Source code for insights.parsers.systemctl_get_default

SystemctlGetDefault - command ``systemctl get-default``

Parser to parse the output of command ``systemctl get-default``

from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights import CommandParser, parser
from insights.specs import Specs

[docs] @parser(Specs.systemctl_get_default) class SystemctlGetDefault(CommandParser): """ Class for parsing ``systemctl get-default`` command output. Sample output for command:: Examples: >>> type(systemctl_get_default) <class 'insights.parsers.systemctl_get_default.SystemctlGetDefault'> >>> systemctl_get_default.default_target '' Attributes: default_target (String): The default target Raises: SkipComponent: When nothing needs to parse """
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): if not content: raise SkipComponent("Input content is empty") self.default_target = content[0].strip()