Source code for insights.parsers.yum_list

Yum List Command

The parsers contains in this module are:

YumListInstalled - Command ``yum list installed``

YumListAvailable - Command ``yum list available``

from collections import defaultdict

from insights import CommandParser, parser, SkipComponent
from insights.specs import Specs
from insights.parsers.installed_rpms import InstalledRpm, RpmList

[docs] class YumListRpm(InstalledRpm): """ The same as :py:class:`insights.parsers.installed_rpms.InstalledRpm` but with an additional ``.repo`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, data): self.repo = None """str: yum / dnf repository name, if available.""" super(YumListRpm, self).__init__(data)
[docs] class YumListBase(CommandParser, RpmList): """ Base class for the ``yum list [installed|available]`` commands. Each line is parsed and stored in a ``YumListRpm`` object. .. note:: ``YumListBase`` shares the :py:class:`insights.parsers.installed_rpms.RpmList` interface with :py:class:`insights.parsers.installed_rpms.InstalledRpms`. The only difference is ``YumListBase`` takes the output of ``yum list`` as its source data, and the :py:class:`YumListRpm` instances it produces contain a ``.repo`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, context, package_status): self.expired_cache = False """bool: Indicates if the yum repo cache is expired.""" self.package_status = package_status """str: Indicates if the list is of installed or available packages.""" super(YumListBase, self).__init__(context) def _find_start(self, content): for i, c in enumerate(content): if 'Repodata is over 2 weeks old' in c: self.expired_cache = True elif c == self.package_status + " Packages": break return i + 1 def _get_rows(self, content): """ Yields: a list per row of the following form: .. code:: python [ <name.arch>, <[epoch:]version-release>, <repo or @installed-from-repo> ] """ start = self._find_start(content) if start == len(content): raise SkipComponent() # join hanging wrapped lines together into a single line. # see cur = [] for line in content[start:]: if not cur: cur.append(line.strip()) elif line.startswith(" "): cur.append(line.strip()) else: yield " ".join(cur).split() cur = [line.strip()] if cur: yield " ".join(cur).split() def _make_record(self, package, ver_rel, repo): """ Given the fields of a ``yum list`` row, return a dictionary of name, version, release, epoch, arch, and repo. """ name, _, arch = package.rpartition(".") repo = repo.lstrip("@") # Kept as string in InstalledRpm. Duplicating here for consistency. epoch = "0" if ":" in ver_rel: epoch, ver_rel = ver_rel.split(":", 1) version, release = ver_rel.split("-") # This is special cased for InstalledRpm. Duplicating here for # consistency. if name.startswith('oracleasm') and name.endswith('.el5'): name, version2 = name.split('-', 1) version = version2 + '-' + version return {"name": name, "version": version, "release": release, "epoch": epoch, "arch": arch, "repo": repo} def _unknown_row(self, row): """ Heuristic to tell us we've hit the bottom of the Installed Packages stanza. """ return len(row) != 3 or row[:2] == ["Loaded", "plugins:"]
[docs] def parse_content(self, content): """ ``yum list`` output is basically tabular with an ignorable set of rows at the top and a line "Installed Packages" that designates the following rows as data. Each column has a maximum width, and if any column overflows, the following columns wrap to the next line and indent to their usual starting positions. It's also possible for the data rows to be followed by more lines that should be ignored. Since ``yum list`` is for human consumption, the footer lines can be syntactically ambiguous with data lines. We use heuristics to check for an invalid row to signal the end of data. """ packages = defaultdict(list) for row in self._get_rows(content): if self._unknown_row(row): break rec = self._make_record(*row) packages[rec["name"]].append(YumListRpm(rec)) self.packages = dict(packages)
[docs] @parser(Specs.yum_list_installed) class YumListInstalled(YumListBase): """ The ``YumListInstalled`` class parses the output of the ``yum list installed`` command. Each line is parsed and stored in a ``YumListRpm`` object. Sample input data:: Repodata is over 2 weeks old. Install yum-cron? Or run: yum makecache fast Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager Installed Packages GConf2.x86_64 3.2.6-8.el7 @rhel-7-server-rpms GeoIP.x86_64 1.5.0-11.el7 @anaconda/7.3 ImageMagick.x86_64 @rhel-7-server-rpms NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.4.0-17.el7_3 installed NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.8.0-9.el7 installed NetworkManager-config-server.noarch 1:1.8.0-9.el7 installed Uploading Enabled Repositories Report Loaded plugins: priorities, product-id, rhnplugin, rhui-lb, subscription- : manager, versionlock Examples: >>> type(installed_rpms) <class 'insights.parsers.yum_list.YumListInstalled'> >>> 'GeoIP' in installed_rpms True >>> installed_rpms.get_max('GeoIP') 0:GeoIP-1.5.0-11.el7 >>> installed_rpms.expired_cache True >>> type(installed_rpms.get_max('GeoIP')) <class 'insights.parsers.yum_list.YumListRpm'> >>> rpm1 = installed_rpms.get_max('GeoIP') >>> rpm1.package == 'GeoIP-1.5.0-11.el7' True >>> rpm1.nvr == 'GeoIP-1.5.0-11.el7' True >>> rpm1.source >>> 'GeoIP' >>> rpm1.version '1.5.0' >>> rpm1.release '11.el7' >>> rpm1.arch 'x86_64' >>> rpm1.epoch '0' >>> from insights.parsers.yum_list import YumListRpm >>> rpm2 = YumListRpm.from_package('GeoIP-1.6.0-11.el7.x86_64') >>> rpm1 == rpm2 False >>> rpm1 > rpm2 False >>> rpm1 < rpm2 True """ def __init__(self, context): super(YumListInstalled, self).__init__(context, "Installed")
[docs] @parser(Specs.yum_list_available) class YumListAvailable(YumListBase): """ The ``YumListAvailable`` class parses the output of the ``yum list available`` command. Each line is parsed and stored in a ``YumListRpm`` object. Input and usage examples are identical to ``YumListInstalled`` but with "Installed" replaced with "Available" wherever applicable. """ def __init__(self, context): super(YumListAvailable, self).__init__(context, "Available")