Source code for insights.parsers.pulp_worker_defaults

PulpWorkerDefaults - file ``/etc/default/pulp_workers``

The PulpWorkerDefaults parser reads the shell options set in the
``/etc/default/pulp_worker`` file.  These are made available using the
:class:`insights.core.SysconfigOptions` class methods.

Sample file contents::

    # Configuration file for Pulp's Celery workers

    # Define the number of worker nodes you wish to have here. This defaults to the number of processors
    # that are detected on the system if left commented here.

    # Configure Python's encoding for writing all logs, stdout and stderr

    >>> pulp_defs = shared[PulpWorkerDefaults]
    >>> type(pulp_defs)
    <class 'insights.parsers.pulp_worker_defaults.PulpWorkerDefaults'>
    >>> 'PULP_CONCURRENCY' in pulp_defs
    >>> pulp_defs['PULP_CONCURRENCY']  # Note string return value
    >>> 'PULP_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD' in pulp_defs
    >>> pulp_defs['PYTHONIOENCODING']  # Values are dequoted as per bash


from .. import parser, SysconfigOptions
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.pulp_worker_defaults) class PulpWorkerDefaults(SysconfigOptions): """ Parse the ``/etc/default/pulp_workers`` file. """ pass