Source code for insights.parsers.pmlog_summary

PmLogSummary - Command ``pmlogsummary``

Parsers for parsing output of the ``pmlogsummary`` commands.

PmLogSummary - Spec ``pmlog_summary``

PmLogSummaryPcpZeroConf - Spec ``pmlog_summary_pcp_zeroconf``
from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] def parse(data): """ Parse a set of key/value pairs into a hierarchical dictionary of typed values Arguments: data (dict): Input dictionary of key/value pairs Returns: dict: Hierarchical dictionary with keys separated at "." and type conversion of the numerical values """ result = {} def typed(x): try: return float(x) except Exception: return x def insert(k, v): cur = result key_parts = k.split(".") # process the '["xxx"]' part as a sub-key if v.startswith('['): mk, _, v = v.partition(']') key_parts.append(mk.strip('"[]')) v = v.strip() # walk down the structure to the correct leaf for part in key_parts: if part not in cur: cur[part] = {} cur = cur[part] # break the value apart and store it l, r = v.split(None, 1) cur["val"] = typed(l) cur["units"] = r.strip() def kvs(): # deal with whitespace and high level splitting for line in data: line = line.strip() if line: yield line.split(None, 1) for k, v in kvs(): insert(k, v) return result
[docs] class PmLogSummaryBase(CommandParser, dict): """ Base Parser to parse the output of the ``pmlogsummary`` command Sample output of the command is:: mem.util.used 3133919.812 Kbyte mem.physmem 3997600.000 Kbyte kernel.all.cpu.user 0.003 none kernel.all.cpu.sys 0.004 none kernel.all.cpu.nice 0.000 none kernel.all.cpu.steal 0.000 none kernel.all.cpu.idle 3.986 none ["10 second"] 0.001 none kernel.all.pressure.cpu.some.avg ["1 minute"] 14.942 none kernel.all.pressure.memory.full.avg ["5 minute"] 0.002 none 0.252 count / sec ["vda"] 0.016 count / sec ["vdb"] 0.445 count / sec ["vdc"] 2.339 count / sec Output is parsed and stored as a dictionary. Each value is stored as a dict in the form ``{'val': number or string, 'units': string}``. Keys are a hierarchy of the input key value split on the "." character. For instance:: 1. Input line "mem.util.used 3133919.812 Kbyte" is parsed as: { 'mem': { 'util': { 'used': { 'val': 3133919.812, 'units': 'Kbyte' } } } } 2. Input line " ["vdc"] 2.339 count / sec" is parsed as: { 'disk': { 'dev': { 'total': { 'vdc': { 'val': 2.339 'units': 'count / sec' } } } } } Example: >>> type(pmlog_summary) <class 'insights.parsers.pmlog_summary.PmLogSummary'> >>> 'mem' in pmlog_summary True >>> pmlog_summary['disk']['all']['total'] == {'val': 0.252, 'units': 'count / sec'} True >>> pmlog_summary['disk']['dev']['total']['vdc'] == {'val': 2.339, 'units': 'count / sec'} True >>> pmlog_summary['kernel']['all']['pressure']['memory']['full']['avg']['5 minute'] == {'val': 0.002, 'units': 'none'} True """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): data = parse(content) if len(data) == 0: raise SkipComponent() self.update(data)
[docs] @parser(Specs.pmlog_summary) class PmLogSummary(PmLogSummaryBase): """ Parser to parse the content of `pmlog_summary` spec. """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.pmlog_summary_pcp_zeroconf) class PmLogSummaryPcpZeroConf(PmLogSummaryBase): """ Parser to parse the content of `pmlog_summary_pcp_zeroconf` spec. """ pass