Source code for insights.parsers.swift_conf

Swift Conf Files - file ``/etc/swift/``

This module provides parsers for swift config files under /etc/swift directory.

SwiftObjectExpirerConf - file ``/etc/swift/object-expirer.conf``

SwiftProxyServerConf - file ``/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf``

SwiftConf - file ``/etc/swift/swift.conf``
from insights.core import IniConfigFile
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.swift_proxy_server_conf) class SwiftProxyServerConf(IniConfigFile): """ This class is to parse the content of the ``/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf``. The swift proxy - server configuration file ``/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`` is in the standard 'ini' format and is read by the :py:class:`insights.core.IniConfigFile` parser class. Sample configuration file:: [DEFAULT] bind_port = 8080 bind_ip = workers = 0 [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck proxy-logging cache ratelimit [app:proxy-server] use = egg:swift # proxy set log_name = proxy-server set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1 [filter:catch_errors] use = egg:swift # catch_errors Examples: >>> 'app:proxy-server' in proxy_server_conf True >>> proxy_server_conf.get('filter:catch_errors', 'use') == 'egg:swift' True >>> proxy_server_conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'bind_port') 8080 """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.swift_object_expirer_conf) class SwiftObjectExpirerConf(IniConfigFile): """ This class is to parse the content of the ``/etc/swift/object-expirer.conf``. `/etc/swift/object-expirer.conf`` is in the standard 'ini' format and is read by the :py:class:`insights.core.IniConfigFile` parser class. Sample configuration file:: [DEFAULT] [object-expirer] # auto_create_account_prefix = . auto_create_account_prefix = . process=0 concurrency=1 recon_cache_path=/var/cache/swift interval=300 reclaim_age=604800 report_interval=300 processes=0 expiring_objects_account_name=expiring_objects [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors cache proxy-server [app:proxy-server] use = egg:swift#proxy [filter:cache] use = egg:swift#memcache memcache_servers = [filter:catch_errors] use = egg:swift#catch_errors Examples: >>> 'filter:cache' in object_expirer_conf True >>> object_expirer_conf.get('filter:cache', 'memcache_servers') == '' True >>> object_expirer_conf.getint('object-expirer', 'report_interval') 300 """ pass
[docs] @parser(Specs.swift_conf) class SwiftConf(IniConfigFile): """ This class is to parse the content of ``/etc/swift/swift.conf``. ``/etc/swift/swift.conf`` is in the standard 'ini' format and is read by the :py:class:`insights.core.IniConfigFile` parser class. Sample configuration file:: [swift-hash] # random unique strings that can never change (DO NOT LOSE) # Use only printable chars (python -c "import string; print(string.printable)") swift_hash_path_prefix = changeme swift_hash_path_suffix = changeme [storage-policy:0] name = gold policy_type = replication default = yes [storage-policy:1] name = silver policy_type = replication [storage-policy:2] name = ec42 policy_type = erasure_coding ec_type = liberasurecode_rs_vand ec_num_data_fragments = 4 ec_num_parity_fragments = 2 Examples: >>> 'swift-hash' in swift_conf.sections() True >>> swift_conf.has_option('storage-policy:2', 'policy_type') is True True >>> swift_conf.get('storage-policy:2', 'policy_type') == 'erasure_coding' True >>> swift_conf.get('storage-policy:2', 'ec_type') == 'liberasurecode_rs_vand' True """ pass