Uptime - command ``/usr/bin/uptime``
Parse the output of the ``uptime`` command into six attributes:
* ``currtime``: the time on the system as a string.
* ``loadavg``: a three element array of strings for the one, five and
fifteen minute load averages.
* ``updays``: a string of the number of days the system has been up, or ''
if the system has been running for less than a day.
* ``uphhmm``: a string of the fraction of a day in hours and minutes that the
system has been running. Times reported by ``uptime`` as e.g. '30 mins' are
converted in to hh:mm format.
* ``users``: a string containing the number of users ``uptime`` reports as
using the system.
* ``uptime``: a ``datetime.timedelta`` object of the total duration of uptime.
These can also be queried as named keys in the ``data`` attribute.
Sample output::
11:51:06 up 3:17, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.20, 0.28
>>> uptime = shared[Uptime]
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> uptime.uptime > timedelta(days=1)
>>> uptime.updays
>>> uptime.users
>>> uptime.loadavg[1]
>>> uptime.data['currtime']
import datetime
import re
from insights.core import CommandParser
from insights.core.exceptions import ParseException
from insights.core.plugins import parser
from insights.specs import Specs
class Uptime(CommandParser):
"""Parser class to parse the output of ``uptime``."""
def parse_content(self, content):
self.currtime = None
self.loadavg = None
self.updays = None
self.uphhmm = None
self.users = None
self.uptime = None
uptime_info = {}
self.data = uptime_info
# Use only the first line
line = content[0].strip()
# 10:55:22 up 40 days, 21:17, 1 user, load average: 0.49, 0.12, 0.04
curr_time_re = r'(?P<currtime>\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)'
# Duration Variations:
# 30 mins | 5:55 | 1 day, 3 mins | 2 days, 8:05
duration_re = r' up ?(?:(?P<days>\d+) days?)?(?:, )?' + \
r'(?:(?:(?P<mins>\d+) mins?)?|(?: ?(?P<hhmm>\d?\d:\d\d)))'
users_re = r', ?(?P<users>\d+) users?'
load_re = r', ?load average: (?P<load1>\d+.\d\d), (?P<load5>\d+.\d\d), (?P<load15>\d+.\d\d)'
line_rex = re.compile(curr_time_re + duration_re + users_re + load_re)
match = line_rex.search(line)
if not match:
raise ParseException("No uptime data found on '{line}'".format(line=line))
uptime_info['updays'] = match.group('days') if match.group('days') else ''
uptime_info['currtime'] = match.group('currtime')
uptime_info['uphhmm'] = match.group('hhmm') if match.group('hhmm') else ''
uptime_info['users'] = match.group('users')
uptime_info['loadavg'] = [match.group('load1'), match.group('load5'), match.group('load15')]
uptime_info['uptime'] = datetime.timedelta()
if not match.group('hhmm') and match.group('mins'):
uptime_info['uphhmm'] = '00:{m:02}'.format(m=int(match.group('mins')))
if uptime_info['uphhmm']:
hours, mins = uptime_info['uphhmm'].split(':')
uptime_info['uptime'] += datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hours), minutes=int(mins))
if uptime_info['updays']:
uptime_info['uptime'] += datetime.timedelta(days=int(uptime_info['updays']))
for k, v in uptime_info.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
self.data = uptime_info