Bond - file /proc/net/bonding

Provides plugins access to the network bonding information gathered from all the files starteing with “bond.” located in the /proc/net/bonding directory.

Typical content of bond.* file is:

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.2.4 (January 28, 2008)

Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 500
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

802.3ad info
LACP rate: slow
Active Aggregator Info:
        Aggregator ID: 3
        Number of ports: 1
        Actor Key: 17
        Partner Key: 1
        Partner Mac Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00

Slave Interface: eth1
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:16:35:5e:42:fc
Aggregator ID: 3

Slave Interface: eth2
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:16:35:5e:02:7e
Aggregator ID: 2

Data is modeled as an array of Bond objects (bond being a pattern file specification gathering data from files located in /proc/net/bonding.


>>> type(bond_info)
<class ''>
>>> bond_info.bond_mode
>>> bond_info.partner_mac_address
>>> bond_info.slave_interface
['eth1', 'eth2']
>>> bond_info.aggregator_id
['3', '3', '2']
>>> bond_info.xmit_hash_policy
>>> bond_info.active_slave
>>> bond_info.slave_duplex
['full', 'full']
>>> bond_info.slave_speed
['1000 Mbps', '1000 Mbps']

Bases: insights.core.Parser

Models the /proc/net/bonding file.

Currently used information from /proc/net/bonding includes the “bond mode” and “partner mac address”.

property active_slave

Returns the active slave of the “Currently Active Slave” in the bond file if key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, None is returned.

property aggregator_id

Returns all the aggregator id of in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.

property arp_ip_target

Returns the arp ip target as a string. None is returned if no “ARP IP target/s (n.n.n.n form)” key is found.

property arp_polling_interval

Returns the arp polling interval as a string. None is returned if no “ARP Polling Interval (ms)” key is found.

property bond_mode

Returns the bond mode number as a string, or if there is no known mapping to a number, the raw “Bonding Mode” value. None is returned if no “Bonding Mode” key is found.

property mii_status

Returns the master and all the slaves “MII Status” value in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.


This method must be implemented by classes based on this class.

property partner_mac_address

Returns the value of the “Partner Mac Address” in the bond file if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, None is returned.

property primary_slave

Returns the “Primary Slave” in the bond file if key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, None is returned.

property slave_duplex

Returns all the slave “Duplex” value in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.

property slave_interface

Returns all the slave interfaces of in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.

Returns all the slaves “Link Failure Count” value in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.

property slave_speed

Returns all the slaves “Speed” value in the bond file wrapped a list if the key/value exists. If the key is not in the bond file, [] is returned.