TcpIpStats - file ``/proc/net/snmp``
The ``TcpIpStats`` class implements the parsing of ``/proc/net/snmp``
file, which contains TCP/IP stats of individual layer.
TcpIpStatsIPV6 - file ``/proc/net/snmp6``
The ``TcpIpStatsIPV6`` class implements the parsing of ``/proc/net/snmp6``
file, which contains TCP/IP stats of individual layer.
from .. import Parser, parser, LegacyItemAccess
from insights.specs import Specs
class TcpIpStats(Parser, LegacyItemAccess):
Parser for ``/proc/net/snmp`` file.
Sample input is provided in the *Examples*.
>>> SNMP_CONTENT = '''
... Ip: Forwarding DefaultTTL InReceives InHdrErrors InAddrErrors ForwDatagrams InUnknownProtos InDiscards InDelivers OutRequests OutDiscards OutNoRoutes ReasmTimeout ReasmReqds ReasmOKs ReasmFails FragOKs FragFails FragCreates
... Ip: 2 64 43767 0 0 0 0 0 41807 18407 12 73 0 0 0 10 0 0 0
... Icmp: InMsgs InErrors InCsumErrors InDestUnreachs InTimeExcds InParmProbs InSrcQuenchs InRedirects InEchos InEchoReps InTimestamps InTimestampReps InAddrMasks InAddrMaskReps OutMsgs OutErrors OutDestUnreachs OutTimeExcds OutParmProbs OutSrcQuenchs OutRedirects OutEchos OutEchoReps OutTimestamps OutTimestampReps OutAddrMasks OutAddrMaskReps
... Icmp: 34 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... IcmpMsg: InType3 OutType3
... IcmpMsg: 34 44
... Tcp: RtoAlgorithm RtoMin RtoMax MaxConn ActiveOpens PassiveOpens AttemptFails EstabResets CurrEstab InSegs OutSegs RetransSegs InErrs OutRsts InCsumErrors
... Tcp: 1 200 120000 -1 444 0 0 6 7 19269 17050 5 4 234 0
... Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors IgnoredMulti
... Udp: 18905 34 0 1348 0 0 0 3565
... UdpLite: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors IgnoredMulti
... UdpLite: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... '''.strip()
>>> from insights.tests import context_wrap
>>> shared = {TcpIpStats: TcpIpStats(context_wrap(SNMP_CONTENT))}
>>> stats = shared[TcpIpStats]
>>> snmp_stats = stats.get("Ip")
>>> print snmp_stats["DefaultTTL"]
>>> snmp_stats = stats.get("Udp")
>>> print snmp_stats["InDatagrams"]
Resultant Data::
'FragCreates': 0,
'ReasmFails': 10,
'Forwarding': 2,
'ReasmOKs': 0,
'ReasmReqds': 0,
'ReasmTimeout': 0,
'InRedirects': 0,
'InMsgs': 34,
'InSrcQuenchs': 0,
def parse_content(self, content):
snmp_stats = {}
data_id = []
for line in content:
line_split = line.split()
if line_split[1].isdigit():
snmp_stats[line_split[0].replace(":", "")] = dict(zip(data_id, map(int, line_split[1:])))
data_id = line_split[1:]
self.data = snmp_stats
class TcpIpStatsIPV6(Parser, LegacyItemAccess):
Parser for ``/proc/net/snmp6`` file.
Sample input is provided in the *Examples*.
>>> SNMP_CONTENT = '''
... Ip6InReceives 757
... Ip6InHdrErrors 0
... Ip6InTooBigErrors 0
... Ip6InNoRoutes 0
... Ip6InAddrErrors 0
... Ip6InDiscards 10
... Ip6OutForwDatagrams 0
... Ip6OutDiscards 0
... Ip6OutNoRoutes 0
... Ip6InOctets 579410
... Icmp6OutErrors 0
... Icmp6InCsumErrors 0
>>> from insights.tests import context_wrap
>>> shared = {TcpIpStatsIPV6: TcpIpStatsIPV6(context_wrap(SNMP_CONTENT))}
>>> stats = shared[TcpIpStatsIPV6]
>>> IP6_RX_stats = stats.get("Ip6InReceives")
>>> print IP6_RX_stats
>>> IP6_In_Disc = stats.get("Ip6InDiscards")
>>> print IP6_In_Disc
Resultant Data::
'Ip6InReceives': 757,
'Ip6InHdrErrors': 0,
'Ip6InTooBigErrors': 0,
'Ip6InNoRoutes': 0,
'Ip6InAddrErrors': 0,
'Ip6InDiscards': 10,
def parse_content(self, content):
snmp6_stats = {}
for line in content:
line_split = line.split()
snmp6_stats[line_split[0]] = int(line_split[1]) if len(line_split) > 1 and line_split[1] else None
self.data = snmp6_stats