insights-run - execute insights-core with a set of components on a system or archives
insights-run [OPTIONS] [ARCHIVE]
The insights-run command provides a tool to execute a set of components including datasources (SPECs), parsers, combiners and rules on a host system, or on one or more archive files.
- -b “spec=input_file[,spec=input_file,…]” --bare “spec=input_file[,spec=input_file,…]”
Specify that a particular input file should be used for a spec. This allows you to use specific files for input to a run. For example to use your own messages.log file as input instead of the messages.log file in an archive:
insights-run -b "messages=$HOME/data/messages.log" -p myinsights.myrulesThe short name can be used for insights-core specs. If custom specs are used you must specify the full module path for the spec:
-b "myinsights.myspecs.specs.custom_messages=$HOME/data/messages.log"When
is used, [ARCHIVE] is ignored.- -c CONFIG --config CONFIG
Configure components.
- --color [=WHEN]
Choose if and how the color encoding is outputted. When can be ‘always’, ‘auto’, or ‘never’. If always the color encoding isn’t stripped from the output, so it can be piped. If auto the color is outputted in the terminal but is stripped if piped. If never then no color encoding is outputted.
- --context CONTEXT
Execution Context. Defaults to HostContext if an archive isn’t passed. See Contexts for additional information.
- -D --debug
Show debug level information.
- -d --dropped
Show collected files that weren’t processed.
- -F --fail-only
Show FAIL results only. Conflict with ‘-m’ or ‘-f’, will be dropped when using them together.
- -f FORMAT --format FORMAT
Output format to an alternative format. The default format is ‘text’. Alternative formats are ‘_json’, ‘_yaml’ and ‘_markdown’.
- -h --help
Show the command line help and exit.
- -i INVENTORY --inventory INVENTORY
Ansible inventory file for cluster analysis. See INVENTORY(5) for more information about the options for format of the inventory file.
- -k --pkg-query
Expression to select rules by package.
- -m --missing
Show missing requirements.
- -n --none
Show rules returning
.- -p PLUGINS --plugins PLUGINS
Comma-separated list without spaces of package(s) or module(s) containing plugins.
- -s --syslog
Sends all log results to syslog. This is normally used when insights-core is run in other applications, or in a non-interactive process.
- -t --tracebacks
Show stack traces when there are errors in components.
An expression for selecting which loaded rules to run based on their tags.
- -v --verbose
Verbose output.
- insights-run -p examples.rules
Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the local host system.
- insights-run -p examples.rules insights-archive.tar.gz
Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the insights archive.
- insights-run -p examples.rules sosreport.tar.xz
Runs all of the rules that are implemented in the module example.rules and sub-modules by executing all required datasources against the sosreport.