Source code for insights.parsers.mdadm

MDAdm parsers

Classes to parse ``mdadm`` commands information.

Parsers provided by this module include:

MDAdm - command ``/usr/sbin/mdadm -E {device}``

MDAdmDetail - command ``/usr/sbin/mdadm -D /dev/md*``

from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import ParseException, SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.parsers import split_kv_pairs, parse_fixed_table
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.mdadm_E) class MDAdmMetadata(CommandParser, dict): """ Parser for output of ``mdadm -E`` for each MD device in system. This stores the information from the output in the following properties: * ``device`` - the name of the device after /dev/ - e.g. loop0 Sample output:: /dev/loop0: Magic : a92b4efc Version : 1.0 Feature Map : 0x0 Array UUID : 98e098ef:c8662ce2:2ed2aa5f:7f0416a9 Name : 0 Creation Time : Mon Jun 29 02:16:52 2020 Raid Level : raid1 Raid Devices : 2 Avail Dev Size : 16383968 sectors (7.81 GiB 8.39 GB) Array Size : 1048576 KiB (1024.00 MiB 1073.74 MB) Used Dev Size : 2097152 sectors (1024.00 MiB 1073.74 MB) Super Offset : 16383984 sectors Unused Space : before=0 sectors, after=14286824 sectors State : clean Device UUID : 5e249ed9:a9ee800a:c09c963f:363a18d2 Update Time : Mon Jun 29 02:19:56 2020 Bad Block Log : 512 entries available at offset -8 sectors Checksum : 395066e8 - correct Events : 60 Device Role : Active device 0 Array State : AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing, 'R' == replacing) Examples: >>> mdadm.device '/dev/loop0' >>> mdadm["Device UUID"] '5e249ed9:a9ee800a:c09c963f:363a18d2' >>> mdadm["Events"] 60 """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): mdadm_dev = "/" if mdadm_dev in self.file_path: self.device = '/dev/' + self.file_path.split(mdadm_dev)[1].strip() else: raise SkipComponent('Cannot parse device name from path {p}'.format(p=self.file_path)) for key, val in split_kv_pairs(content, split_on=':').items(): if val.isdigit(): val = int(val) self[key] = val
[docs] class MDAdmDetailDevice(dict): """ Parser for single MD device data from ``mdadm -D /dev/md*`` output. MD arrry device's full path name will be reside in /dev/ and start with "md", or reside in /dev/md/. For examples: /dev/md0, /dev/md/home . The md device's properties in <property name> : <property value> format will be stored seprately, and are accessable via <property name>. """ def parse_device(self, content, device_start_index, table_start_index, index): self['device_name'] = content[device_start_index].split(':')[0] has_device_table = bool(table_start_index > device_start_index) kv_pairs_end_index = table_start_index if has_device_table else index # Parse the key value pairs part in content if kv_pairs_end_index - device_start_index > 1: self.update(split_kv_pairs(content[device_start_index + 1:kv_pairs_end_index], split_on=':')) # Parse the devices info table part in content self['device_table'] = parse_fixed_table(content[table_start_index:index]) if has_device_table else [] # Empty prased data if not (len(self) > 2 or self['device_table']): raise ParseException('Empty parsed data') @property def is_internal_bitmap(self): """ bool: True if using "Internal" for Intent Bitmap """ return self.get("Intent Bitmap") == "Internal" @property def device_name(self): """ str: the name of the device, e.g. /dev/md0 """ return self.get("device_name") @property def device_table(self): """ list: the devices info table """ return self.get("device_table")
[docs] @parser(Specs.mdadm_D) class MDAdmDetail(CommandParser, list): """ Parser for output of command ``mdadm -D /dev/md*``. Each MD arrry device will be wrapped in :class:``MDAdmDetailDevice``. The md device's properties in <property name> : <property value> format will be stored seprately, and are accessable via <property name>. Attributes: unparsable_device_list (list): the name of unparsable devices Sample output:: /dev/md2: Version : 1.2 Creation Time : Sun Sep 5 23:19:18 2021 Raid Level : raid1 Array Size : 7501333824 (7153.83 GiB 7681.37 GB) Used Dev Size : 7501333824 (7153.83 GiB 7681.37 GB) Raid Devices : 2 Total Devices : 2 Persistence : Superblock is persistent Intent Bitmap : Internal Update Time : Sun Sep 26 22:18:13 2021 State : clean Active Devices : 2 Working Devices : 2 Failed Devices : 0 Spare Devices : 0 Consistency Policy : bitmap Name : hostname:2 (local to host hostname) UUID : 245e1231:245e1231:245e1231:245e1231 Events : 1821 Number Major Minor RaidDevice State 0 259 1 0 active sync /dev/nvme2n1 1 259 0 1 active sync /dev/nvme3n1 /dev/md3: Version : 1.2 Creation Time : Sun Sep 5 23:19:18 2021 ... Examples: >>> len(mdadm_d) 2 >>> mdadm_d[0].device_name '/dev/md2' >>> mdadm_d[0]["UUID"] '245e1231:245e1231:245e1231:245e1231' >>> mdadm_d[0].is_internal_bitmap True >>> len(mdadm_d[0].device_table) 2 >>> mdadm_d[1].get("Version") '1.2' """ MDADM_ERROR_MSG_PREFIX = "mdadm: "
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if len(content) == 0: raise SkipComponent("Empty content of command output") self.unparsable_device_list = [] self.error_messages = [] def _handle_device(device_start_index, table_start_index, index): if content[device_start_index].startswith(self.MDADM_ERROR_MSG_PREFIX): self.error_messages.append(content[device_start_index]) return try: device_detail = MDAdmDetailDevice() device_detail.parse_device(content, device_start_index, table_start_index, index) self.append(device_detail) except ParseException: self.unparsable_device_list.append(content[device_start_index].split(':')[0]) # Split the devices content device_start_index = 0 table_start_index = 0 for index, _line in enumerate(content): line = _line.strip() if not line: continue # Start line of a new device if (line.startswith("/dev/md") and line.endswith(":") or line.startswith(self.MDADM_ERROR_MSG_PREFIX)): # Handle the last recongnized device if index > device_start_index: _handle_device(device_start_index, table_start_index, index) device_start_index = index elif "Number Major Minor" in line: table_start_index = index # Handle the final device _handle_device(device_start_index, table_start_index, index + 1) # Empty prased data if len(self) < 1: raise SkipComponent('Empty parsed device')