(segment_type, segment)
self.data['volumes'] = dict(self.data['volumes'])
# Add lvs and vgs properties with dicts from the data collected
if 'Volume group' in self.data['volumes']:
self.vgs = {}
for vg in self.data['volumes']['Volume group']:
self.vgs[vg['VG Name']] = vg
if 'Logical volume' in self.data['volumes']:
self.lvs = {}
for lv in self.data['volumes']['Logical volume']:
self.lvs[lv['LV Name']] = lv
def add_segment(self, segment_type, segment):
schema = ()
for line in segment:
if line.lstrip().startswith('VG Name'):
indexes = [(m.start(), m.end()) for m in re.finditer(r"\ +", line)]
schema = (indexes[0][1], indexes[2][1])
if not schema:
self.data['volumes'][segment_type].append(self.parse_segment(segment, schema))
def parse_segment(self, lines, schema):
segment = {}
debug = []
for line in lines:
name = line[schema[0]:schema[1]]
if name.startswith(' '):
value = line[schema[1]:].strip()
name = name.strip()
if not name and not value:
segment[name] = value
segment['debug'] = debug
return segment