Source code for insights.specs.datasources.cloud_init

Custom datasources for cloud initialization information
import yaml

from insights.core.context import HostContext
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.filters import get_filters
from insights.core.plugins import datasource
from insights.core.spec_factory import DatasourceProvider, simple_file
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] class LocalSpecs(Specs): """ Local specs used only by cloud_init datasources """ cloud_cfg_input = simple_file("/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg") """ Returns the contents of the file ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`` """
@datasource(LocalSpecs.cloud_cfg_input, HostContext) def cloud_cfg(broker): """ This datasource provides configuration of ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`` file. .. note:: Since this file may contain sensitive information, it should be filtered before the Insights collecting it. The filters will be added via the :mod:`insights.specs.Specs.cloud_cfg` Spec. If nothing is added to the filter, nothing will be collected. Typical content of ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`` file is:: #cloud-config users: - name: demo ssh-authorized-keys: - key_one - key_two passwd: $6$j212wezy$7H/1LT4f9/N3wpgNunhsIqtMj62OKiS3nyNwuizouQc3u7 ssh_deletekeys: 1 network: version: 1 config: - type: physical name: eth0 subnets: - type: dhcp - type: dhcp6 system_info: default_user: name: user2 plain_text_passwd: 'someP@assword' home: /home/user2 debug: output: /var/log/cloud-init-debug.log verbose: true Returns: str: YAML string after removing the sensitive information. Raises: SkipComponent: When the path does not exist, nothing is collected, or any exception occurs. """ relative_path = '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg' try: filters = get_filters(Specs.cloud_cfg) content = broker[LocalSpecs.cloud_cfg_input].content if content and filters: result = dict() content = yaml.load('\n'.join(content), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if isinstance(content, dict): # apply filters after ignoring sensitive data for item in filters: if item not in ('users', 'system_info') and item in content: result[item] = content[item] if result: return DatasourceProvider(content=yaml.dump(result), relative_path=relative_path) raise SkipComponent("Invalid YAML format") except Exception as e: raise SkipComponent("Unexpected exception:{e}".format(e=str(e))) raise SkipComponent