insights-inspect - execute an insights component into an iPython session


insights-inspect [OPTIONS] COMPONENT [ARCHIVE]


The insights-inspect command provides a tool to execute a component in insights, and then load the component into an iPython session so that it can be inspected and manipulated. The COMPONENT can be anything in the dependency tree including a datasource, parser, combiner, and rule.

Insights-inspect executes the COMPONENT and collects data from the system, or if ARCHIVE is provided it will collect data from the archive. Archive datasources are documented in insights.specs.insights_archive, insights.specs.sos_report and insights.specs.jdr_archives.


-c CONFIG --config CONFIG

Configure components.

-D --debug

Show debug level information.

-h --help

Show the command line help and exit.


insights-inspect insights.specs.Specs.redhat_release

Executes insights-core and opens an iPython session with a datasource object populated for insights.specs.Specs.redhat_release and all objects that the datasource depends upon. The example session in iPython would look like this:

Enter 'redhat_release.' and tab to get a list of properties
In [1]: redhat_release.<property_name>
Out[1]: <property value>

To exit iPython enter 'exit' and hit enter or use 'CTL D'

Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 27 2019, 09:00:23)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: redhat_release
Out[1]: TextFileProvider("'/etc/redhat-release'")

In [2]: redhat_release.content
Out[2]: ['Fedora release 29 (Twenty Nine)']
insights-inspect insights.parsers.hostname.Hostname

Executes insights-core and opens an iPython session with a parser object populated for insights.parsers.hostname.Hostname and all objects that the parser depends upon. The example session in iPython would look like this:

IPython Console Usage Info:

Enter 'Hostname.' and tab to get a list of properties
In [1]: Hostname.<property_name>
Out[1]: <property value>

To exit iPython enter 'exit' and hit enter or use 'CTL D'

Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 27 2019, 09:00:23)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: Hostname
Out[1]: <insights.parsers.hostname.Hostname at 0x7f64e81fef60>

In [2]: Hostname.fqdn
Out[2]: ''

In [3]: Hostname.domain
Out[3]: ''

Executes insights-core and opens an iPython session with a rule object populated for and all objects that the rule depends upon. The example session in iPython would look like this:

IPython Console Usage Info:

Enter 'report.' and tab to get a list of properties
In [1]: report.<property_name>
Out[1]: <property value>

To exit iPython enter 'exit' and hit enter or use 'CTL D'

Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 27 2019, 09:00:23)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: report
Out[1]: {'kernel': 'this is junk', 'type': 'pass', 'pass_key': 'ALWAYS_FIRES'}
insights-inspect -c configfile.yaml insights.specs.Specs.redhat_release

Inspects the information collected by the COMPONENT using the configuration information provided in configfile.yaml. See CONFIG(5) for more information on the specifics of the configuration file options and format.

insights-inspect -D insights.specs.Specs.redhat_release

The -D option will produce a trace of the operations performed by insights-core as the COMPONENT is executed. The COMPONENT data will be output following all of the debugging output.