Source code for insights.specs.datasources.rpm_pkgs

Custom datasource for RPM command
import grp
import pwd
import signal

from collections import defaultdict

from insights.core.context import HostContext
from insights.core.exceptions import SkipComponent
from insights.core.filters import get_filters
from insights.core.plugins import datasource
from insights.core.spec_factory import DatasourceProvider, simple_command
from insights.specs import Specs

class LocalSpecs(Specs):
    Local spec used only by the rpm_pkgs datasource.
    rpm_args = simple_command(
        'rpm -qa --nosignature --qf="[%{=NAME}; %{=NEVRA}; %{FILENAMES}; %{FILEMODES:perms}; %{FILEUSERNAME}; %{FILEGROUPNAME}; %{=VENDOR}\n]"',

def get_shells():
    Returns all full pathnames of valid login shells without nologins.
    with open("/etc/shells") as file:
        return set(line.strip() for line in file if "nologin" not in line)

def get_users():
    Returns all users with shell specified in get_shells() except for root.
    shells = get_shells()
    users = set()

    for user in pwd.getpwall():
        name = user[0]
        shell = user[6]

        if name == "root" or (shell not in shells):
    return users

def get_groups(users):
    Returns all groups for users specified in get_users().
    Every user has at least one group with its name.
    groups = set()

    for group in grp.getgrall():
        group_name = group[0]
        user_list = group[3]

        if group_name in users:
            for user in user_list:
                if user.strip() in users:
    return groups

@datasource(LocalSpecs.rpm_args, HostContext)
def pkgs_with_writable_dirs(broker):
    Custom datasource for CVE-2021-35937, CVE-2021-35938, and CVE-2021-35939.

    It collects packages from the ``rpm -qa --nosignature --qf="[%{=NAME}; %{=NEVRA}; %{FILENAMES};
    %{FILEMODES:perms}; %{FILEUSERNAME}; %{FILEGROUPNAME}; %{=VENDOR}\n]" command``.

    The output is a sorted list of all packages, which have at least one directory with files
    inside, and this directory is writable by a specific user/group or the others.

        SkipComponent: Raised if no data is available

        List[str]: Sorted list of strings, where every string contains `name`, `nevra`
        and `vendor` for a given package, and the pipe is used as a separator.
        E.g. ["httpd-core|httpd-core-2.4.53-7.el9.x86_64|Red Hat, Inc."]
    content = broker[LocalSpecs.rpm_args].content

    if not content or "command not found" in content[0]:
        raise SkipComponent

    users = get_users()
    groups = get_groups(users)

    dir_package = defaultdict(set)
    dirs = set()

    for line in content:
        pkg_name, nevra, path_name, perms, user, group, vendor = line.split("; ")

        if perms[0] == "d":
            user_w = user in users and perms[2] == "w"
            group_w = group in groups and perms[5] == "w"
            others_w = perms[8] == "w"

            if user_w or group_w or others_w:
                # Stores a writeable directory with its package
                dir_package[path_name].add("{0}|{1}|{2}".format(pkg_name, nevra, vendor))
            # Stores a file directory
            dirs.add(path_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0])

    # Stores a package if its directory has files inside
    packages = set()
    for dir_path in dir_package:
        if dir_path in dirs:

    if packages:
        return DatasourceProvider(
            content=sorted(packages), relative_path="insights_commands/rpm_pkgs"

[docs] @datasource(HostContext) def rpm_v_pkg_list(broker): """ Custom datasources for ``/bin/rpm -V <package>`` commands Return a list according to the spec filters. """ filters = sorted(get_filters(Specs.rpm_V_package_list)) if filters: return filters raise SkipComponent