Source code for insights.parsers.tuned_conf

TunedConfIni - file ``/etc/tuned.conf``

from insights.core import IniConfigFile
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.tuned_conf) class TunedConfIni(IniConfigFile): """This class parses the ``/etc/tuned.conf`` file using the ``IniConfigFile`` base parser. Sample configuration file:: # # Net tuning section # [NetTuning] # Enabled or disable the plugin. Default is True. Any other value # disables it. enabled=False # # CPU monitoring section # [CPUMonitor] # Enabled or disable the plugin. Default is True. Any other value # disables it. # enabled=False Examples: >>> 'NetTuning' in tuned_obj.sections() True >>> tuned_obj.get('NetTuning', 'enabled') == "False" True >>> tuned_obj.getboolean('NetTuning', 'enabled') == False True >>> sorted(tuned_obj.sections())==sorted(['CPUMonitor', 'NetTuning']) True """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content, allow_no_value=True): super(TunedConfIni, self).parse_content(content, allow_no_value)